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A new car seat cover for the babe.

Since before my little angel was born I knew that if she was a girl I would want a pretty car seat. I really like pretty infant seats because in those first few months they get used so much.... in stores, restaurants, church....One night a couple of weeks ago, after I got home from my job at the church, I started to work on one. I needed some sewing therapy after those long emotional days after the tornadoes. I just used fabrics that I had because there was no time for shopping then. I had this quilted table runner that my mom gave me a couple of years ago, and scraps of my all time favorite line from Moda by Urban Chiks. I bought a pattern for a seat cover, but I was disappointed to find that I would have to cut apart my old cover and use it as a pattern. I really just wanted a pattern so that I wouldn't have to think about it. I definitely didn't want to cut up my old cover because Miss Claire is a spitter and an extra car seat cover is needed from time to time.

I just bit the bullet and started making a pattern for the cover the same way you would a slipcover for a piece of furniture. I used the techniques that I learned in this book from years back. It took a few nights sewing after work to get it finished up but I really love the way it turned out! It was much easier than I expected it to be. I think that the only reason it seemed like such a big job then was because I was so emotionally overwhelmed.

Would you look at those cheeks?! I also made a "pappy" holder (pacifier) to match! Claire rides next to Maddie in the car, so I try to keep a pappy in her seat so that Maddie can help me out while I'm driving and Claire gets fussy. Having a pap that stays on the seat has been great.

I think my little Claire likes her girly seat. :) Have I told you lately what a blessing this sweet angel is? Her little smiles just melt us all! Can you believe that she's already three months old? *sigh* So fast....

I didn't want to close this post out without saying that we are praying for the people in Joplin, MO who have just been through a terrible tornado. We love you and we are praying....xo, Sam


Leslie said…
Beautiful, both your precious little angel and the seat cover. I'm just in awe over how much hair she has though!
Anonymous said…
It turned out beautifully! I noticed in your photos that the strap covers are pushing the chest clip down too low on your precious little one's torso. The chest clip should rest at the level of her armpits (or nipple level). Having it pushed lower increases the risk of baby ramping out the top of the seat in an accident. If you shorten them, they would probably be okay, but most carseat techs recommend against using them at all.

Eileen said…
She is just gorgeous and looks quite happy in her girly seat!
Eleece said…
She is TOO cute! LOVE the hair and those squishy baby cheeks! Enjoy every minute:)
Melody said…
That cover turned out so well! You are really tempting me to sew one for our new little girl on the way!!!
Kimberly said…
What a pretty seat, for a beautiful angel! We are praying for the people of Joplin also, I have family ties to that area. The tornadoes this year seem to be so strong and swift.
LadySnow said…
I absolutely love it! It's so beautiful...great job. :-)
Alisa said…
It turned out so cute! Your babe is a cutie-pie too.
Laurie said…
Well if that isn't just the CUTEST thing! Yeah, the baby and the car seat!!!
Renata said…
Hi Samantha
It looks amazing - you've done a wonderful job there! Your baby sure is growing & she is just adorable!!!
Have a wonderful day
Rachel said…
The baby and the carseat are both adorable! Should I be blest with another child in the future our Pooh carseat will definitely need to be made over.
Anonymous said…
I love your seat cover. Such pretty fabic and I love how it covers her feet. And Claire is getting so big!! Why do they have to grow so fast? However, this is about the age when they start to laugh good. Another sweet time.
Very very beautiful! I'll share this with my sewing friends.

Also, exactly what Anonymous Christa said about the chest clip. Hope that doesn't offend you, but she's right on target with that information.
Samantha Caffee said…
The Momma Chronicles,

Oh no! I'm not offended! The truth is that I didn't really think twice about it. But when you wrote that it made me think "Well there is no reason why I can't explain so that my sweet friends that are looking out for me can be at ease." I just buckled her up for the picture but I didn't tighten her down like we do when we are going somewhere. That's why she was all cocked to the side. I figured she would be more patient for mama's picture taking that way! :)It does look like there is no room to slide the chest bar up in the picture, but it was just the angle, there is plenty of room. :) The strap covers are the ones I bought for her right before she came made out of fleece, I just cheated and covered them because I hate sewing on velcro! :) Thanks for the concerns sweet friends!

Karin Marie said…
Oh man this is gorgeous!! I'm debating on doing this very thing to my car seat cover. Do you have any tips or tricks? I'm having my third girl & want to do something special for her since she gets hand me down clothes, blankets & everything else. I'm still working on her nursery bedding as well. I love the ruffles & the color combo you picked!! & that's neat you made a place for her little feet! Your daughter is beautiful!

Karin Marie :]
D-lyn said…
I adore how you made that cute and sweet car seat cover!!!

I need to get my fears of making a mess of it under control and make one too!

Good job!
Notcathy said…
Wow, so cute in her car seat.. :) But you need to check if her back is okay all the time.. :)
Anonymous said…
Hi there! Was searching around for patterns and found your blog. I am from Joplin and noticed your comment and wanted to say thanks to everyone for all of your prayers and thoughts.We are recovering nicely and I am regathering sewing supplies (since the nice tornado took it all)and thereputic is a good way to put it! You do a fantastic job with your blog and so interesting to read :)


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