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New triple bunks.

Ben designed new bunk beds for the "girl's dorm" and "boy's dorm" in our house. We LOVE them!! We are almost done with all of the work, just a few loose ends left to tie up, but I couldn't wait to show off his handy-work. This is the girl set. We stained them with colored stain and we really like how that turned out. It's almost the color of cranberries. I still need to paint the boards that are attached to the wall. I'm going to paint them the color of the wall so that it looks like the beds are floating. :) 
This is the boy set while still under construction. We ordered new bunk mattresses, but they haven't come in yet. I will show you guys pictures when they are completely finished. We stained these green, it looks like the color of bamboo. The kids LOVE these beds! And oh the space we have now! I'll be back soon with finished pictures! xo, Sam

If any of you make beds using these plans could you send us a picture? We would love to see your take on it! xo, Sam

Edited to add: With the increased interest in these plans there is no way that I can email them to everyone. I'm sorry! But you are more than welcome to follow the link and download them for free through our shop. When you give your name and email address a download link will automatically be emailed to you.

Edited to addWe now know the meaning of viral! Ha! That's exactly what happened to the triple bunk bed plans. When the idea came to give them away for free our thought was that a few other big families out there may like the idea and we would be able to help them out. Over the last few months being able to share the triple bunks for free has brought us many new big-family friends and that has been very exciting! We never dreamed that the idea would be this popular! Unfortunately, it has also brought a lot of spam, negative attention, and more email than we can keep up with. We recently decided that the best way to deal with this problem would be to charge a fee for the plans, a price low enough that everyone would be able to afford them, but enough to deter the spam problems. We felt almost guilty for making the decision, but with a family of five children to raise and a home based business to run something just had to be done. We are very sorry for the inconvenience, and we hope you still love us. :) Because apparently we are very offensive to some folks. ;) You can now find the plans using THIS LINK.


Melissa said…
Coolest beds ever! I can't wait till my girls are old enough fr this!
Rebecca said…
Love the guitar and flower side rails!
Dana Scott said…
These beds are GREAT!!!
These are awesome. I think I may have a project for Lovely Hubby in the near future! x Susan
Abigail said…
Those are awesome!! Wish my husband was so handy!
Beds take up so much room in kids bedrooms, when they can have all that extra room to play !!! Camp is fun, now home is like Camp...!!!
Unknown said…
Oh my I love it! I might have to steal this idea later down the road :)
Jenlyn said…
The beds are great... but... don't you only have one boy at the moment?
Anonymous said…
Oh my goodness, those are so neat! My kids would love them. He did a really good job!
KatieLarson said…
I love this! How did your husband make these? Does he have a pattern? I am a mother of 4 children, including three triplet boys and we have been trying to come up with a "design" for a DIY bunkbed, and this is fabulous! My email is Thank you so much!

I am so excited for beds like this...
Denise Brown said…
Saw this on Pinterest, and I've been looking for a great bunk bed idea! If you have specs or plans, I'd love them as well. Thanks! :)
I would love the plans or specs if you have them as well! Heavensent!!
Thanks so much!!
The Ivie's said…
Specs? Plans? Sign me up! nicholeivie at gmail dot com
Anonymous said…
Can I join the "I would love the plans too" list??
these bunks are SO PERFECT!!!!
Heather G said…
I agree! I love these! Would love the plan too! With 6 kids, space is key
Tamie said…
yes, please! I will joing the "i would like plans" list. We've got three boys in one room and #3 is almost ready ot leave the crib. This would be so much better than adding another bed!
Anonymous said…
idk if you have sent out the plans but id love some if i could get them! thanks!
lundaylove (at) yahoo (dot) com
Our Life said…
LOVE this idea!!
I'd like the plans as well if you are able to send them.
Thank you!!!!
Bobbi said…
I want to jump on the "I want plans" bandwagon as well! :o) Thanks, my email is
bethany said…
If it's possible, count me in on the bunk plans!!! This is awesome and we have 3 boys sharing a small room! My daughters room is even smaller and we have her cousin all the time. We need a bunk in there too! Thanks!!!!!!
Unknown said…
So awesome, I have 3 boys sharing, they are all in toddler beds but need to move into real beds soon. Are all three beds reg twin beds? I've love the plans too if you are sharing them!

