Once again I wanted to thank all my sweet bloggy friends. I really have come to love your precious comments and emails. I wish you all a very merry Christmas! I hope it is full of memories. I can't wait to hear all about your holiday.
I have had such a good week already. Friday we baked cookies in our PJ's at Nana's house (my mom). I took a few pictures of my little angels, they were so proud of their cookies.

Maddie is such a ham! Every time I took a picture she gave me this same cute lil pose and said cheeeeeese.
Molly and Tim love to help in the kitchen.
Tim could not stay still for one picture! They all look like this! He is soooooo excited about Christmas, that's all he can talk about! A few days ago I showed him a picture of the train set he is getting for Christmas on the computer. I asked him if that was what he wanted and he said "yes!" I said "You will have to ask Santa." He immediately looked up and said " Jesus, pweese wet me hab dat twain set!" I just squeezed him and said "I think you will get it buddy." I love that baby!
This is Molly in the children's choir at church this morning.
OK all you sewing mamas here is a close up of Maddie's yoke, I crochet it in white and beige.
This is the crochet insert in Molly's dress. I love this shell design.
And the sleeves, I crochet lace to match the insert. The design is the same shell as Maddie's yoke.
I am going to try to sleep now, I am so excited! Ben will be working at the fire station on Christmas eve, but he will be home at midnight. We will get up Christmas morning, read our babies the Christmas story, then they will run to the living room to see their gifts. At around 10am my brother, my grand parents, and my parents will all come over for Christmas breakfast- I love that!. We will just relax and play with toys for most of the day, then around supper time we will go to Ben's Aunt Crystal's house- I love that too! I feel like a kid again, I love to see my sweet babies get so excited over Christmas.
Have a great Holiday! I love you all!
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas a day late. The kids look adorable-whether in PJ's or in one of your one of a kind creations! The crochet adds such a unique touch to the dresses. What about Lily and Iris? Did you make them an outfit also? Is Tim loving his twains? xo