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This Is What I've Been Sewing

Molly drew me a penguin and wrote "I love mama" underneath. I loved the penguin so much I decided to put it on a shirt for her. She was so amazed that her drawing was on a shirt! She tells everybody "I designed this shirt, want me to draw you one?", she's so sweet. I know it's dirty, she was outside playing when I took this picture. I have been making ornaments and I think I'm addicted. Hehe! I just think they are so cute. The one with "mama" on it is going to be a little apron.
I like to do my kids a Christmas shirt every year, you know the applique tree or snowman with the monogrammed name underneath. I just wanted something a little different, so I decided to add beads and sequins (Kim I will talk to you about this later- I know I've got it comin). I gave it a try on an ornament. What do you think, too much? Molly's Thanksgiving dress. I made hers a little different than Maddie's, I criss-crossed the yoke. Then I made little yo yo flowers to coordinate with the piping. The pattern is Frannie. Maddie's Thanksgiving dress. They looked so sweet in these dresses with little brown shoes and cream colored tights. So cute! I had to add this picture. My boy now has the job of bringing in the wood. He fills the wagon, pulls it inside, unloads it by the wood burning stove, and hauls the wagon back out, not bad for a three year old eh? He told me today when I was thanking him, "mama, I takin care o yew wiwe daddy werk", I could just eat him!


Molly said…
What fun projects you've been working on lately! Love Molly's shirt...I may have to try that for my girls. Your little guy takin' care o' mama is sweet, too! And, by the way, using the quilt for the tree skirt is NOT is called being a good steward of what God has already given you! :) He he! All that you cut off around the skirt will make for some fun projects, too, I'm sure! Happy sewing!
Anonymous said…
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I COULD FALL OVER DEAD !!!!! YOU and and and i can barely take a breath to say it dare I say it on the blog of Sammantha plain jane amish girl, Deep breath, yes I dare it , SEQUINS WHOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO! Rubbing off on you now, scared ?? MWAAA HAAA HAA (think evil cartoon laugh !) It is DARLING, love ya hon !
Anonymous said…
You have been a busy bunny - wonderful stuff! I especially love the personalised ornaments, what a fab idea! Hope all is well with you Mama

Vintage Indie said…
I love those ornaments! They are so cute, I can't wait to see the little apron one! Have a great day!
Anonymous said…
I just wanted to say what a wonderful little boy you have, he is a keeper. I read your post over at MP and had to come take a look at your blog. I don't get to MP as much as I use to. I am one of the original members from about 10 years ago, so all the older members know who I am lol. The Big mouth. lol Love your blog and the stories you share. The one picture with you and kids on the coach. lol I think we had the same couch. I still have the matching But the coach wore completely out.

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