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Filled in Granny Square Baby Blanket Tutorial

This is the "filled in" version of the original granny square baby blanket which is very lacy. I love this pattern because the result is a nice warm blanket with a beautiful mitered look. The pattern is also great for beginners because it is so easy that you can have it memorized by the end of this tutorial. To achieve the striped look in the blankets above, you will just need to follow this tutorial and change thread colors every two rounds. For the blankets above and in this tutorial, I used a US size G crochet hook with cotton sport weight yarn. Here we go! (Click on any picture below for a closer look.)

Chain 6.

Slip stitch to beginning chain to form a loop.

Chain 3, this counts as your first double crochet. Work 2 double crochet through loop.

Chain 2. Work 3 double crochets through the loop.

Work the pattern - chain 2 and 3 double crochet - until you have four sets in the loop. Slip stitch to the top of chain 3 (in row 1). You now have your base square.

Chain 3.

Now the pattern will stay the same in every row from here on out. Double crochet in every double crochet.

In every corner you will work the following pattern: 2 double crochet, chain 2, then 2 double crochet (as seen in the last two pictures).

Join with a slip stitch at beginning chain. Then just chain three to start the next row.

To continue your blanket you will just keep going in rounds using this pattern:

Double crochet in each double crochet.

In each corner work 2 double crochet, chain 2, 2 double crochet.

Slip stitch at the end of each round, chain 3 and repeat the pattern from the beginning.

When the blanket is the size you want it, chain 1, single crochet in every stitch around. If you used the cotton yarn and feel it looks a little wonky, all you have to do is "block" it. You can find blocking instructions HERE . You can now add your favorite edging! I will add a picture of my finished blanket soon.

If you find anything in this tutorial unclear let me know! I need you experienced crocheter's help, we don't want any beginners stumped by such a simple pattern. I hope you all enjoy! xo, Sam


~cjoy said…
I love your was at your site I first figured out them mystery of yarn and hook and fell in love with it. I don't manage to find time for it as well as you do, but I still love it madly and you inspire me to pick up a baby blanket project that is barely begun and awaiting attention from me for a dear friend. Then I should do something for my own baby due in less than 2 months, huh? ;)
Julia said…
I have bookmarked this post so I can go back and try to make a granny square like this step by step while looking at the pictures. I 'm a picture person! I love these blankets. I may just have to start making these for new babies in our family!!!!
I Loved this! I am going to need to find the time to do some of this! Right now my cousin and I are making handmade childrens clothes. I look forward to more tutorials from you.
Sarah said…
Thank you so much for the tutorial! As you can see from this:
I needed a little help!
Unknown said…
I am unclear as to how to add in the alternating colors. How do you change fabrics and not have showing knots?
Samantha Caffee said…

It's hard to explain, so I found a video for you :) There are several ways to do this, but the method hat I use is demonstrated in this video:

Happy crocheting!

Amy said…
I am brand new to crochet. So far I have mastered the single crochet stitch. I want to try this project but I know nothing about types of yarn. Can you suggest a brand of sport weight cotton yarn and how many skeins I would need to make a baby blanket? I'd love to make one for my son who is due in March! Thanks! :)
tiny450 said…
For once I can learn to make a granny square.Why they always end up looking like a lopsided square I don't know.I have a future grandchild so I am trying to make various items.I bookmarked the page so I can go back again and again knowing me.Thanks so much
I love your topic.I can do only single crochet stitch but i really hope i can find time to do this.=)
Kristin said…
Thanks for posting... I was looking around for ideas of what to do next. I had gone on a yarn frenzy when I found out we're having a girl and stocked up on yarn without having any patterns or projects planned... A granny square blanket will be perfect for 3 of my colors. When I finish, I'll post a link to your tutorial. :)
Anonymous said…
thank you so much! this was very helpful!
marichu said…
I love the design of your baby blanket. I would like to know how to block in case my blanket will turn out of shape. I tried to click "HERE" but it is not highlighted. Can you please teach me how to block. Thank you.
pam said…
How much yarn does it take? I want to make one for my grandson. Thanks
Kitty said…
Very nice, easy to follow tutorial. I'm going to help friend learn and this may be the best pattern to start her out on...thank you!
Anonymous said…
Besides finding a new pattern, I enjoy seeing the colors people pair together. I really like pink and grey, thank you!
Max said…
I love this pattern! I've always had problems trying to crochet granny squares but with the step-by-step pictures you have, it's really easy now. I'm making this for a friend who's due soon and her baby shower is in 3 days (very last minute). This pattern is very quick to do so I'm hoping I'll have it done in time! :)
Penny said…
I am going to use your pattern with 4 ply Baby Bee Hushabye yarn but can't seem to figure out how much to purchase for a good sized baby blanket. Could you help me with this?
Thank you,
Samantha Caffee said…
Penny, I've never done one like that and I'm not familiar with that yarn. BUT if it were me and I had to guess I'd go with 2-3 skeins. I'm assuming that you are using the big skeins that you would buy at micheals or hobby lobby. Hope that helps!
Lauren said…
I had found this pattern some time ago and forgot to bookmark it. With a friend announcing a pregnancy, I had your pattern in mind but couldn't find it! Thankfully, I was able to search on Ravelry! Can't wait to start working it up!
Natalie said…
This is exactly what I was thinking of... I just found out that two good friends of my fiancé just had a baby, so they're going to get one of these in the mail!
Unknown said…
I love this blanket. I made one for my first grand child and he hasn't put it down since he was born. Where ever he goes the blanket goes too, he won't sleep with out it. that was 2 years ago. Now I'm making another one for a very special friend. The pattern is so easy to follow, I forgot how pleasurable it is to work. Thanks .
Shell said…
I am a very novice crocheter and I don't understand how I chain 6, and then have 3 double crochet per chain and end up with 4 sides, what am I missing here? Help!

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