I tell Maddie all the time to go to bed and when I go check, she is in there. I have never questioned how she got in. Ben came in the living room last night after putting the girls to bed and said, "Have you ever seen Maddie get in her bed?". I thought about it, and said"No, not really." He said "Come in here and watch her." When I went in this is what I saw.
(This is a video, just click on the play symbol)
My little gymnast climbs into the window seal, mounts onto the side of the bed, and just flips over into the bed. How funny is that!!!
The video is too cute! All of your kids are adorable! I love your work too-so talented !
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This video is precious, funny and amazing - the dexterity of small children is wondrous and funny too.
Have a great day!
I Love You All,
Aunt Cindy and Mark