Our Life said…
Can you please mail me the plans as well. I love this idea and need to do something like this!
Korrin said…
Love this idea. Would also love the plans if your willing to share. Thanks
Korrin said…
I love this idea. Would love the plans if you are willing to share. Thanks
Sarah said…
This looks great! My husband and I just designed some today that are similar! That whole triple off set thing. Yours is the first I've seen like what we've planned. We're starting in on them tonight.
Anonymous said…
This looks great! My husband and I just designed some today that are similar! That whole triple off set thing. Yours is the first I've seen like what we've planned. We're starting in on them
Glenda said…
Do you have plans for these beds. My hubby may need to make me some of these. If so my email is Thank you. AND YOUR HUBBY DID AN AWESOME JOB!
Melanie said…
I would love the plans for this as well if you have them. Thanks!
Emily PAlmer said…
I am in need of bed space!!! Cam you email me the materials needed and a little direction to making these beds please?
Just 4 girls said…
I am in need of bed space!!! Cam you email me the materials needed and a little direction to making these beds please?
Lila Stuhlsatz said…
I have 10 kids and space if very limited in our 5 bedroom house. Yes 4 rooms 10 kids. These would be perfect, so if you have the plans/specs I would love to get them also!
Thanks for the idea,
Anonymous said…
Love love love this I have 3 boys and this is just what I need if you would be willing to share I would love the plans as well. Thank You.
Anonymous said…
Love this I have 3 boys and this would be great for their room would love the plans if you are sharing! Thanks
Tiffany Oyen said…
This is absolutely brilliant! I have 4 girls and have trying to come up with a way to get at least 3 of them on the same wall!! If you are e-mailing specs & plans could you shoot me an e-mail
Thank you so much for sharing your idea!!!
Amy said…
I love it! We have 6 boyz in 2 bedrooms and this would make a lot more space for them! Thanks!
Anonymous said…
Seriously the coolest bed ever...I wish I could buy them for my girls. My youngest daughter wants it in her room today!
Erin said…
Love! One day I'll have a huge family and I'll make these, so cool.
Jayde said…
May I have them too please?
Mary Shaffer said…
LOVE these! I clicked on the plan link and it took me to the boys set. Is the girls set different? It looks different in the pictures and I love the set-up. Do you have the plans for these? Thank you so much!!
Brandi said…
We want to make this bed for our 3 sons.But I cant open pdf. Can you email me the plans and material list?
Brandi said…
Can you email me the plans? I cant get my computer to open pdf. thanks
lindsay said…
I would love to have the plans!! It wouldnt open for me. What a great idea! My email is thanks!
Ladydop said…
are your twin mattresses standard size? thanks!
Ladydop said…
are your twin mattresses standard size?
Unknown said…
Love these, could you mail me the plans, thank you
Pam said…
I really love the arrangement of the boys' beds in the corner, but is that top bunk really sturdy enough to take the jumping and bouncing?
Jessica said…
Wow I LOVE these! Amazing!!

May I ask... do you know how much approximately all of the materials cost? I'd love to know the total price before making a decision to build this or not. Thanks!
Anonymous said…
I LOVE YOUR BUNK BEDS! My 2 boys already have bunk beds, but the set is getting old and we will soon need to replace. What a money saver building them yourself! I am going to print your instructions and see if I can talk my hubby into building a set for our boys.
Unknown said…
can you email me the plans these are awsome!!!
Unknown said…
Can you please send me the plans...these beds are awesome!!
Anonymous said…
If you have the dimensions for these I would love to have them! Have a two bedroom house and 3 kids under 5 years old! This would be super helpful!
Anonymous said…
I have one question. How hard is it to change the sheets? I have a traditional bunk bed set up for my girls and making the bed can be a major challenge. Those top bunks look really difficult to change. How do you do it?
Bianca said…
Love the boys bed. Could you the plans, the link seems to be down.
Sean said…
Awesome boys bed. Could you email me the plans, the link seems to be down. Thanks
Maria Dragone said…
I <3 you!!! I want bunk beds for my 2 boys and can't afford them. You just made my month!
Caren said…
Does the girl on the middle bunk find it hard to get to her bed? There doesn't appear to be a real easy way up or down.
Jolene said…
Thank you so much for posting this, I found you via pinterest. We have been looking for a way to do a triple bunk for our boys!
Anonymous said…
Super awesome... Do twin mattresses fit?
Anonymous said…
Please email plans to
Unknown said…
Saw this via Pinterest!! This is an awesome idea!! I have 5 boys and only two rooms so this would be awesome!

