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Our Christmas Miracle!!!


After almost three years of wondering if we would ever really make it this far......Praise God it's HERE!!!! We could be weeks away from meeting our new child (or children)!!! Weeks, not YEARS!
Talk about a Christmas miracle! As we celebrate the Greatest Adoption Story ever told this season, my family will also be celebrating this amazing breakthrough in our own adoption story. Friends there have been times over the last three years that I felt like we would never make it here. We had so many dreams shattered along the way that it seemed like an impossible task. BUT HE IS FAITHFUL!!!! There are absolutely NO WORDS to describe the way I feel right now! I've cried, I've laughed, I've called, I've texted, I've jumped, I've danced and I've said how I can't believe it at least two thousand times! We MADE IT!!!!! Very soon I will get to meet the person that has the missing pieces of my heart, I will get to hear their voice, get to know their heart, learn what their favorite meal is, know what makes them feel better when they are sick or hurt, I get to finally be their mama. Timothy will finally know what its like to have a brother!!! We get to be a WHOLE family!!!'s nice to be here. Thank you so much for sharing this journey with us friends. I'm honored and blessed beyond measure to have so many sweet friends that care about my family! MERRY CHRISTMAS FRIENDS!!!!!!!! xo, Sam


Bethany said…
That gave me chill bumbs!! I know you're excited! Congrats! I'll be prayin' for ya :)
Candice said…
Oh, I am more than thrilled for you and yours and this blessed news!! Definitely a true Christmas miracle! As one who has walked the journey of adoption, even though the last three years have seems insurmountable at times, they will be looked on as part of an incredible voyage that made your family complete! The hard times become part of the amazing gift!! I look forward to hearing each wonderful word!
Eileen said…
What a wonderful post to read!! I have a friend who has been down this path and I know how excited you are. The plan unfolds the way He means it to:)
LadySnow said…
Praise the Lord. What wonderful news!
Jean said…
Oh my goodness how wonderful! Yay!!
Bless by Tone said…
I'm so so happy for you guys - a friend of mine here in Norway is experiencing the very same thing, picking up her little girls from S. Korea today - after waiting for so long! God is truly faithful
Cassie Louise said…
soooo happy and praising God that He miraculously works things out, especially at this time of year. I just see Him smiling up in heaven at the joy you're feeling as He reveals how He's handmaking your family. So joyous and blessed!
Kristin said…
I'm so happy for you. :) Praying that God sends a little one soon!
mandi said…
Woo-hoo! Still waiting for this news for our own family- but completely rejoicing with yours!!!
Anonymous said…
Congratulations!! I'm happy for you and your loved ones!
Debbie said…
Praising the Lord with you all. I've been praying for the children since you first told me about your adoption journey. The Lord knows exactly who is coming home and when. Wait on Him. Having walked the journey, waiting seems impossible, but His perfect choice(s) for your family makes the waiting time seem like a blink.
Have a very Merry Christmas!
jen said…
I so happy for y'all!! Such a long wait, but now you are so close. So close!! What a wonderful gift.
Kathryn said…
What wonderful news. We have only a few more days to wait with Mary for God's great gift to the world. Hopefully your wait will be short as well.
Abigail said…
Hi Sam,
I've only just read your exciting news. What a lucky little boy to be adopted into the Caffee family!
With best wishes for the coming year,
Kristin said…
Congrats and best wishes!
Rachel said…
Congratulations! I hope the rest of the process goes quickly for you.
Leslie said…
Hi, Sam, I was just wondering if you've heard anything yet. You've been on my mind a lot lately, and I'm praying you get to bring your child(ren) home soon. :)

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