‎Tuesday and Wednesday were a little busy around here. That night I wrote "10 boys, 48 canned cokes, 5 pizzas, 30 hot dogs, 4 packs of chips ahoy cookies, watchin' Wipe-out....this is good stuff!!!" Tim had a man night with all of his little friends and Claire and I were the only girls allowed. This was Ben's system for keeping up with who's drink was who's. I thought it was smart, and hilarious! I also wrote that night "My living room resembles a kicked ant bed, smells like a locker room, and sounds like a boy scout camp-out. These ten boys are rockin' my face off!" Boy did we have fun! Bedtime was at 3 AM and they were all up by 8 AM. Ben took them swimming in the creek, they scooted, skated, and rode things with wheels down "the big hill going to the chicken pen". My little man was so happy to be in "boy world" for a couple of days, but when I asked him "Do you miss your girls?" He said "...