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"The Slow Way"

Last night I was sitting here at my desk doing a little work on the computer when Molly came in to sit and talk to me. She had been outside with Ben, Timothy, and two of Ben's brothers all day working on the new barn, and I had been inside all day with Madeline baking our bread for the week. She sat and told me her stories from the day, as she often does, and I listened and giggled at her "Tim stories", then she asked "Mama, do we live the slow way?" I replied "What do you mean sweetie?" I was really missing something.... then she said in the sweetest, softest, almost older voice, "You know Mama....because we make our own bread, and we have our own chickens, and we grow our food, and we use cloth napkins, and we homeschool...that kind of stuff. Is that the slow way Mama?" I was sort of taken back for a minute because I haven't really thought of it that way...but I guess so... "Yes baby, I guess we do." It's funny how a simple question from an innocent child can ground you.
I have never really put our lifestyle in a category, we just live and make choices that are best for us as a family, but that question made me think.....So today I asked her again exactly what she meant by "the slow way" and she answered the same way.... so I asked "Well do you think that it's better than the fast way?" She answered "Yeah Mama! I hate paper napkins! You can only blow your nose on them like once then you have to throw it away! but a cloth one you can blow your nose on like 20 times, and it's softer too! And our bread is better than the stuff at the store, WAAAAY better....and I love our chickens, and we get to do the fun kind of school."
So I guess that's it. We live the slow way...and that works for us, it's what we like, it's what makes us happy, and it's what makes my children thrive. I know it's not for everyone, but I sure am happy that we have found our niche out here on this little 10 acre patch of land, and from now on I will be a little more mindful of "the slow way" of doing things thanks to my special little girl.
PS. I had a great time at the beach! Thanks for all the well wishes! Now I'm happier than ever to be back at home with the kids, hubby, and the chickens. LOL!


Mindy said…
Out of the mouths of babes... I love the slow way too!
laura said…
Very profound, yet simple.
Molly said…
Aaw, how sweet! Our family prefers the "slow way," too. :)
Molly said…
P.S. Your bread looks so YUMMY!!!
Anonymous said…
You certainly have a handmade life, it seems to fit perfectly! I'm testing my bread-baking skills tomorrow, hopefully I have pictures to post that look half as yummy as yours!
anniebelle said…
Sam, as someone else living a a quiet simple christian life I can tell you that I have ben happier this past eight years since my husband retired from the Marine Corps then I ever was living the "fast" exciting life of constant moves and reassignments. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed alot of it too and am *very* proud of my husband for his sevice but man is it nice to "be still and know He is God"

Quebedeaux said…
my dream is to live the slow way..... I do homeschool and make some bread, but oh to go all the way would be nice
Megan said…
Your life seems so quaint and peaceful. We do things at medium pace. Not everything slow and steady, but definitely not a fast and jet set way. We aren't constantly moving, but no chickens and homemade bread sadly.
Anonymous said…
I think there would be more peace in the world if we all lived the "slow way".

That bread looks delicious!
pfarmwife said…
We are all about the slow way, too!

Anonymous said…
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Mrs. S said…
What insight from one so young! Interesting how the Taught can become the Teacher, at times. Your sweet daughter's words are an encouragement to me. Thank you so much for sharing.

And I've been meaning to tell you that the girls' Easter dresses turned out far beyond beautiful. Nice job, Momma!!!!!
Kathya said…
I wish my life was more"slow way" than what it is but i will eventually get there. i just gotta be brave like you to bake my own bread(i want to learn but i am afraid i might waste too much money by making mistakes), grow my own vegetables
(hard to do in the city)etc, etc, etc.
Goosegirl said…
We love the slow way too. Yesterday, Ahnalin planted her beets, onions, and carrots and is already looking to enter them in the fair. I think that she is hoping they will speed up in their growing though. heehee!

The Easter dresses are so gorgeous and so are your children.
~Violet~ said…
I so-o-o want a slow-way of life!!! I want to re-evaluate our daily lives and make some major changes. We are so busy, I hate it!! Thanks for sharing Molly's sweet thoughts about life. A child's view is so clear and unclouded by the "stuff" we think is important. It really touched me and hit home with what I feel God has been leading me towards. Please pray with me about this.
Bari said…
Man what a great mom and wife you are I wish I could do all that you do. You inspire me everytime I read your blog!

Anonymous said…
Enjoy your "Slow Life"... not everyone has the chance to live just as we would want. Hopefully we will get a few times through out the year to slow down and really enjoy our lives. I try to keep reminding my self to enjoy the moment and not always be looking at what is coming next!

Your Easter dresses turned out beautiful!
Patty said…
“The Slow Life” is a good description of how I think a lot of people would like to live.

How do you keep your weeks worth of bread fresh? I love baking whole wheat bread but if we do not eat it all in the first day it tends to dry out.
April said…
Awwww... that's so sweet!
Tiffany said…
That was so adorable!
lissilulu said…
In the past 17 (almost 18 years) since my oldest child was born I have had a slow life. Even with 5 children and becoming a single parent and adding in college to my day life is still slow compared to some. My heart does wish for the old times when I could be in the thick of it all day...I miss them. But we still have our homeschooling because of my older children helping the youngers when I am gone to college, 2 rabbits, 3 chickens, a garden going in and cooking from scratch (mostly).
For these things I am blessed.
Your friend,
Sara said…
What a lovely way to put it! We aspire to live the Slow Way in the midst of suburbia and we do well enough, I think. Thank you for sharing that.

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