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Blog anniversary giveaway!

OK, so I totally missed the anniversary. It was in May and I just realized it. Oh well, we can party now!

Lets start with a big fat THANK YOU!!!! I would have never kept on blogging without all of your comments, seriously. You gave me the motivation I needed to get to the one year mark. Had you all not been here cheering me on I would NOT have my own line of patterns and a book out! Every sweet comment, every encouraging word, every piece of advice was truly taken to heart. And I can now brag that I made it an entire year with out so much as ONE ugly comment. This has truly been a happy place to be. But it was more that that, you came at a time when I really needed something to keep me busy. I needed a new and fun distraction. When I started this one year ago my heart was still grieving deeply over the loss of my sweet baby 5 months earlier. I had miscarried just a week before my second trimester. You all, with your precious comments and emails have really been amazing! And now I want to give something to you!

I will be giving away one pattern from my shop for every 20 comments (I will draw 1 name for every 20 comments). If you want you can also pick "Miss Madeline" or the new "design pack"that will be ready very soon. I will be sending them all by email (I don't mind mailing if you can't print). I will draw the name and announce the winners Wednesday. If you need to see what pattern you would like if you win go HERE. The "Miss Madeline" and the new design pack pictures are on my home page if you want to see them. Just let me know which one you want in your comment!

I also want to share some links with you!
Micah Craft - He does amazing drawings from your portraits. His business name is Portraits By Craft. He's also on Etsy!
Candy- A sweet mama of three who is on a mission! She lost her second child when she was born prematurely and has since been sewing and donating gowns and such to premature babies. I stumbled upon her blog last night and was only able to read some of the wonderful work that she is doing, but I am sure this mama could use some help even if it's just a kind word of encouragement.

NOTE: If you want to comment but do not have a blogger account, comment as anonymous and leave your name (and email if you want me to get back with you).


Anonymous said…
How do we sign up?
Anonymous said…
Oh I would love to win a pattern.
I read your blog all the time & enjoy the beautiful things you make. I'm a sewer & a crocheter too!! Margie( caitlinsmom)from sewing mamas
Sarah said…
Happy blog anniversary!! I love your patterns and am excited to get my hands on "Miss Madeline" when it comes out.
SewPaula said…
Happy Anniversary! I just enjoy your blog and think your patterns are adorable. Congratulations on your first year!
kw said…
Congrats on your anniversary! I love your blog and your patterns. I love Miss Madeline. You have done a great job!
Anonymous said…
Happy Anniversary! I'm so sorry for your loss --- I lost my baby the day my 2nd trimester started -- I don't think it is something you ever get over. All the Miss Molly's I have seen over at Sewing Mamas -- I NEED one, but I would glady sew up the Miss Madeline too!! Can't wait to see all your new creations w/in the next year.

Tavsmummy - Tanya
Anonymous said…
Oooh, I love your patterns - I have the Miss Molly and can't wait to sew it up. Congrats on your anniversary and I am truly sorry for your loss.
LadySnow said…
You are always so sweet to do these giveaways. All of your patterns are wonderful. :D
Unknown said…
Congratulations!!!! What an exciting milestone for you. I'd love the Miss. Madeline!

Mothermore. said…
Happy Anniversary! I would love to win one of your great patterns!
Happy Anniversary and continue with the great blog!
Anonymous said…
Samantha, your dresses and embroidery patterns are adorable. I had to go check out Candy's blog too. I'm gonna have to help with that! This is Debbie (just peachy) wishing you a Happy Anniversary!!
Anonymous said…
Congratulations on your anniversary! It is great to make it one year. I think I am close to mine as well. I just made your Miss Molly dress and I LOVE it! I haven't had time to take pictures, but my daughter helped me pick out the fabric and she loves this dress! Look forward to more!
Unknown said…
you are a great blogger - I've been following it since I joined sewing mamas ... you are a great sewing mama!! **hugs**
Anonymous said…
Happy anniversary! I don't comment much but I always enjoy your blog. Yay for your patterns and shop!

--Jean (
Candy said…
Thank you so much for stumbling upon my blog yesterday. I just LOVE blogland, don't you?? Thanks so much for directing your readers my way, too!!! I'm so sorry to hear about your miscarriage! In addition to the loss of Emma, I've had 3 first trimester miscarriages. I know how devastating miscarriages are too. Hugs!
Anonymous said…
I really enjoy reading your blog and love your new patterns! Happy Anniversary!

Marcia (mtollie from Sewing Mamas)
tara said…
Happy Blog Anniversary. I have made the Miss Molly and love it. I have many more planned. Please know that I found YOUR blog just when I needed it most. thank-you
Anonymous said…
Would love to enter! Off to peak around!

Unknown said…
Happy Anniversary!
Anonymous said…
Happy Blog Anniversary Samantha!!
Jessica said…
I have made 5 Miss Molly dresses. I might be your biggest fan, so pick me!
Chickie said…
Happy Anniversary! I love your patterns. I need to get my ducks in a row and get busy and call you! I'm so sorry for the loss of your baby. June 6th was my due date 12 years ago for the baby I lost. Those anniversaries are challenging. Back on topic!.... I want a pattern!
Ginny said…
Happy belated blogaversary! I would love to have a copy of Miss Molly - it's such a cute pattern.
Anonymous said…
I'd love to sign up too!! I NEED the Miss Madeline pattern :)
Anonymous said…
Happy Anniversary! Still I have been using your crochet book to practice and get the tension right before making trim for an outfit for Emily. I want to make her some Miss Molly's next summer and LOVE the Miss Madeline pattern.

