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I have a rat.

Not a real rat, but there have been pictures on my camera and phone lately that I didn't take. At first I thought maybe I just didn't remember, but after a week or so and lots more pictures I figured out it wasn't me. I decided it would be more fun to figure it out through the pictures than to ask anyone about it, besides something really funny could come out of this! LOL! So for a while now I have had my suspicions about who it may be, it was between Molly and Tim, but I was leaning a little more towards Molly on this one. Then it happened, the moment I have been waiting for! I caught my rat! I got out of the shower (ahh ha! That's when it was happening!) to find a new clue, a video! Three videos in fact! The first two had not worked out that well, but the third one was so funny! It was Molly all along. Once again I'm glad I waited it out instead of opening my big mouth because this was QUALITY, let me tell ya!

Now I have to explain a long running family joke for you to be able to enjoy this video completely. Most of you know that my husband Ben is the oldest of 12 kids, well there has always been this family joke about how long his parents would stretch out the use of a diaper. The kids would be walking around with this big diaper sagging down to their knees that flopped from side to side when they walked. His Dad would jokingly say " well it says 18 to 20 pounds on the box". LOL! Before long this type of saggy diaper became known as the "Caffee diaper". It's nothing for me to yell across the house "Molly, come change the Maddies Caffee diaper!" or to hear "Mom, Maddie has a Caffee diaper on".

In this video Molly had videoed Maddie's Caffee diaper in action, and in the other she tried to interview Maddie about the situation. I don't know how that little rat figured out how to video with my camera, but I sure am glad that she did! What do you call Caffee diapers??


Unknown said…
Ooooh Samantha! That is just waaaay too funny!!!!
Anonymous said…
OMIGAWSH!!!! Maddie is SUCH her mother's daughter!!! HYSTERICAL!!
from Sparkle
~cjoy said…
hahaha! My 3 year old daughter keeps asking to see these again and again. SOOO funny. :) I don't have a name for such diapers, sorry. But they certainly deserve a good one.
Anonymous said…
LOL! Your girls are little nuts! I think you have a future Oscar-winning documentary maker on your hands. Or the next Judd Apatow ...
Anonymous said…
Too cute. I love the wiggle dancing on the bed. So funny.
Danielle said…
oh my word that is HILARIOUS!!!! thanks for bringing a laugh to my crazy day!
tara said…
How funny. I love it. My 2 year old looks so much like your youngest. She would proudly swing her saggy bottom too.
My 8 year old somehow figured out my blog and wrote an entry in secret. Smart girls.
alisaferrara said…
this day was off to a bad start....until that.
Molly said…
Hi Sam! Thanks for your sweet comment. I've missed reading your blog, too. We just got internet service hooked up today and are back among the land of the living. ha ha. Boy, do I have a ton of catching up to do after 3 weeks! Loved these videos, too funny! By the way, about the lizard post...I'm with Molly, go to Nana's house! I wouldn't want that creepy crawly thing in my bed either! :) Hope you've caught him by now! Take care.
Anonymous said…
Don't you love it when you discover pictures on your camera taken by your young children! I find their point of view to be priceless! Even some really good pictures have been taken by them and it makes my heart go "aww"
Shannon said…

We call them "Kylee Diapers!" My sister-in-law is extremely lazy and her youngest, Kylee, would be found with the worst looking diapers I have ever seen.

It was all fun and games until our middle child announced rather loudly at a family bar-b-que that his little sister needed her diaper changed..."because it is a Kylee diaper!"

Yep, that was fun to explain!
Anonymous said…
Clever kid. Those diapers are just like ours falling out of the leg of the pyjama bottoms in the morning
Unknown said…
We call dirty diapers do-pa's I believe it is based off of a Slovakian word. It is one of those things I have said my whole life (ie lets go change your do-pa) and didnt realize until recently that no one I know says this same thing. Though my friends now our because I say it so often!

Loved the videos btw, my daughter kept making me play them over and over again.
Megan said…
We call them saggy bottom babies. :)

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