Do you have plans for this??

If so would you email me at

Thanks so much!!!
Unknown said…
Im in the transition to move the kiddos with me after his father got station to PR due to military duty.

and I stumble upon your amazing idea! thanks for the PDF downloadable plans I will sure be happy to surprise the kiddos with this!

SUPER THANKS! From a Parent to another~!
Unknown said…
Im in the transition to move the kiddos with me after his father got station to PR due to military duty.

and I stumble upon your amazing idea! thanks for the PDF downloadable plans I will sure be happy to surprise the kiddos with this!

SUPER THANKS! From a Parent to another~!
Sydney said…
Those beds are amazing! Do you thing there is anyway to make these where they dont attach to the wall? we are in a rental home and I dont know if we would be able to attach them to the wall.
Luisa said…
what Sydney said...we are renting too but I love these and my middle daughter loved the girls set!!
Kristen said…
I love the triple bunks! I have 3 girls and 3 boys so it would work wonders if I could ever do that for their rooms!
Anonymous said…
That is amazing! Thanks so much for sharing!
Anonymous said…
This is a really good idea. We have 3 girl in one room, and that would work great!!!
Anonymous said…
I can't get to the PDF file.. :( but I really want the plans for these!!! Could you email me them?
Tammy said…
Just bought a house today!! We get to squeeze our 5 kids into two smallish bedrooms :-) Your plans look like the perfect solution for our girls' room!
Registered, got the download ID, entered it, but it just kept saying that it was incorrect... may i please have the plans emailed?
Hunny said…

JKMac7 said…
I cant access the file either...could it be emailed? Those look awesome and with 5 kids they'd sure be handy!
Anonymous said…
These are awesome! I have three girls that may be sharing one room very soon and this would still give them plenty of room to play! Thanks for posting this!
HeatherLee said…
Genius! We may have to put three in a bedroom at some point.
Rachel R. said…
Can someone post the pinterest link please?! Thanks. I could sure use this in the future cause I plan to have a lot of kids and probably will never have a large house... Lol
Could you email it to me at

autumn said…
I would love these! please add me to the list.
Kristy said…
Can you post final dimensions of the beds? I would love to use these plans but not sure if it will fit in the room I'm thinking of.

Anonymous said…
I would love to have the plans for this bunk bed set. Could you please email me the link for the plans.

Shannon Smith
Colina said…
We are a family of nine, seven children with three rooms. The boys cannot wait to help dad build this. Please email plans to
Thank you, in advance!
Mindie Fish said…
what would you say is the total cost for this project? great idea, your site is great!
Allison Green said…
Love the beds, can you please send me a copy of the plans! I have two boys that share a SMALL room and these would help so much!!! Thanks for the great site!!!
Anonymous said…
We could really use these plans, now that I am starting to get my strength back from the chemo... If you do not minde, would you please email them to me at
Anonymous said…
This is Great just got the plans through the site can't wait to get started!!! THANKS!
Anonymous said…
I am absolutely slain by how many people are OBVIOUSLY not reading through the post and asking you to email them.

I will be bookmarking this and ORDERING THE FREE PLANS through your site when the kids are not demanding my attention.

