OK, so I totally missed the anniversary. It was in May and I just realized it. Oh well, we can party now!
Lets start with a big fat THANK YOU!!!! I would have never kept on blogging without all of your comments, seriously. You gave me the motivation I needed to get to the one year mark. Had you all not been here cheering me on I would NOT have my own line of patterns and a book out! Every sweet comment, every encouraging word, every piece of advice was truly taken to heart. And I can now brag that I made it an entire year with out so much as ONE ugly comment. This has truly been a happy place to be. But it was more that that, you came at a time when I really needed something to keep me busy. I needed a new and fun distraction. When I started this one year ago my heart was still grieving deeply over the loss of my sweet baby 5 months earlier. I had miscarried just a week before my second trimester. You all, with your precious comments and emails have really been amazing! And now I want to give something to you!
I will be giving away one pattern from my shop for every 20 comments (I will draw 1 name for every 20 comments). If you want you can also pick "Miss Madeline" or the new "design pack"that will be ready very soon. I will be sending them all by email (I don't mind mailing if you can't print). I will draw the name and announce the winners Wednesday. If you need to see what pattern you would like if you win go HERE. The "Miss Madeline" and the new design pack pictures are on my home page if you want to see them. Just let me know which one you want in your comment!

I also want to share some links with you!
Micah Craft - He does amazing drawings from your portraits. His business name is Portraits By Craft. He's also on Etsy!
Candy- A sweet mama of three who is on a mission! She lost her second child when she was born prematurely and has since been sewing and donating gowns and such to premature babies. I stumbled upon her blog last night and was only able to read some of the wonderful work that she is doing, but I am sure this mama could use some help even if it's just a kind word of encouragement.

NOTE: If you want to comment but do not have a blogger account, comment as anonymous and leave your name (and email if you want me to get back with you).
I read your blog all the time & enjoy the beautiful things you make. I'm a sewer & a crocheter too!! Margie( caitlinsmom)from sewing mamas
Tavsmummy - Tanya
--Jean (jean@roadq.com)
Marcia (mtollie from Sewing Mamas)
Would love to enter! Off to peak around!
carolyna75@ earthlink.net
I love your patterns and enjoy your blog. It's so nice of you to do a giveaway!
Laura - LKM26 at sewing mamas
Michelle (theshellybean@gmail.com)
I have 3 girls who will look so cute in them!
I really need to figure out how to change the name that pops up. I'll save that for another day.
Karlene (MamaToMyMunkins on SM)
Joann aka huffjoann from Sewingmamas
~Fellow mom of 2 lost babies
Congratulations on the anniversay...so much achieved in such a short time.
I cant wait to start on Miss Madeline when it comes out, so please enter me for the draw.
Kindest wishes, keep blogging
Teresa uk
andrew underscore charlton at hotmail dot com
~Michelle (michellep742)
My mother used to make dresses for my sister and I, just like you do for your girls....
Tammy(TX) from sewingmamas
Crys :)