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Madeline had a seizure. *Update*

*** Maddie's fever broke yesterday morning! SIGH........... I feel so much better now. The doctor told us that her biggest risk of having another seizure was during the same virus, so we are breathing easier..... She is back to her old self now, you know, playing "lella" (Cinderella). Things are feeling more normal now, though we are not quite there yet. My Dad is much better too. I think we will all look at things a little diferently from now on. Thank you all so much for your prayers and support. I wish I could thank you all personally, I read every single comment and they all meant so much to me. I really can't thank you enough. I love you all! I will be back soon with some sewing and silliness. I'm just going to take a little more ime off to snuggle my sweet babies. Hug your babies today! ~xoxox, Samantha***
Friday started out like any other day except I still had a lingering headache and nausea from the virus I had Wednesday and Thursday. I was determined to have a normal day and NOT be sick. I cleaned up a little, talked to a couple of friends on the phone, snuggled with the kids, everything was normal. Mom called and asked if she could come and get the kids to spend the night, and I told her yes. Mom and Dad came to pick them up, and I started sewing.
Around 7 pm I got a call from my Dad, I could tell by his voice something was very wrong, he said "Sam, Maddie was standing there like normal, when all of a sudden her eyes rolled back in her head, she fell straight back, and started convulsing! She turned blue and we had to breathe for her! I've called the ambulance and they are on their way!". Shocked, I just said "I am on my way, tell them when they get there to take her to Children's Hospital! I will try to make it there before they leave!" In the car I called Ben on my cell phone and told him what I knew and to meet us at Children's. Somehow, someway, with God's help, I made it just in time to hop in the passenger seat of the ambulance. I didn't get to see her. She wasn't crying. She was on oxygen, and covered in wires but she wasn't crying. All I could see from where I sat was her foot, it just lay there lifeless. I kept saying "Maddie, Mama is here." but there was no response. The paramedic kept saying, "Maddie you have to stay awake, look at me Maddie". I have never been so scared in my life! I kept praying "God please let me hear her voice so I know she's OK". We were almost to the hospital when I finally heard her cry "mama!" Oh, it was the sweetest sound in the world, but then I felt so bad that I couldn't comfort her. When we got to the hospital I got to hold her. She was sort of out of it, shaky, and confused, but she was OK. It has never felt so good to hold my sweet baby girl before.

The pieces finally started to come together. Dad said that she had been fine, no fever or anything; but when he picked her up after she fell he noticed that she was burning up with a fever. "Febrile Seizure". That's what had happened. Her fever got too high too fast and it caused a seizure. She had just come down with the virus that I had been battling for the last few days. They gave her medicine to bring down her 102.5 fever. We stayed in the ER for a few hours under observation while she recovered. She slowly came around and became more and more alert. Then we were finally able to come home around midnight.

We are all trying to de-stress after the shock, it's funny how people tend to get upset after it's all over. I guess because you don't have time in the middle of a crisis to think about it, it hits you when it's all over. Maddie is still running a pretty high fever, she slept all day yesterday. I could tell that her muscles were completely worn out because she was so shaky and she seemed to have no strength. She also has a couple of bruises around her eyes. But, today she seems better except for the fever. My Dad is still recovering too, the doctors jokingly said that he will need therapy! They said that the kids usually fair better than the person who witnessed the seizure. I can believe that! I still have knots in my stomach! Molly, Tim, and my Mom were also there when it happened and Molly keeps saying "Mama, I just don't want Maddie to turn blue again!"
I may be out a few days tending to my sick baby (2 yr old "baby") please pray for her to feel better soon. I'm going to try to stock up on some energy! We are all pretty much emotionally drained.


Anonymous said…
I hope your little one continues to get better...pp
Megan said…
That sounds terrifying! I hope she gets better as quickly as she got sick!
Anonymous said…
That's so scary! I'm glad they know what it was and I hope she is back to herself quickly. Hugs to you, Sam!
Unknown said…
((hugs)) and speedy recovery to your littlest! What a terrifying experience to have to live through!
Megh said…
Oh my goodness- how terrifying. You are all in my thoughts! Feel better Maddie!!!!
Anonymous said…
Praying for a quick recovery! You scared me!...I have a friend who's little one has a seizure disorder and I was starting to panic on your behalf...I was so relieved when I read it was a febrile seizure! Hope you're all feeling much better soon.
tara said…
How absolutely terrifying. I have heard of febrile seizure but never seen one. I hope you never have to have a moment like that again. Any of us. I am so glad you are all ok and hope you get lots of rest.
Unknown said…
Oh, Samantha. I can't even imagine. I'm so thankful that she's okay. Love and prayers to Maddie and your family.
Dawn said…
Oh, scary! I cannot even imagine how you managed to get through that. It's amazing how even in crisis situations we mama's just do what we have to do for our babies. I am keeping you all in my thoughts. Call me if you need to talk or just cry!
oliver rain said…
Oh Sam. I can only imagine how you must have felt. I have shivers as I type this. I'm glad she's okay and I hope she makes a quick recover from the virus. Thinking about you...
Brenda said…
Oh my, those are sooo scary! My little girl had one earlier this spring, not something I'd wish on anyone! I sure hope she's feeling better real soon - lots of hugs to all of you!
Jessica said…
This seems to be happening alot lately. I have two friends who just dealt with this in their under-2 year olds. Same thing with the fever spiking up from out of nowhere.

