Timothy has a treasure box that he keeps his most prized possessions in. He keeps it hidden in the stair well that leads up to the attic - in boy world that's prime property! I love that he is always collecting little things to keep in his treasure box, but I am always surprised that it's not what most people would think a four year old's treasure would be. Not one "treasure" is something that you could buy at the store, it's bits and pieces of his favorite places. A turtle shell from the castle, "bear" teeth from the cow pasture by the church, a "gold" coin, a rock from Uncle Andrew (he's only 9 yrs old), a "gold" lapel pin, an "Indian rock that goes to a map", and a few other odds and ends. It's a wonderful insight into my little man. I see what really matters to him and the things he wants to remember, every little treasure has a story. So here is our little video of me and my boy talking about his treasure, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!