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Simple, sweet, and quiet..

Today has been such a quiet simple day. You would have never known it from the way things started out this morning, but everyone settled in within an hour or so and it has been really nice since. The kids are playing well outside. It is a beautiful day-one of the first cool days we have had really. The windows are up and there is a nice crisp breeze. My house is mostly clean except for the little everyday messes, that always makes for a nice day. Today I have determined to slow down the pace and enjoy this. I feel like the cloud that has been stuck over this house is starting to lift, I can breathe easier- like somehow the air is not as thick. Thank God for sweet days like this, I am really learning to appreciate such simple gifts.
This morning Molly and I went out for a little photo shoot so I could get some pictures of the shirt we worked on last night, but like everything else today, we went in another direction. She had a messy bed-head ponytail (I love messy little heads), and was in a silly mood (excited about the cool air) so I got some good pictures of her. She is such a beautiful girl. She reminds me of when I was a girl, like the way she enjoys sitting quietly to draw after everyone is in bed. She is so gentle and loving. I love my little lady.
The pictures below show the little pieced applique flower we worked on last night. I have needed a few quick and easy little projects to get my creative juices flowing again and this fit the bill. We plan to make Madeline one using fall colors. The little T-shirt was less than $5 at Wal-Mart and I just used scraps for the applique so overall it was a pretty quick, easy, and inexpensive project.
I have the pattern drawn out for this but I need to write out some instructions. Then it will be in the shop as a freebie. I will write those up soon...but not today, no today I will just enjoy the sound of my children's laughter coming through the windows from outside while I drink coffee and do my chores. What a sweet day God has made!


tara said…
Hooray for a lovely day. The applique is vey sweet. I never thought to do that. Did you use a regular sewing machine?
LadySnow said…
The shirt is very cute.
Samantha Caffee said…
Yes, I used my regular sewing machine with the triple zigzag stitch.


Anonymous said…
Molly, you are one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen(and you make a wonderful model!)I love all of the pictures of you and your sister(and your brother of course ,who is very handsome)

Samantha,the shirt is adorable,you did a great job! your getting better all the time.

God bless you and your family!
Melinda Gates
Joy said…
awww....what a cutie pie. I can't decide if I like the shirt or the delicious little cardigan she is wearing better. (I'm a sucker for cardigans.) Or the bed hair. I can't decide! :D sweet things, all.
Molly said…
Aaw, isn't it neat how God gives us such precious gifts in the midst of the craziness? Glad you had such a special day. I can't believe it is your first cool day...we have had the HEAT (yes, you read that right!) on in our house since Sunday! Yikes! It's cold in these northern parts! Or maybe I'm just a wimp because I'm used to 55 degree winters in Peru! :) We have already had frost several times this week. What fun it has been to see our girls enjoying the beauty of it as the sun shines on it. :) Two of them had never seen it before! Hope the rest of your week is as sweet as today! Take care. Praying for you.
Shelly said…
I love the peaceful spirit you conveyed in your post. I love quiet, domestic days like that, too. Your gratitude for simple things is inspiring.
Jennifer said…
Very pretty, I have no idea how to applique, so I will be back. I enjoy your blog! Have a good night!
est said…
miss molly is so pretty! :)

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