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There is a big black lizard loose in my house!

I saw, what looked like a snake, this morning slithering through Tim's room while he was cleaning it! I freaked out and screamed before I discovered that it was a big lizard. I hate creepy crawly things! I got myself together enough to think to grab the camera just before we tried to catch it. The video turned out to be a pretty funny and I knew Ben and the guys at the fire station would enjoy it, so here it is! Ben, this is what we have to go through while you are saving other peoples lives! We have to catch (or not catch and just live with) our own lizards! Oh.. and be warned that I said many Mama cuss words AKA things that I say from time to time but don't let my kids say, like "Oh my God!" and "Get that FREAKIN lizard". Sorry, when I get scared they just come out! I'm working on that. Oh, and Tim's bed was mine when I was little. I'm thinking about painting it to look like a fire truck. It's called a playhouse bed, my grandfather designed it and made each of us one.

UPDATE: The lizard is still at large! It has now been spotted in Molly and Maddies room where Molly swears she will never sleep again! LOL! Ben, you may need to come home! Molly has decided that she will call and ask Nana if she can spend the night with her tonight. She is convinced that he is poisonous and he is going to get in bed with her and bite her. We may have to go on a lizard hunt after church tonight. LOL! I think Molly would be willing to put up some reward money!


Kim said…
-giggling- Are you sure the lizard wasn't one of Tim's "treasures"?
Nell said…
Samantha! This is so funny! You with your camera, telling the little children to trap the lizard! It had me laughing out loud, at work!
Thanks for making it, tho, and the sweet one with Tim and his treasures!

Have a fun day!
Anonymous said…
That is so funny!!! Did you catch him yet?
LadySnow said…
Too funny! I would have done exactly the same thing. :D
oliver rain said…
That was SO entertaining. I would have been losing my mind! I LOVE your accents.
Anonymous said…
My son LOVES to catch those little lizards, we have hundreds of them around outside here in Florida. I have caught to inside, once dropping a box on top of it and the other time using my son's bug catching net. Oh and their tails come off when you catch them by their tails! This was just too funny to watch! My son would love to come and get it for you!

Karen~ who has your crochet book and promises to use it sometime!
Anonymous said…
ROTFL at your bravery! I'm totally crackin' up that you're makin' the kids go after it 'cause you're freaked out.

(I so would've done the same thing! LOL)
tara said…
I could have handled the lizard but if it was a spider...forget it. I would have my daughter there with a tub to trap it too. Your youngest seemed pretty ok with it all.
Anonymous said…
You scared me so bad. I jumped off my chair when you first screamed and freaked and it went behind the bed. I love it that you make your kids catch it~ we have to give our kids something to talk about when they go for therapy as adults. :)
alisaferrara said…
I am laughing so hard. I just about came out of my chair. Not to mention that I am about to pee in my pants. If you'll excuse me, I must run to the restroom. Incredible...
Oh sick! I would shut the door and condemn the room forever and move. I hate them! I could not have held that camera--I would have been certain it was crawling up my pant leg! LOL
SHEILA said…
My husband came in the room to see why I was laughing so hard! You are hysterical Samantha. Poor Molly looking like "why do I have to do it? Aren't you the mama?" I would have just taken the kids and ran out of the house with my car keys until Ben came home. Did you catch it, or has it eaten you all? No posts in a few days, I'm worried!
tgillock said…
That is so funny!! I woke my husband laughing so loud and hard. We get lizards in our house from time to time in the summer, but somehow our cat always knows before we do that there is a lizard in our house and get it before we can "save it". Good luck with the lizard and hope your daughter gets some sleep.

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