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My heart is about to explode!

I can't hold it in any longer! I haven't been able to write in weeks because my heart has been preoccupied with something that I couldn't talk about yet, but now I can!!!! God has opened our hearts to ADOPTION!!!!! YES!! Ben and I are going to adopt!!! I am crying just typing this! We are so beyond excited about this decision! God has opened and closed every door in His perfect time and now we are ready to start the long hard process of bringing other children into our home to love and cherish for FOREVER! I feel like my heart has grown two sizes in the last months as we have researched and prayed about adopting. God has replaced that hopeless feeling that was beginning to drag Ben and I down with an overwhelming sense of hope and love! It's almost unbelievable at times because of the changes that have been made in our hearts.
I could sit here an gush all day about how excited we are (really I could!) but I'm sure you want to know some of the details we have worked out, soooo.... right now we are looking at two countries outside of Romania, Bulgaria and Moldova. We have several very good friends who are from Romania and one of them just happens to be our sister in law (Ben's brother's wife, Christina) who is expecting their first baby in a few months. We are still looking for a good agency who has a good reputation dealing with either of these countries and are a little overwhelmed. Picking an agency is one of the most important decisions and it is really confusing, but we know God will somehow put us where we need to be. We have decided to ask for a boy as you usually are asked to choose which you prefer, but to tell you the truth we really are hoping and praying for a sibling group. We have heard and read that sibling groups must be adopted out together therefore a lot of the time they are left there because most couples are only prepared for one child. Ben and the children and I would LOVE to come home with two or even three children!
Our lives will be changing drastically in the coming months, we will be making big decisions and having to raise lots of money to bring our child or children home...Please pray for us! If we need anything at this moment it is lots of prayers! As you know there are good adoption stories and there are horror stories, we want ours to be WONDERFUL! Of course we know there will be bumps in the road, those are to be expected, but we are praying for God to guide our steps!
If you have ANY advice PLEASE let us know! We are still new at this and we are looking for people who have been through this before to help us make the right choices. Any advice or words of wisdom, or even just a pat on the back, would be great.
So I guess you know what I will be yapping about from now on! I am so happy! Oh my sweet friends! Thank you for being here.....You have been a constant encouragement to me over the last two years, I know it wasn't always a happy or fun place to be, but you were all here and supportive even when it was hard to read. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! As I sit here tonight typing, my cup truly runneth over!


Anonymous said…
how exciting :)
maribeth said…
praise the Lord! how awesome to know your next step in this adventure. you will be on my heart and in my prayers! what a blessing!
Anonymous said…
You are an amazing and generous woman. All my best wishes for a successful outcome. xx
Anonymous said…
I am just grinning from ear to ear. I thought for sure the big news was something to do with patterns, fabric, etc. BUT adoption...that is one of the three things nearest and dearest to my heart!

Congrats to you and your family! I know what it is like to be expecting, but in the heart rather than the womb. Be prepared for a bumpy ride and to lean into Christ like never before. You know, as Christians, we are grafted in, adopted into a family. That alone gets me excited. Having been there, done all the paperwork, lived the endless days without info, and traveled the path I have to say you are in for a journey that will change your entire life. There is no going back.

My advice is to finalize on a country and get started on state docs, I-171H, and a homestudy. My husband's birth cert. from out of state (that had to be state sealed and authenticated by the state on top of that) took weeks upone weeks. Other things of this nature (birth certs for all children you currently have living in the home, marriage papers, etc.) you will need multiples of. Depending on country and homestudy agency of course. You will live and breath by your dossier papers for weeks. You will stress at having your home just-so for a homestudy. Time will slow to an heart-breaking pace once you get those first photos.

My biggest advice, though, regards your I-171H. On there you will have to state the country and number of children you are wishing to adopt. We were sure we wanted a sibling set, but only had room for two more children in our home so that is what we put. Just because you put three, though, doesn't mean you will adopt three. Put what you have legitimate room and finances for and let God plan your path...can't go wrong there!

