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Molly's shirt

(This is a video, click the play symbol to watch)

While I was on the phone this morning Molly was at her craft table sewing away. Every now and then she would come over and sit a piece of fabric on my chest and then walk away. I didn't ask any questions. Why you ask? I have learned to leave her alone. When she is being creative and has all these ideas, if I come along and tell her the "right way" to do something, all of a sudden she can only think within that box. The box that I put her in. So instead I have learned to leave her alone and let her create, knowing that I am nearby to answer any questions. I am so glad that I left her alone this morning, because I would have ruined this! This sweet moment that was perfect just the way it was! She made something amazing that didn't quite work out for her intended purpose; but then she realized she could still use it for something else, and boy was she proud!

I will be having my surgery Friday morning. I am still hoping to post tomorrow but I wanted you to know just in case. xoxox Samantha

PS. Molly let me do this video just for the blog (can you tell she was a little shy), so I told her the comments would be just for her and we will read them together tonight. Oh ... and you are welcome to laugh at my country girl accent! I know you love it!

Edited to add: To answer a few questions, Molly is 6 years old and she made the pattern herself! Boy is she struttin with all these comments coming in!


Anonymous said…
oh molly! that is the neatest shirt ever! i love how stylish it is, you must be so proud of yourself! way to go!
Anonymous said…
Molly, I LOVE the shirt. I am so impressed that you can sew something so complicated without any help from Mom at all. Way to go! I can't wait to see the pants!
Anonymous said…
I love the shirt! I can't believe you did that with no help (and no pattern)!!
plainjanesews said…
Wow Molly- you are an amazing sewer! Just like your mama- Great job! It looks great on you. Can't wait to see you pants... plainjanesews (from sewing mamas site)
Coralee said…
Molly, thank you for sharing your talent on your mom's blog. Your shirt is beautiful!
Anonymous said…
How awesome! You did a fantastic job, Molly!!!
you make the cutest items ever!!!! great job!
Anonymous said…
Molly you are awesome

Love Dad
SHEILA said…
Way to go girl! You keep practicing and you will have a closet full of cool clothes. That's the best part of being able to sew. That and being able to make gifts for your friends and family. Keep up the good work-I'm so proud of you!
PS If you become a famous designer I will be able to say I knew you before you became famous!
Unknown said…
Dear Molly,
Your new shirt is so beautiful. I am so impressed that you did it all by yourself! I can't wait to show my little girl this video clip so that she can see that little girls can create beautiful things with a sewing machine too!

You did a wonderful job! I hope you'll show us the capri pants, too!

Best wishes,
Molly said…
Wow, Molly, you did a great job! Thanks for letting your mom video you to share it with us. Tell your mom that y'all need to come visit us here in Peru sometime so we can all have a big craft and sewing party! Our girls would love to sew with you! :) Keep sewing and take good care of your mama after her surgery. I know ya will! :)
love ya,
Anonymous said…
Molly, I can't believe you didn't have any help! Great job!!!
Anonymous said…
Sweetie that's just so gorgeous and how sweet of you to want to make your mum something nice!
You have a fan all the way from England, well done Molly!


That is the most rocking shirt I have ever seen. :)
Dawn said…
Molly, I came over here from Karen's place to see what was so exciting - and it was! I don't know how old you are, but not very! I love your shirt, and that you wanted to make it for you mom, and I LOVE your southern accent. I used to have one, too, before I moved back up north.
Unknown said…
Way to go Molly it took me 20 years to sew my first shirt, you are YEARS ahead of me! Keep on sewing sweetheart.
RC said…
Wow Molly! That is so awesome! will you teach me to sew?
Anonymous said…
Wow, Molly! From all the way Down Under that's one awesome shirt! Great job!

Best Wishes, Rachel in Australia
That is awesome!

Molly, you are super talented, girl. Momma must be so proud of you. I can't wait to see what you come up with for the pants.

Way to go!
est said…
yay for molly!!! keep it going. i'm sure you have more great ideas with the sewing machine! :)
alisaferrara said…
Wow! I wear a size medium Molly! Great job! *p.s. you don't know me, but i know you're mommy and i think you're just out-right adorable!
Katie said…
What a smart girl! You'll be designing high fashion before long! =)
LadySnow said…
Oh Molly! You did such a wonderful job. I can't wait to see what else you create. ;D Also...I love the country girl accents.
Infinite Cosmos said…
how awesome! What a proud mama moment for you ;-) I am so excited for when my daughter (she's 3 now) wants to start sewing!!!
Nutmeg said…
Molly, that is adorable! You are sooooo talented! Your mama is very, very proud of you.

You look very good on the video. Maybe one day you will meet my six year old, who is named Mary. She loves your shirt too!

What machine do you have?
Linnea said…
Molly! What an awesome shirt! I can't believe you made that ALL by yourself. I am so excited to see the pants. You should be so proud I can tell your mommy is!
Anonymous said…
Molly, what a wonderful job you did. I have a little girl who is almost 6, and I will show her your video so she can see that people who are 6 can do amazing things!
Anonymous said…
Molly, I happened upon your mom's blog while surfing the web for sewing blogs, and I had to come out and say I am FLOORED by your work. What you have, girl, is an amazing gift!!! Congratulations to you (and to your mom, for raising such an original, talented girl, and I've no doubt your siblings are just as great!)
jo from the Philippines (I bet you don't know where that is, LOL)
p.s. Can I be you when I grow up? I'm 41. ;-D

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