Anonymous said…
Oooh, I want to win! :)
Lindsey said…
Oh you wonderful woman!!!! I have just seen your 2 crochet tut videos and I love you :o)))). I have been looking for a good tutorial for soooo long and your's is just wonderful. I'm going to fetch hooks and yarn and have a go right now!
Anonymous said…
Count me in! I am in love with your sewing skills... would love to dress my daughter in beautiful dresses handmade by her mama!
Anonymous said…
Happy belated anniversary!! Love your blog and patterns. You are so kind to share all the appliques with us. A mom's board helped me get over a miscarriage-it's wonderful to have so many people to "talk" to everyday when you can't always get out of the house. Dawn
Sew Gracious said…
Congrats on your milestone! The Miss Molly pattern is precious!
bethany said…
What cute patterns-I'd love to win!!
Anonymous said…
Happy Anniversary!

I love your patterns and enjoy your blog. It's so nice of you to do a giveaway!

Laura - LKM26 at sewing mamas
Kristin said…
Happy anniversary! I would LOVE the Miss Madeline!
Molly said…
Ha ha, cracks me up how you get so many comments when you have a give away! Of course, I'm right here with them! That's because your patterns are so adorable! Would love to have that Miss Madeline pattern! I am so happy for you with your book and patterns out! It's amazing what and who God uses to encourage us sometimes, isn't it? He knows exactly what we need WHEN we need it! Keep up the good work, friend! I love reading your blog. Any chance you'll be venturing out of your home state for a vacation this summer while we're in the States? Would love to meet you in person, but we just don't get that far south in our travels to churches. Oh, well, may just have to be content knowing you in this community! :) Have a great day!
oliver rain said…
Congratulations on your blogiversary! The pictures of the children are simply adorable.
Anonymous said…
I've been a lurker and have really enjoyed reading your blog. Happy Anniversary! Your patterns are simply adorable!

Brenda said…
Yay, the comments worked for me today! brevans02 from SM. Been following along on your Molly and Madeline cute! :)
Unknown said…
Happy Anniversary! Congratulations and good luck on your patterns and books.

Michelle (
Anonymous said…
You know, talking to you is such a treat! You are a super cool lady, and I am glad to have had the chance to work with you!
D-lyn said…
I would love to win your lovely patterns!
I have 3 girls who will look so cute in them!
Cindy said…
Happy Blog Anniversary Samantha!!!! Here's to many more!!!
Unknown said…
I can't wait for the Miss Madeline!! When does the give-away end?


I really need to figure out how to change the name that pops up. I'll save that for another day.
Anonymous said…
Happy anniversary! :) Love the new look, too.
Karlene (MamaToMyMunkins on SM)
Erin said…
Happy anniversary!! Your patterns are great!
I love your Miss Madeline pattern! Great blog.
Anonymous said…
oh,,, I think your blog is so cute,, I can sooo relate to your red neck tales too, LOL,,, Happy Blogiversary! btw of course I would LOVE one of your precious patterns,,

Joann aka huffjoann from Sewingmamas
Lesley said…
Happy Anniversary, gorgeous dresses and patterns.
Anonymous said…
congratulations!! Reading your blog always brings a smile to my face and sometimes a big giggle. Can't wait for the new Miss Madeline pattern.
Congrats on your First Anniversary! I'm relatively new to blogging but enjoy it also and hope you come by my blog sometime too!
~Fellow mom of 2 lost babies
Christa said…
I love your dress patterns they are just so sweet and your blog is one of my favorites, I love seeing all the creative things you come up with.
Debbie said…
Oh how exciting. I found your blog via Someone has created a dress from your miss molly pattern. So cute....Would love to win one.
Unknown said…
I think your give away ends today. Congratulations on your milestone. I can't wait for the Miss Madeline.

Megan said…
Congrats on making it one year!!! I love your patterns and style!
Anonymous said…
Happy Anniversary! I love your blog, and seeing your sweet little ones!
Anonymous said…
Dont know if I am too late...not very good on time zones.
Congratulations on the much achieved in such a short time.
I cant wait to start on Miss Madeline when it comes out, so please enter me for the draw.

Kindest wishes, keep blogging

Teresa uk
andrew underscore charlton at hotmail dot com
Anonymous said…
I love your blog! I found it at Sewing Mamas. My daughter's name is Madeline too.
~Michelle (michellep742)
Betsy said…
I love your blog, my daughter and I look at it all the time......
My mother used to make dresses for my sister and I, just like you do for your girls....
Ryan said…
Love your blog! So inspiring!

Anonymous said…
Happy Anniversary! I really enjoy reading your blog and your patterns are so beautiful!!
Tammy(TX) from sewingmamas
Me said…
Love your blog and I'd love to win!
Anonymous said…
i LOVE LOVE LOVE these pics of the kids!!! i cant wait to see you all!!! i plan to come home soon!! I LOVE YOU!!!
Crys :)

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