Last night I was sitting here at my desk doing a little work on the computer when Molly came in to sit and talk to me. She had been outside with Ben, Timothy, and two of Ben's brothers all day working on the new barn, and I had been inside all day with Madeline baking our bread for the week. She sat and told me her stories from the day, as she often does, and I listened and giggled at her "Tim stories", then she asked "Mama, do we live the slow way?" I replied "What do you mean sweetie?" I was really missing something.... then she said in the sweetest, softest, almost older voice, "You know Mama....because we make our own bread, and we have our own chickens, and we grow our food, and we use cloth napkins, and we homeschool...that kind of stuff. Is that the slow way Mama?" I was sort of taken back for a minute because I haven't really thought of it that way...but I guess so... "Yes baby, I guess we do." It's funny how a simple question from an innocent child can ground you.
PS. I had a great time at the beach! Thanks for all the well wishes! Now I'm happier than ever to be back at home with the kids, hubby, and the chickens. LOL!

I have never really put our lifestyle in a category, we just live and make choices that are best for us as a family, but that question made me think.....So today I asked her again exactly what she meant by "the slow way" and she answered the same way.... so I asked "Well do you think that it's better than the fast way?" She answered "Yeah Mama! I hate paper napkins! You can only blow your nose on them like once then you have to throw it away! but a cloth one you can blow your nose on like 20 times, and it's softer too! And our bread is better than the stuff at the store, WAAAAY better....and I love our chickens, and we get to do the fun kind of school."

So I guess that's it. We live the slow way...and that works for us, it's what we like, it's what makes us happy, and it's what makes my children thrive. I know it's not for everyone, but I sure am happy that we have found our niche out here on this little 10 acre patch of land, and from now on I will be a little more mindful of "the slow way" of doing things thanks to my special little girl.

That bread looks delicious!
And I've been meaning to tell you that the girls' Easter dresses turned out far beyond beautiful. Nice job, Momma!!!!!
(hard to do in the city)etc, etc, etc.
The Easter dresses are so gorgeous and so are your children.
Your Easter dresses turned out beautiful!
How do you keep your weeks worth of bread fresh? I love baking whole wheat bread but if we do not eat it all in the first day it tends to dry out.
For these things I am blessed.
Your friend,