(Not an extremely flattering picture, but I got over that years ago:)
I was thinking last night about how different every pregnancy/baby has been for me. Some babies have been very (VERY) active and aggressive in the womb (Timothy and Claire) and some have been gentle and calm. This sweet babe falls into the gentle category. I have wondered about that being insight into the coming personality. Tim and Claire have also been my most daring kids! Those two have no natural fear of anything! Molly and Maddie have both always been more cautious and calm in comparison. Then some babies like to move more at night (Molly, and this babe) and some move more in the day. That also makes sense because Molly is now my biggest night owl (like her mama!). My cravings during pregnancy have also lined up with what each child likes to eat once they are here. An example would be that when I was pregnant with Tim, for the first time in my entire life, I wanted meat! The boy LOVES meat. I wonder if it is really possible to sense what a new babe will be like by how they act in the womb? Has that been your experience? So far I'm thinking I have a laid back, night owl, who loves vegetables. I can't wait to hear some of your stories! xo, Sam
Now with my second pregnancy I felt a lot more movement in my belly and I'm waiting to hear how it will be out ....
Thousand affections from Chile