Here's my little secret, my newest pattern. I still have some work to do but I am loving the design of this sweet little dress. It has a "Dick and Jane" feel to it, but with a modern twist. I have had a lot of fun with this pattern so far. I'm not sure about sizing yet, I thought about having 6 months up to a size 10, but I am wondering if 10 is too big.... Would people want this dress in a size 10? I know there is a serious lack of "big girl patterns" out there, but I'm not sure if a 10 yr old would wear this style. While I work out these little details I will keep you all updated. If you have any suggestions now is the time to speak up! I hope you all like this one!
(its been a long time since you last posted I've missed you)
Oh, and also.... I have been thinking about starting a blog called
"The Handmade Gift" But I wanted to get permission from you first because it sounds so much like your blog. I'll understand if you say no.
Oh and could I use one of your pictures? I want sort of put some frame on them.(I know I'm sounding greedy right now) But I promise to show you them once I'm finished.
Melinda Gates
AngelaSIA from Delphi. :)
I think that having a selection of sizes is a great idea as there are so many little girls that would love that dress at 10 years of age and it certainly isnt something you could buy in a shop :)
Hello! I wish I could reply to comments on blogger! When will they catch up with all the other blog services?? You asked if I minded you naming your blog the handmade gift. That sounds great to me, I don't see why it would bother me ;) And which picture did you want permission to use? Just let me know and I will give you an answer :) You can email me at
Let me know when you have your blog up and running! I would love to come over for a visit.
And no, size 10 is not too big.
And yes, I think you should include the larger sizes. Heck, I'd make one for me if I could.