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Giveaway! The Kitchen Sink Bag!

I am so excited about this bag pattern! It's so fast and easy and I'm thinking it will be my new go-to gift for brides, mamas, or birthdays! It has a wire rim around the top (which can be made from recycled clothes hangers), nice rounded edges, the main bag is only three pieces so its super quick, and best of all they are sized so that two mini bags can fit perfectly in front of one big bag so it makes organizing easy!  

The official description goes like this:
This wire rimmed bag can help you organize the trunk of your car, a closet, cloth diapers, a bookshelf, or a toy area. It can go to the beach, the library the grocery store or camping, and when you don’t need it anymore, it will collapse nice and flat out of the way. The Kitchen Sink Bag can hold your knitting, sewing projects, coupons, or a picnic lunch; it’s also a go-to gift for new moms, brides, or bridal parties! Monogram it, appliqué it, add funky fabrics or a few extra pockets, have fun and stay organized! Your new bag is guaranteed to hold everything but the kitchen sink!

 The pattern has been finished and sent off to testers so I hope to have it in the shop by early next week, but today I'm going to give you all a chance to win a copy!! Just leave a comment on this post and tell me what you would like to use this bag for. For every 20 comments I will pick 1 winner so that's a 1/20 chance of winning the pattern!! I will announce the winners on Saturday morning. Good luck!! xo, Sam


