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They say it's my birthday....

...So I'm taking full advantage of it! NO SCHOOL TODAY, we will be going to the candy store (AKA the gas station) for some chocolate and a Diet Sunkist (and maybe some of that white cheddar popcorn too), then there will be lots of laying around, watching movies, reading books and drawing.

I'm kind-of on a drawing kick again, except this time it's not coming so easy. I am way better at more life-like charcoal drawings and this time I'm in a whole other world! I have been trying my hand at digital drawing with my computer in photoshop, it's fun....but I'm not very good at it. I feel so dumb! I went to two different book stores last night trying to find a book on digital drawing and I only found one, and that one was so far over my head I didn't even get it. I have never been great at tech stuff -or drawing for that matter- and I feel like there is so much that I don't know. If any of you have any recommendations for books, websites, blogs, anything, please drop me a line. I need one of those Dummies books but I don't think they have one, I will look into that. Besides my trouble with understanding the computer end of this new adventure I am having a hard time simplifying my drawings into more cartoonish characters. Maybe I shouldn't say cartoonish, but you know, like the drawings from the "Dick and Jane" books. I think that is the look I'm going for but I'm so ignorant on this subject that I don't even know what to call it! LOL!The drawings above are of my girls in their Miss Madeline dresses. I scratched these out last night when I got home from the book store. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed right now with the amount of things I need to learn but excited at the same time! I know I will never be great at this but I love learning new things!


I hope everyone has a "Very Merry Unbirthday" on my Birthday!




Jaime said…
Happy Birthday to you! I think those drawings look pretty good. I have no idea how you can even do that stuff, but it does look like it could be fun. Are you thinking of putting them on your patterns, that would look good.
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday! And what do you mean, I think your drawings look great! And they'll only get better as you practice (says the lady whose drawing program has sat unused for far too long because she got discouraged).
Joy said…
Happiest of Birthdays, dearest Samantha. I've been away from the computer on vacation, so hopefully these wishes are not too late! :D

Hey, your photoshop looks a lot better than my photoshop work, tee hee hee. ;D Have a great day!
Unknown said…
Happy Birthday! ENJOY THE DAY!

And your drawings, you are being your biggest critic because I think they are great. I especially love the detail of your daughters ponytail.
Unknown said…
Happy Birthday!

I think those drawings look soon as they were scrolling down the screen I thought wow! what is this?! I love them...

Rose and Ivy said…
They do look good-- I didn't even know that digital drawing existed!!!!
muralimanohar said…
Hapy Birthday! :D Sorry, no help in the digital drawing dept..I bought myself a Wacom, and then it sat totally unused, because I had such a hard time working it, and it messed up my computer, and then I have a hideous time reading and understanding written instructions, lol. I need someone to SHOW me how. :p
muralimanohar said…
Whoops, sorry, and I meant to say, I really love the yellow one! A really great job! :D
Barbara said…
Happy Birthday from one Libran to another. Your drawings are amazing by the way! Bx
tara said…
"Its your birthday, make a mess. Its your birthday, wear a dress"-Back to the Barnyard.
Happy Birthday!!
Dawn said…
Happy birthday Samantha! Hope you have a wonderful day today!
SHEILA said…
Happy Birthday dear Samantha! (mine was last week!)
I like the drawings. Maddie's face looks older than she really is, but other than that, they are amazing for your first try. I don't know anything about drawing on the computer, but I know you will figure it out.
Molly said…
Oh, brother, girl...if those drawings aren't very good then I can't wait to see the "good" ones! Wow, you will be able to design your own pattern envelopes with that new ability! Cool! Have fun with it. Hope you're having a great birthday...enjoying your family, your chocolate, and your diet Sunkist! ;)
tracy hanson said…
Happy Birthday to you! I have been creating your Sweet dresses. What a great simple pattern. I have added you to my Blog also!

Blessings to you Birthday Girl

Nell said…
I hope you've had a wonderful day! Happy Birthday to you!

est said…
happy birthday to you!!!
Megan said…
Happy birthday! You are too hard on yourself because your pictures look great. Faces are hard with any medium.
Did you consult the google for sites?

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