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Read any good books lately?

I am a member of (not quite sure if I would recommend them, I'll get into that later) and I get audio books to listen to while I sew or work on projects. I have a credit that will go bad if I don't use it by tomorrow, but I have NO IDEA what to get! I love reading/ listening to Grace Livingston Hill books, Lucy M. Montgomery, and my favorite book of all time is Silas Marner. Those are all old (free in the public domain) and I'm looking for similar books that are newish. Got any ideas?

My mini review of
~They have good customer service.
~They have very good quality audio books.
~They DO NOT have ratings on their books. This is probably the biggest drawback for me. I got a book once that sounded like a sweet little Grace Livingston Hill or Jane Austen (Christian) love story, and I found out I was wrong....very the first 10 minutes. Not cool. That's why I only go off of recommendations now. I wish that I could just shop around by ratings like I do for movies.
~If you don't use your credits in their time frame you lose them. I don't like losing something that I have paid for. That's not cool either.

I plan to start on my slipcover tomorrow when I get home from taking all of the kids to the dentist (fun fun). I hope to have a good book downloaded by the time I start! It will probably take me a few days to get it done, but when I am done I will try to answer a few of the slipcover questions that you guys have been asking. I'll answer them better when the project is fresh on my mind. :) xo, Sam


Samantha said…
If you are looking for Christian novels, I like Dee Henderson. Her books have contemporary settings, not the historical setting you would get from Montgomery or Austen, though. Have you read Jan Karon's Mitford books? I love them too, although practically everyone has read them. Beverly Lewis's Amish books are pretty good too. One thing you could do is to go to a site like and look to see what fiction they have and read reviews there.
Eileen said…
One of my new faves is "As Always, Julia". It is a collection of letters between Julia Child and Avis DeVoto, the woman who helped her get her cookbook published. Such a fascinating life she led!! I felt like I knew her after reading her book. I didn't want it to end!
Kathy said…
Definately try Elizabeth Gaskell! Her books are awesome.
Mica said…
You can get reviews on It is a pretty neat website. I recently read My Names is Mary Sutter. It is set during the Civil War and the main character is a woman trying to become a doctor. It was very good!
Jean said…
I wonder if you would like Elizabeth Goudge? I love her.

I read a lot of non-fiction and just finished The Rational Optimist, which I thought was very interesting. I'm making my husband listen to the Audible version.
Cindy said…
I love Elizabeth Gaskell's movies....I bet the books would be great too. My favorite movie of hers is "Wives and Daughters." You can get it on Netflix. Beverly Lewis books are great too....especially if you enjoy learning about the Amish community. My favorite was the "Shunning" series.
Ashley said…
I'm a fan of audio books too. Last summer I really enjoyed listening to the "Sarah Plain & Tall" series by Patricia Machlachlan. Sweet stories, not too long, and great for the kids too.
Unknown said…
I am so with you on audible! Have you tried Amazon? You can buy audible books through amazon, and they usually have reviews that way!

I love Dee Henderson, if you like a "clean" Christian version of a murder mystery. Colleen Coble is another favorite, she also does mystery books. Jeanette Oke is similar to a GLH or LM Montgomery, and is a Christian author as well. I also absolutely love Susan May Warren. She writes good old love stories, as well as mysteries,and commedies.
I am also a huge Jane Austin fan, there is a Christian author who writes a "contemporary" version of Jane Austin's books, called the Jane Austin series. Can't remember her name, sorry! hope this helps!
I use audible too but I didnt know the credits have a timeframe. Really? How long? I tend to not be able to find anything and then end up downloading childrens books for my 6 year old to listen to. Some books are just too hard to listen too and are better read. i was driving 1-2 hours to work and back every day so found it was a good way to pass the time. But I often lose my place or concentration or flipside get into a great bit and dont want to get our of car. Also often put off by the narrator or ways they read something or make a mistake or something. But I do like your idea of listening while sewing/crafting.

Some good ones:

Not christian but tame I think on the whole but apologies if I have missed anything that you dont want to hear

House Rules - Jodi Picoult
Water for Elephants - ?
If you like historical ones Tracey Chevaliers book about Mary - Remarkable Creatures was a good read and think would translate well as a book to listen to
Ditto - The Story of Edgar Sawtelle
Jeannie B. said…
Sisterchick books by Robin Gunn like "Sisterchicks do the Hula". I love her books. Some old ones like "Christy" by Catherine marshall. "Stepping Heavenward" by Elizabeth Prentiss I think. Sometimes the reading on the free books is awfell and I am willing to pay for a good sound. I like that you can try out the sample of audible first. Happy reading. Didn't know you lost your points!! Mine never last the year.
Amy Sorensen said…
My favorite gentle writer is Maeve Binchy. Her books are all set in Ireland. They're all good, interesting stories with drama and dilemma, but nothing racy. You could also try:

Carrie Brown
Joan Aiken
Elizabeth Berg
Anne Tyler

(I think this is my first time leaving you a comment, but I've been reading your blog for a long time! I always feel sort of strange the first few comments...)
Sarah said…
Lauraine Snelling is my favorite!! I would start with the Red River of the North as it introduces the characters and the setting. There are several spin-off series that come later. All very good!!

I love Dee Henderson and Janette Oke- all good and clean books.
mandi said…
Oh- I just read The Apothecary's Daughter (by Julie Klassen). It's really good!
Sandra said…
I love the Redemption Series by Karen Kingsbury.
Anonymous said…
Check out your library, audiobooks you can check out for free. I can download, and transfer to my mp3 player, my library lets us have books for 2 weeks. Hope you find them through your library.
Anne said…
A couple of christian authors not mentioned are Francine Rivers, and Robert Whitlow.

The story of Hosea is "Redeeming Love" in a western setting by Rivers.

Robert Whitlow writes lawyer mysteries with great christian values.

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