Danielle said…
I LOVE this!!!! I want one!! :)
Karlene said…
I would love to use this to hold library books at the house so they don't get lost! :)
RSmith said…
Possibilities are endless! I'd start with one in the back of the car.
Jennifer said…
Love this pattern! Its so cute and very practical.
Ginny Carter said…
I would love to win a pattern. I have been trying to figure out a neat carry-all to keep my coupon notebook and my "jotting-down-ideas-book" for my Beloveds writing. Then there is my Bibles that I need to corral in one group--well, I could just go on and on and on for things I could use them for instead of the plastic totes that are so ugly. This in addition to the endless uses as gifts to people. Okay, I know this is too long. Maybe I need one to store my too many words. hehe
cupcake mama said…
So cute! This pattern looks way cuter than some of the "commercial" totes of this type I have seen out there. I would love to make one with Amy Butler fabric!
mmjohnson555 at gmail dot com
GFC:mechele johnson
Sarah said…
I can see several of these around our house to corral random toys that my girls need to take back to their room. Definitely one in the car to hold all the "kid things" in the backseat. I think this would make a great teacher gift too! So many uses.
Deidre said…
What a fantastic pattern. Trunk organizer, toy organizer, books, Legos, hair bows, sewing projects.
Anonymous said…
What a great idea. I would use it as a gift for new moms and fill it with the necessities for a new baby. It would also be great to keep my crochet projects organized.
Rhetta said…
How cute! I would make one to transport my monthly brunch supplies in it for my Bible study group. Thanks for the giveaway. :)
Mélanie said…
Hi Samantha! It's actually my first comment on your blog, but I've been reading it for quite a while. You're such an inspiration! I'm a passionate knitter and a beginning seamstress, so these bags would be perfect to hold all of my crafts :)
Debbie B said…
Let's see...I could use one to store all the patterns that won't fit into my file cabinet, we have a new grandbaby on the way and our daughter could store diapers & wipes, etc. in one, and our 4 yr old granddaughter always needs more storage for toys! That's at least 3 plus I think I would prefer one on some snazzy fabric to put in the Jeep instead of the "storebought " ones I have now. We have started using totes to pack our clothes in for car trips. They work just fine!
Eileen said…
Hmmm...where would I not use it?! My sewing room, my closet, my girls' closets and to make for gifts also. Love this one!!
Abigail said…
Love it. This would be perfect to transport all my stuff to embroidery class.
Unknown said…
I would make one to use at the changing table for my new baby on the way. I'd also make one for my girls to hold hairbows and accessories. I think it would make a wonderful craft organizer as well...and my boys would love a boy version for their Legos. The list goes on and on and on!
auntie said…
I think that I would definitely use that to keep track of all the different size diapers that this grandma has. With three grand kids and one more on the way there a many different sizes of diapers, swim diapers, diaper covers etc floating around here.
Tricia said…
I would use it for a car organizer!
Marcy said…
What wouldn't I use it for? It would be great for shopping, camping, knitting, church picnics, stuff for the grandkids, etc. It would be cute to use as a gift basket, too! Can I please have one?
Brenda said…
I would love to use it to organize our library books.
Kelly said…
Endless possibilities! I like the idea of a car organizer. It would work well around the house for all kinds of things around the house.
Gloria Boswell said…
LOVE IT!! I like how bright it is.
quilty stitches said…
Ideas are endless with this bag!! The van, the rv, the sewing room,the bathroom...just thinking about it seems to organize my place.. Thanks for the chance to win!!
Mama Lusco said…
Looks like a great go-to bag! Thanks :) mamalusco at ortelco dot net
Unknown said…
I would love to have this pattern. It would be so amazing for picnics, weddings (lots of stuff to carry around), and event planning. Also, trips to the beach would be so much easier with one big carry-all!
Ashleigh Davis said…
Definitely to organize the kids toy shelf, then the laundry room, then one for the car, and a few for the garage... This seems like the perfect tool for many of my OCD summer projects.
Kristin said…
I wish I had time to test it, but with #3 due in 2 weeks, I didn't want to offer and not be able to! I'm glad you're doing a giveaway though. It would be a great pattern to have! :) Thanks.
Laurel said…
i think this would live on the floor of my car, in front of the seat the baby sits on... to hold the baby carrier, the umbrella, the box of tissues, the flotsam and jetsam of our life....
Anonymous said…
Definitely be a Trunk Organizer, a Yarn Organizer, beside my Recliner, where I crochet in the Evenings!!! I would make some for my Newlywed Son and Daughter=in=Law, for their Doggies, and Daughter for a Music Tote for Instruments, Recorders, and her Piccolo.
Carol G
Anonymous said…
I need something like this for my cute!!!!!
Tami said…
I have wanted to buy a bag like this, with a wire rim. Glad you created a pattern, so I can make something more unique.
Carolyn said…
I would use this for the beach!
Goosegirl said…
I love this bag! It looks like a good one for Ahnalin to carry all her doll stuff in, as well as perfect for picnics.
Amy said…
I would definitely have one in the car and one for my knitting!
karen g said…
so very cute! I love it!
Armywife said…
For the car and when traveling. That is a super cute pattern.
Stacy said…
I'd use it for a pool bag for toys, snacks, towels, goggles, etc. And one for the van and for gifts.
Libby said…
i would use it for quilting projects!
Sugar Pie said…
I would definitely have 2 for the car (11 kids)(1 for shoes & 1 for spare nappies & clothes),Then I would make 1 for each of my children, 1 for my new daughter inlaw & 1 each for the 2 nearly daughter inlaws in fabrics that suited a theme for each person & start filling with goodies for Christmas, it would cut down on wrapping too. thanks for your generosity.xx
Anonymous said…
I would use it in my van to hold all the things that need to live in there. And make another one to use to carry groceries in from the car or my garage sale finds. :)
Lucy B said…
Wow!!! I love this pattern! I really need to organize under my kitchen sink and was really wanting to avoid anything plastic so this pattern would be perfect. However, I can see it could be used in so many areas of our home. No doubt one will end up as a wee carry cot for my little girl's babies. Love your blog by the way. Have been a silent reader for a few years now (all the way from New Zealand)It's about time I say thanks. I love ALL your patterns by the way too!
Kristin said…
We have enough library books to take over our living room...this would be great!
Unknown said…
Ooohhh I need this one. I would organize a certain tiny tot's play room and my sewing/craft room.
Love it! I would use it for crocheting, mending, books, church bag. You name it!
Anonymous said…
Love this bag!!! It would go camping and to the lake! My daughters doll stuff! The sons Legos!!
kristine said…
I can think of lots of things I would use this bag for! We do have diapers and toys to organize, but the car trunk could use one too...
Chas said…
This bag is great! I would love to win one so I could do some organizing in our boys room as well as our girls room. I think it would be nice to keep car items in also! SO many ideas!
Alexandra said…
Such a cute bag pattern! I have some bright floral fabrics in my stash that would be perfect for this!
I would use it to hold whatever knitting/crocheting project i'm working on :)
Thanks for the giveaway..
Anonymous said…
Oh, Sam! This is adorable! Love the yellow one with blue polka dots!
I would organize fabric in mine. I am in bad need of some organization!
Thanks for the giveaway! :)
juli said…
I think it would be great between the two front seats of our giant van to hold all the car stuff.
April said…
I would love to stash fabric in this great
April said…
wonderful bag!
Anonymous said…
Endless options I need 100 of them :) lol.
Renata said…
Oh there are so many options ~ I'm loving the idea of in the car.... Great giveaway!!!
Renata said…
Oh there are so many options ~ I'm loving the idea of in the car.... Great giveaway!!!
Unknown said…
Hi Sam, been reading your blog for a while. I am a keen sewer myself. Your new bag looks perfect for all women. Moms or not. We can all do with a bit of organisation. Love following your travels and creations. Very jealous at times. America has soooo much exploring available. We are limited here in South Africa. At 40 I have prity much seen all of it. Would love to win your bag pattern.
All the best Kira
Emily said…
I'd love to win this pattern. And let's be honest, if I don't win I'm just gonna buy it anyway. So it'll be mine soon! I'd like one to put diapers in to keep them organized. I am soon to have 3 in 3 yrs! Also I'll make one to keep my knitting organized. Oh! And one for our school books...sounds like I need a lot!