Just to pass on how He shows up. We decided on a country, number of children we could adopt, signed our names to the I-171H, and sent it out in the mail the very next morning. It was July the 27th, 2006...3 months later we would find out it was the day the twins were born.
Goosegirl said…
YAY Sam!!! I am so glad you posted!! You know you can call me any time. I am sooooooo excited for you!! Your family is in my prayers. I can't wait to see how God works in this for you.

Did I ever send you the story of Ahnalin's adoption? If not, I will send it. It shows the miracles.
Rose and Ivy said…
Wow!!! I had a feeling it was something really big!!! I am so excited for you- I have often thought of adoption and it will be so exciting for me to share this journey with you!

Megan said…
I'm so excited for you!
Meghan said…
I knew it! I read that little hint and just knew this had to be it! What an exciting path you're on- can't wait to hear all about it!
Crys :) said…
I am so excited for you sam :) You and your beautiful family will be in my prayers! I LOVE YOU ALL!! Miss you all tons!!
jenn said…
How wonderful! This will be an incredible journey! My best friend from high school completed all of papers and prep to adopt and funny enough she just had her very own baby a week or so ago. God works in mysterious ways!
Blessings to your family,
Oh I am smiling wide for you!!!!
Anonymous said…
How exciting for you! :D
Anonymous said…
that's incredible!
good luck! you are very special people....
Anonymous said…
How awesome! God is so good! Many prayers for all of you!
Melody said…
How exciting! I'm an adoptive mama - and it is so exciting to hear when others announce their intent to pursue adoption!!!!

The biggest thing I've learned through all of it is that when God is truly leading you to adopt, He will work everything out. It doesn't matter how hard or confusing things might get - God will work everything out. Our entire adoption journey is miracle after miracle. God is so good.

If you're ever curious to read our adoption journey, just head over to my blog and click the adoption category. It's in the archives....but it's been almost 6 years now since we started the process to bring our son home.

Can't wait to see how things progress for you!
Anonymous said…
How wonderful!
Beach Mama said…
Congratulations! You are in good company:)! There are many of us families with bio & adopted children. One day you won't be able to tell apart the bio from adopted because they will be your children. I sometimes forget that I didn't give birth to two of mine. There are many great comments posted and not much I can add. If God called you to adopt, then trust God every step of the way. Or you'll drive yourself crazy:). Keep us posted on your journey.
Dawn said…
So happy for you.
Friends of my daughter recently adopted three siblings from Romania.
Their adoption blog is here:
There you can read of their journey.

It will be interesting to read your updates as things unfold.
Blessings on you all.
Anonymous said…
I am so glad for you. I am an aunt to 3 adopted children. You might also be interested in
6blessings said…
What a mighty God we serve! Praying for your new adventure!
Keykeeper said…
Samantha, that's wonderful!:) I will be praying for you & your family.:)

I didn't know that Christina was expecting. No one tells me anything.;) But I'm SO happy for them as well.:)

Off to tell the family the good news,

Samantha Caffee said…

Yes Christina is about 4 months now! She told me last night that she will get to find out what the baby is in a couple of more weeks. Tell everyone I said hey!

Thanks for the prayers! We will keep you up to date on how things are going too. I'm hoping to do a big yard sale by the end of the Summer to raise money, so tell everyone if they have any junk that I'll take it!


laura said…
I am so, so thrilled for you. I cannot wait to hear more details and they are available!
Unknown said…
Your family has had a spot in my heart for awhile now. Nothing changes that but I will send a few extra prayers your way as you continue to allow your hearts and home grow!
Jessica said…
I don't know you, but your post made me tear up because I feel incredibly HAPPY for you!! This is so awesome and I will be praying for your family.
Desiree' said…
Long time reader, first comment...We are adopting our third (sixth child though) and have used Wasatch twice ( they have a wonderful staff. Also a Bulgaria program. Their costs are pretty reasonable. If you have questions my email is on my blog profile...
Samantha Caffee said…

Mama to 5,

Thank you! We will look the website over tonight and I will definitely get in touch with you if we have any questions....I'm sure we will! LOL! We are a bit lost! THANK YOU so much!