It is very scary and I hope that she will never have one again.
Anonymous said…
Hugs! I cant even imagine!
Dawn said…
This happened to my oldest daughter when she was not quite two.
Nothing scarier for a mom to witness!
Glad all is going back to normal!
Anonymous said…
O Thank You Jesus! Hugs to my friend Sam! I couldn't imagine. I hope Maddie has a quick recover and gets back to her cute little self. Prayers are going up...
Oh mama - big hugs and bigger prayers, its so scary isn't it - Joshy had the same thing happen last year and I nearly had heart failure....we are here for you mama

Anonymous said…
Dear Samantha,
Our prayers are with you and your dear family. With six children, we have had many scares but not this
one. God's hands are on your little Madeline and He will make her well.
Love, Carol
Anonymous said…
My thoughts are with you and your family. My daughter had a febrile seizure when she was about 6 months old. I was a wreck afterwards. We have been really careful to watch for signs of fever and give Advil right away. Luckily she only had the one, and it's been almost 7 years. They told us once she made it to 5 she would be much less likely to have a second. Glad to hear your daughter is doing better.
Anonymous said…
Oh sweetheart praying for your family and comfort to you all.
Big hugs from ours to yours. Will keep you and the little ones in my thoughts.
Hope things are back to normal quickly.
much love
Anonymous said…
Hugs and prayers for recovery going out to your family (including your dad). Hope she has a peaceful recovery.
Debbie R.
Anonymous said…
My goodness, that would scare me to death. And what a praise that she is OK (and you, too!)
LadySnow said…
Samantha...I am so sorry to hear about this. I cried as I read the story. Please keep us updated with how Maddie is doing. I will make sure to hold my little ones tight tonight. ((((HUGS))))
Anonymous said…
Oh my gosh Samantha, I can't even imagine! What a miracle your family reacted so quickly. The Lord was truly with you all through this. My 2 yr old son tends to run very high fevers when he gets sick...but I did not know about this type of seizure. How scary! Thanks for letting us know and we're sending you prayers from our family to yours.

Stephanie said…
My thoughts are with you all. I hope Maddie feels herself soon.
Anonymous said…
Poor little girl! When I was 5 I watched my 3 yr old sister do the exact same thing, including watching the EMT's work on her. At least you know why it happened & can take care of her. Give both your little girls lots of hugs for me!!!! I know how Molly feels right now, my heart breaks that she had to watch the same thing!
Chickie said…
Sam, Maddie and your whole family are in my prayers. I can't begin to imagine how terrified you were. And your poor Daddy....bless his heart!
~cjoy said…
Oh! How terrifying. I'm so glad you have an answer for "why" and most importantly that she's doing better. I've been praying for her.
Carla said…
How frightening! Blessings on your wonderful father for noticing and doing the right thing immediately! And I'm so glad little Maddie is safe.
Anonymous said…
I am so glad tht she is doing better. I know personallly how scary that is, I saw my 1 1/2 years old son go through one. I went into calm mode while dialing 9-1-1 and stayed that way until the emergncy response team arrived, and then I broke down, shaking and crying. It was so scary not knowing what is going on with your baby, and even worse, feeling so helpless. Thank God your baby is ok, as is mine!

Candy AKA working wife&mom
est said…
so happy to hear everything turned out ok that maddie was recovering soon. it was really scarry to read about the seizure. take care maddie!! lots of love going yr way!! :x
Unknown said…

I am so glad she is doing better! Your retelling of what happened mad me get tears in my scary! I'll be thinking of you...

Danielle said…
how scary. praise the Lord for quick thinking on your parents' part! i'm glad she's ok...praying she continues to get better. praying for your dad too.
I am glad your daughter is better now.
My best wishes for all of your family!
SHEILA said…
I am so glad to hear Maddie is better. I feel so bad I haven't been on your blog and didn't know, or I would have been praying for you all. But God did take care of her. How is your dad doing? Wow-I never had anything like that happen to my kids, I'm sure it was awful. Hope you all are getting back to normal
Anonymous said…

I was browsing for crochet tutorials and found your blog and tears came down as I was reading this episode in your life.
I have a little girl, she is 2 1/2 and have a couple of emergencies with her because of severe food allergies. The most traumatic experiences. She is my miracle baby and I thank God for her everyday.
My heart goes out to you, in a way I've being there.

I'm so happy that your baby is fine now !

PD (Thanks for the tutorials !)

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