Jill said…
So cute! The car, closets, sewing supplies, craft projects, games.... So many ideas!
You are awesome!
Anonymous said…
Wow! This bag is just begging to be a car caddy on a trip. It has a place for everything if you use the mini bags. In my car caddy I would keep a a few first aid items. a pair of scissors, a small tube of hand lotion and sun screen. some napkins and wet wipes. And of course you can't forget the moon pies and crackers. It would even hold a couple of bottles of water! Great job Sam! Of course I don't sew but my sister and my best friend do! Love to you and all your family .Pegi Gilmore
Unknown said…
I would love to leave this in the car to organize toys, books, and snacks for my kids :) maybe I wouldn't even need to carry around a diaper bag anymore!
Tara said…
I would use this bag to go from room to room and pick up toys my toddler scatters everywhere! And the smaller size to organize books and toys in the car.
i think i would make one for every room the kids are in so we can clean up clutter in every room every night.
Anonymous said…
I love this bag! It would be perfect for organizing my house this summer.

==Tammy B.
Anonymous said…
I like the part about it being so easy to make. I will make it for Christmas presents.
Heather Tull said…
I would love to use this bag for cloth diapers. We have another little one on the way and it's nice to be able to have the diapers wherever we are camped out for the day. And if it's really easy to make, would be perfect for gifting!
Tiffanyann714 said…
That is an awesome bag. So creative!
Kerry said…
I would use this for my classroom. I teach toddlers, and I have a whole bag of circle time stuff I carry around.
starly said…
I would use one for all the stuff I need in the mornings to get my daughter ready for preschool. One for current sewing projects. EEP, Lots of things!
Mareike said…
Absolutely love this bag! This will be great for my girls to hold their baby doll accessories. One mini bag for each and then store it in the big one under the doll bed. Can't wait to purchase this pattern!
Tianas Treasures said…
Oh....there is so much I could do with this bag.......hmmmm.....from diapers to extra clothes to beach items, to toys....& so much more....thanks for the chance.
Carla G said…
Very cool bag!! I would like to use one to organize the back of my vehicle and one to organize my cross-stitch and yarn and craft supplies by my chair in the living room. Thanks for a chance to win! :)
Kaci said…
Love this! We always have multiple bags of baby gear when we leave the house!
Anonymous said…
I would use it to take food to events. I love having pretty bags to hold all the goodies I have brought. Makes it fun to walk in with all my stuff!
Keli M
Brittany Cazier said…
With a new baby almost here and two little ones, I can think of so many ways to use this! Summertime fun at the beach or picnics would be easier with one of those bags! Life the design!
Unknown said…
What a fabulous bag. I would love to make one to store my daughters medical supplies it.
Glowing said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Glowing said…
Id love to make this for so many things, i think i would start with for storing my daughters toys and books.
Unknown said…
Love it!! I would have several around the house! From kitchen counter to gather kids papers to bathroom for soaps and hand towels.
Laura said…
I would love this bag!
Brooke claveloux said…
Love it! I'd love to win!
Leha said…
This would be amazing to use for baby gifts.
Anonymous said…
LOVE LOVE LOVE this!!!! It looks like a must have for baby shower gifts. And I live at the beach so I see a cute beach bag in my future!!!
Unknown said…
Awe man i signed in under anonymous!! Dang phone. Anyway I'm Allie Hooker :))
Unknown said…
This would make wonderful baby gifts and a awesome car organizer!!!! LOVE it!!
sewjazzy59 said…
I want this bag soooo bad! My daughter is expecting her first baby in August and this will be perfect for her. I love it!

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