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Personality insight?

(Not an extremely flattering picture, but I got over that years ago:)

I was thinking last night about how different every pregnancy/baby has been for me. Some babies have been very (VERY) active and aggressive in the womb (Timothy and Claire) and some have been gentle and calm. This sweet babe falls into the gentle category. I have wondered about that being insight into the coming personality. Tim and Claire have also been my most daring kids! Those two have no natural fear of anything! Molly and Maddie have both always been more cautious and calm in comparison. Then some babies like to move more at night (Molly, and this babe) and some move more in the day. That also makes sense because Molly is now my biggest night owl (like her mama!). My cravings during pregnancy have also lined up with what each child likes to eat once they are here. An example would be that when I was pregnant with Tim, for the first time in my entire life, I wanted meat! The boy LOVES meat. I wonder if it is really possible to sense what a new babe will be like by how they act in the womb? Has that been your experience? So far I'm thinking I have a laid back, night owl, who loves vegetables. I can't wait to hear some of your stories! xo, Sam


Goosegirl said…
Well I only have one baby I knew in pregnancy too, but this seems to be true for her. I craved vinegar and salt chips, pickles, olives, giardinara veggies and hot and sour soup. To this day, 20 years later, those are her favorite foods! And she would rock out when I would sing with the band on worship team. And now she is even a better singer than I am. She had hiccups all the time when I was pregnant and still, if she gers laughing, she will hae uncontrollable hiccups! Yep, same kid!
Katrina said…
I absolutely believe that you can tell the child's future personalities. Both my kiddos have personality traits and likes/dislikes that match up to how they acted while in my belly and what I ate. I'm still a week or 2 away from baby #3's movements being felt, but in my moments of preggo mommy worry, he/she has let me know it is there and alive. But so far ultrasounds are showing a very calm and sleepy baby ... a very nice change from my two active kiddos!
Leslie said…
One of the things that sticks out most to me is when I was pregnant with my second born, Ryley, I couldn't eat anything with tomatoes in it. It was so strange because I love tomatoes, but they made me so sick during my pregnancy with him. Then when he was born he had eczema, and we learned that tomatoes are one of the foods that makes eczema flare up.
Unknown said…
Oh my, Sam, I had never thought abt this until reading this. Sawyer kept me up all hours of the night and she is my night owl. I craved chocolate - Famous Amos chocolate chip pecan cookies and cocoa krispies. She has the biggest sweet tooth ever. You can motivate her to do ANYTHING for chocolate. Gibson actually was still from 11 pm to 7 am - the best sleep I ever got while pregnant. When he goes down, he's out within 5 min and up at the same time every morning. He likes a schedule :) I craved peanut butter with him and that kid does not think his day is complete without a PB&J for lunch.
deebriese said…
Your picture is flattering! You look beautiful..I know I used to worry about my daughter in the womb she never moved! My son was constantly moving. Great memories. Love the post. I have been out of the loop I just adore the hat in your previous post!
Kim said…
So true - with my first, if I leaned against a table or something, she would push against it. She would also push against my ribs - ouch! To this day, at 14, she is still just as stubborn and persistent. ;)
Im too busy being in awe of that heart just smiles and smiles to think of that baby inside there all safe and growing...and how blessed you are to have that sweet baby there...x
~cjoy said…
Aww...yes, I often felt I knew my little ones by the time they were born, and I recognized things about them and felt I 'got' who they were from the very beginning. :)
Karen said…
I think that it is funny that I disliked meat (look, smell, feel, taste) intensely when I was pregnant and all my son has ever wanted was MEAT, MEAT, and more MEAT!! In order to get veggies into him when he was little, I had to grate the veggies and mix them in ground meat or chicken! LOL He's better now. But he is 17 and eats us out of house and home!!!
Kelli-Ann said…
I think this is so true (in my experience) and I also found with my four that their labour and birth also seemed to refelct their eldest was two weeks overdue and now he is a cautious boy who takes his time over things, whereas my second child was born in a sudden whoosh and is now a daring and adventurous girl who wants to try everything right now!! :)
Xi said…
My first daughter was very quiet in the womb and was also out until they are 2 years old that does not stop there and energy is great.

Now with my second pregnancy I felt a lot more movement in my belly and I'm waiting to hear how it will be out ....

Thousand affections from Chile

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