My three little lovelies have never had snow, so when the weather man said we may get a couple of inches, they took to the windows waiting (not so patiently). We were supposed to have snow when we woke up, but there wasn't the first flake. Rae and Jake came over and spent the night and we were hoping to get snowed in!
Soon we started to see SNOW! REAL SNOW! They were so excited, it was like a dream to them.
This little guy is what we call an Alabama Snow Man. Bless his heart. OK and while we are blessin hearts, lets go on and bless my poor children's hearts because they are wearing plastic baggies on their hands ........(said in an embarrassed whisper) and feet............ Look, we can't help it! It's like we have hillbilly in our DNA! There is nothing to be done! In my defense, there are two good reasons why my children are wearing freezer bags: one, we never get snow so we don't have snow clothes; two, we have wet snow not that pretty powdery stuff all the lucky people get, as soon as it hits your hand you are soaking wet. One more confession: the bags on their feet are really...... Walmart sacks. Uhhh oh here comes the word vomit! Ben pulled our children around the yard on one of those tarps......a..a..nd if it had snowed enough we would have rode down the hill on a car hood, like we did when I was a kid......and rednecks are really fun people to be around!
They had to come in about every hour to warm up and dry off (and get fresh baggies). See that little bassinet on the left? That is our sweet Lily and Iris taking a nap.
Yes...... we still had power, but we wanted to cook on the wood burning heater, and pretend we were snowed in with no other way to cook. Chicken noodle soup, and boy was it good.
We decided rain jackets may work better, they worked OK. They made one more snow man before the snow melted.
And in true Timothy fashion, he stomped it as soon as the picture was taken. Had to be done.
Ben soon joined in their little snow vigil. The flakes were really tiny, but they were there!
As soon as it started to stick to the ground, they were off.............
they hit the front porch for some hot chocolate on their first ever snow day!
It was about three hours of fun before the snow melted away. We were so thankful for our little snow day. Maybe I will get the kids some gloves now. LOL! I might just stick to my hillbilly ways and buy some more baggies. At Walmart. So we can get the foot sacks for free! LOL! Now that's a deal!
One more confession: LOL! This is like a talk show, "Confessions of a Hillbilly". OK back to my confession. We call all plastic bags Walmart sacks- doesn't matter where it's from. Here's an example: I'm changing a poopie and I holler, "I neeeed a Walmart sack!" One of the kids will always come running with a plastic bag for me to tie the poopie up in. Who needs one of those "uppity" diaper genies when you have Walmart sacks? Now that's recyclin.
the hand baggies are pretty common with the wet snow- hate wet soppy gloves!
but still... sledding on car hoods? really?
ok, if you say so then Why Not?!
Now I must admit we have not, as of yet, slid down the hill on a car hood. We have one of those new fangled things called a sled, but I am sure a car hood is much more fun. But if you lick it, does your tongue get stuck? Hm.....
Oh, and our closest walmart is over an hour away, so we just wear boots. No fun, and not near as fashionable, but hey, that is us.
I am so glad your kiddos got to see snow. It really is magical.
Oh, today I learned that you should turn one sandwich bag inside out, put crisco all over it, and zip another one on top of it (does that make sense, like a ziploc sandwich?), it'll keep your hands from getting cold, b/c of the fat..It's like polar bears..or something..That would really be might hafta wait a year or two until it snows again to try it..