Anonymous said…
how amazingly brought a happy tear (and more) to my eyes. as it goes- when God brings you to it, He will bring you through it. am sure He is going to guide you all the way. we will pray for you and your family. becky
Jenny said…
I have two cousins that were adopted from China, and although I don't have any advice, I wanted to wish your family the best in this wonderful new direction! Hope everything goes smoothly for you.
Quebedeaux said…
Yay!! I was kinda wondering what was going on and I figured it had to be this big!!! All 3 of our children are adopted although they are domestic. But I have to tell you this story. When my oldest was 2, I just kinda figured he would be an only child. Well, we had some friends going to Romania on a mission trip and I joked and asked them to put a baby in a suit case and bring it home for me. Well, a few weeks later we get a call about a baby due in 3 months.. when we met the Birth Mom she was talking about when she lived in Europe. So being nosey I asked where she lived and she said "Well, I am Romanian"... I just about fell over!!! So my middle boy is 1/2 Romanian! God is so good!!
Karen said…
Samantha I'm so very excited for your family!!!!! We adopted within the US so I really don't have advice to share other than to trust where God is leading. I will be on the edge of my seat waiting to read about your journey. How very exciting!!
mummy_chelle said…
Congratulations on one of the most exciting decisions you will make in your life! I am so happy for all of you. And we will be praying heaps for you all. Look forward to reading the updates.
Heather said…
Samantha!! I knew it! I couldn't think of anyone better to adopt! You are AWESOME! You know my mother was adopted and what a blessing to give a child a loving home. I love your family, you are truly a joy to read about while I am at work! I think about ya'll often and am soooo glad that I had a chance to know you! Good luck! xoxo- Heather
pfarmwife said…

Try Shaohannah's Hope (google it). The Chapmans have made it their mission to help other Christian families adopt. We got through some initial steps when we found out we were expecting our sixth...and now our seventh is coming next month. I will be praying you through this!

Praise Him for your open hearts!
Summer said…
How exciting! God is going to bless you by being a blessing to others! How exciting! My sister is adopted and my parents went through Bethany Christian Adoption. They were wonderful. Not only do they do single children and siling groups they also specialize in handicaped children as well. They are a wonderful christian agency.
Anonymous said…
Samantha! I KNEW when I read that you and Ben were working on a life-changing decision that it was going to be adoption. I KNOW that God will lead your child to you. Children are a blessing no matter how they come! From Sparkle
muralimanohar said…
A sibling group. Bless you bless you bless you. Out of all the things I hear about adoptions, breaking up sibling groups has always been one of the most painful things. :( Bless you for wanting that.
Linda B said…
You truly are my hero! What angels you and your family are to open your hearts and offer a better life to someone less fortunate. Check out the Sew Sensible blog - it's very inspirational.
Anonymous said…
This is the first time I've read your blog and I really hope it all works out for you. I hope you can feel the warmth in my smile.
Jaime said…
I am so excited for you, I have been following your blog for some time now and I can see that you are a family who loves Jesus, and you personally are a very good mommy. The kind of love needed to care for children, especially ones that are not naturally yours can only be from Jesus, and I know that if He has lead you in this way you will be a blessing to any children He chooses to give you. Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. This desire is truly given to you from Him. My prayers are with you and your family, God bless!
Molly said…
Woooo-Hooooo!!! I am SO excited for you! I will be praying for y'all as you look for an agency.
Huge congratulations!!! I just returned from vacation and am catching up on my blog list - what wonderful news! I'm an adoptive mama too to our second daughter. I will say that God gave us so many signs to adopt once we opened our hearts. We adopted from China - so I can't help you on an agency. Be sure to get onto some yahoo groups in countries that you are looking to adopt in - there's a lot of information out there. Beware of the chronic complainers on some of those boards, but if you sift through it all, you'll get lots of good information. Wishing you the very best on this journey and I look forward to reading all about it. Our adoption blog is (we adopted over 3 yrs ago) if you want to read about it. I'm giddy for you! congrats again!!
est said…
you are so generous to be able to open your heart to adopt. i admired your courageous and your big kind heart. what a blessing! and your tremendous love will surely bring a child true happiness. :)

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