Tricia : Winning the Miss Madeline- Big Girl
Vanessa: Winning the Miss Madeline- Big Girl
Jelaan: Winning Miss Madeline- Little Girl
Linda B: Winning Miss Molly – I need your email address ;)
Jjren: Winning Miss Madeline- Little Girl
Congratulations Weekend Giveaway Winners!
I had such a good time reading all of your funny jokes and stories!
Now about that pitiful note I left yesterday: The second night we were there, Saturday night, I got food poisoning and was sick sick sick! I mean sick! So I spent a lot of time in the hotel bathroom. Yuck. Luckily we did get to visit Biltmore on Sunday and it was beautiful! I didn't feel all that well but I still had fun. I always have a hard time getting back to normal after that kind of sickness, it takes me a few days to eat and get my strength back, but now I am fine and ready for work! I will be back soon with pictures of my bag (no sunshine today), and something else that I'm a little nervous about, so stay tuned!
I'm sitting in a hospital room with my Sweet Girl. Thought I would check my blogs before hubby takes the laptop home for a couple of days. What a wonderful surprise to see my name listed as one of the pattern winners. That just made my day! Thank you so much!
jjrenn at sbcglobal dot net.