It's perfect for my three boys. Maybe they can help Dad!! Thank you for sharing.
Unknown said…
My hubby and I are going to build the bunk for a girls' room but instead of 3 beds we're going to build a wardrobe on the very bottom. WONDERFUL, HELPFUL IDEA!!! love it!
Mike Derrickson said…
These are great but what size of mattress do they fit?
Samantha Caffee said…
Mike, it's just a standard twin mattress. :)
Sabrina said…
Very cool. Love it. Great for small houses too.
Donna said…
Hubby, kids, and I made these beds today for the girls' room. It cost about $200, and took just one day. They are perfect, and super EASY!! We built the corner version, but when we do the boys' room, we're going to combine the patterns, and have 2 middle bunks. We only have 4 boys in that room now, so it will be perfect. Thank you so much for this wonderful pattern. :-) My boys can't wait until we do theirs!
Paula said…
We made something similar for our three boys. Just have to be careful that the child on top is facing correctly so that when sick he's not surprising the child in the middle (perpendicular). It happened more than once with us! NOT FUN!
. said…
Roughly how much did you spend to make one set of the triple bunks? Thanks!
Unknown said…
I priced it at the Home Depot site and it came out to $162.00
I am going to build one for my three girls next week.
Anonymous said…
totally love it, send me the plans please i think hubby have a project to do hehehehehe
Jamie said…
We have three girls in one room and would love to get the plans for the pink bunk bed. My email is
Samantha Caffee said…
I'm so sorry, with raising a growing family and the increase in interest and email about these bed plans I absolutely can not email them separately to everyone. You may however download them for FREE in our shop and they will be emailed to you instantly. Thank you! Here is the link :)
Unknown said…
my husband built these for our 3 girls in Oct. We absolutely love them!! I am so glad I found this post! They love them too and they are so sturdy.
Simo said…
Wow! My dream bed! Great! :)
Anonymous said…
These are much nicer than the ones I was considering building. Thanks so much for sharing.
Anonymous said…
Can you please email me the plan at
Sindlou8457 said…
really like this idea for grandkids. can you please email instructions and pattern to me at Thank you again.
Anonymous said…
I have 3 girls also and I love the beds its prefect for their room. Can u please send me the plans for the beds. Thanks. Can u email me
Anonymous said…
Hello, Can you please send me the plans for the boys set. My kiddos can't wait to start building these!!
Tina said…
For the boy's bunk, how far apart vertically are the bunks? Have you found that the spacing works well? Does everyone have enough space, I mean?
These beds are so cute. These would be one of the coolest kid’s beds I have seen. I am certain that your little ones are so excited about these. You certainly have some great ideas and thank you for sharing. This is such an inspiration!
How can you "pin" the picture of the girls' bunk beds? They're awesome!
Unknown said…
Can u email me the plans for the girls bed?
Willow said…
These are awesome! Are these regular twin beds. They look a bit shorter to me. We've been contemplating this for a while! Thanks for the plans!
Anonymous said…
These beds are awesome. Just what I need for my 3 girls. Could you please email my the plans.

Thank you!
Anonymous said…
I love these. My girls are begging to share a room, but the room they would share seems to small for three seperate beds. We were concerned they would fight over who got to sleep on the bunkbed, but this is the perfect solution. I would LOVE to have the plans if you are giving them out.
Rachel said…
Just found your post via "viral" pinterest. :) Sorry people are giving you a hard time. So sad that people think that hiding behind a computer screen gives them the excuse to be nasty. I may be back to your shop sometime in the future. We are expecting babies 4&5 and are going to end up with 2 lads and 3 little ladies in our home. I've been thinking triple bunks might be a good idea once we get all the girls in the same room. :) Thanks for a great post!
Unknown said…
Anonymous said…
LOVE THIS!!! So pumped that I found this! You guys are geniuses! I will definitely be getting my hubs to check this out and create a version for us!!
Thanks so much for sharing!
MomO said…
I love this idea and would like to look at the plans. Please.
Anonymous said…
I would like the plans for my daughter & grandaughter too - please ;0)- my email is
sheila said…
How can I get the triple bunk beds plains.
Deirdre Mundy said…
These just made the rounds on my homeschool list, and they look Awesome! They're basically the answer to a prayer! Thank you so much! We may need try them if baby #6 is a girl!
Janssen said…

I'm doing a round-up of shared children's rooms on Disney Baby and wondered if I could include yours. I'd use one photo and link back to your site with credit. Let me know if that's okay.

Anonymous said…
I would love these beds for my 3 Granddaughters. My email is I have a small room for them and this would be perfect!!
Unknown said…
I was wondering if you could give me a rough estimate on how much it costs to build these bunks? I'm looking at the pink one for my girls. I have 4 girls and 3 boys. Thank you! :)
Anonymous said…
i would love the plans for these please email me at thank you they are awesome
Anonymous said…
I don't find a link for the plans to purchase. I have 6 granddaughters and these would be perfect. Ingenious idea!! Please let me know at Thank you!!
Anonymous said…
please send me the plans:) thanks
Anonymous said…
I just have to say raising 3 boys in 1 room I always knew there had to be a way to make a triple bunk bed. Thank you for proving my point!
Anonymous said…
Hi I love these beds would b perfect for my step sons. If plans still available would love a copy my e-mail address is
Unknown said…
Anonymous said…
Just do it its 2x4 and 2x6s for framing 2x2 for the inside frame for the 3/4 plywood for the bed havve fun with your own desg n
Anonymous said…
can i get the plans to make the girls
Anonymous said…
Please email plans. I'd love to make this!

