So I had this awesome idea to have a post that's all about you strutting your stuff. This is how it will go, leave a comment on this post about you, what you make, sell, stand for, what you like, what your kids are like, whatever, just tell me what you want us to know about you! Spam us with your shops, blogs, or websites! Then I will have a big fat link on my sidebar linking to this post so that everyone else can read about you too! I'm always the one doing all of the talking, this time I want you to talk to me! So.....what do you have to say? What is your story? Just in-case you are wondering what in the world the pictures have to do with anything....they don't, but I hate to post without a picture ya know? It hurts me. This is just a couple of shots I took the other night when my dear boy was trying his best to annoy his big sis. Yeah, my kids do that too. At least this time it didn't end with me yelling over them "Break it up!" or "Take it ...