It has been well over a week since I have been in my loft and I have really missed it! Of course things are a little behind, there are lots of emails to answer and work that needs to be done (ahem...Miss Iris!) but it feels good to be working at it again, and in a clean house to boot! Ben and I started cleaning on Sunday night and I finally finished up last night. Clean houses make me happy. Our Spring cleaning was a little late this year, but at least it finally happened! We threw away/ gave away so much junk! It is amazing how much "stuff" you accumulate in just one year. Where does it come from?

Anyhow, back to the loft. I am looking forward to a full day of work so I started it out right with a cup of my favorite flavored coffee, and a sweet little girl to keep me company.

Did Rae have her baby yet?
NO! SHE IS STILL PREGNANT!! Can you believe that?? I will definitely be posting the minute I can with baby pictures though, so don't worry, I will let ya know.