Anonymous said…
I have 3 boys and 2 girls and would love these plans. My email is
Thank you so much!
Anonymous said…
Please email these plans to
I love this!!
Anonymous said…
I would love the plans if at all possible? Send to my email if available Thanks!
Unknown said…
Hi! I'm from Brazil and have 3 kids!! It's fantastic what you made!! Could you send me the plans? my email Thank you and congrats!!
Anonymous said…
Could I please get a copy of the plans for the boys 3 bunks? Thanks!
Unknown said…
We downloaded the plans from your link - so easy! We are really excited about building BOTH versions, with 4 beds each, so it's neat that everything was so easy to understand... we are doing a boy's dorm and girl's dorm for our 3 boys and 3 girls, along with one extra in each room for any littles who might be on the way, lol. Thanks for sharing with all of us!
Anonymous said…
Great beds! Would love the plans. Thanks lisamckibben859@gmail,com
AnnKMc said…
I love these! I especially like the stains. Thank you for sharing!
AnnKMc said…
Love these! I especially like the stains!
Thank you for sharing. Hope I haven't done this a dozen times. I can't tell if I have done the codes right. Sorry!
Kara Giudice said…
Do you know what the weight limit is? My fear is always that it won't hold the kids as they get older.
Alice Z. said…
I am a single mom with 7 children still at home. We live in a 3 bedroom small house. These would be great to have, but with so many children I do not have enough money to even purchase the plans. I can get scrap wood, but wish that you did not have to charge for the plans. I have 5 girls and 2 boys, all range in age from 4 1/2 up to 17. This would have been perfect
jo said…
Hello I am from Greece! Congrats...I'd like the plans as well if you are able to send them.
Thank you!
Mommy Charland said…
We are getting ready to start foster care and would love to build these awesome beds in their rooms, I saw your update where it says to go to your shop to find them, and im still looking but im not having any luck. If you could email me that would be awesome.
Mommy Charland said…
Don't see that my comment went through if some im so sorry it went through twice. We are starting foster care and this would be great for their room, my husband and I would love to build these. I did see your update where it says we could find your plans in your shop. but I am unable to find them. If you could direct me that way that would be great or if you could send me the plans via email. Thank you so much my email is
Anonymous said…
my friends has a lot of kids and she has been looking for something like this could u send me the plans for these than to thanks
I have three boys it will be perfect for them could you spare me the money as I dont have a job at present. I hope to get scrap wood plenty thanks
Caroline Metzinger said…
Oh my goodness. Don't feel guilty about asking for a price. Holy smokes, these are great. We have 6 kids, 5 girls and 1 boy (poor kid but at least he's the oldest, 13 nest week). I saw a post about a year ago that had joined bunks that would sleep seven, contacted the builder and he refused to ship or to sell us a plan (we would have paid good money too!) thank you for sharing this and I have no issue paying you for the plan. Bless you and your family girl and your hubs is quite the handy man!
deejay clay said…
Haveing a bit of a debate over how to arrange our kids bedroom my 2 girls from a previous relationship stay every other weekend and my partner doesnt waant 3 beds taking up the whole room for 1 nite out of 14 but this could be a solution to the problem. I love them amd think she will go for it. Can somebody email me the plans please. Pretty desperate. thank you :)
Kristin D said…
Amazing beds! I have thought of this idea years ago. We are a large blended family of 14. Thank heavens there is only 8 in our home right now and we are only in need of 2 sets of triple bunks! We don't need the plans as my hubby is in construction and can make them from just seeing them, BUT I wanted to say thank you! Thank you for making the bunks because NOW my hubby is willing to do it!
Allie said…
Coolest idea ever! Congratulations on the popularity of your design, it's well-deserved. Hope it's a blessing to you as it will be to my family in the future!
stephanie said…

love these beds! Can I get the plans? please
Anonymous said…
Would like to surprise my kids, would you be kind to send me plans
daran said…
These would be perfect for our small ski apt for our three kids.

Could you mail me the plans please to

Please send me the plans.
I feel like I purchased before but can't find them now ;(

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