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My Kinda-Sorta Instructions/Tutorial to Madeline's Elastic Dress

I have definitely realized that I am with sewing, how my mom is with cooking. There is no exact, just a dash here and there, a little of this and a little of that! When you design these things in your head they are all images, it is hard to put in words sometimes. Here is my best shot, hope it's helpful. If you have any questions just ask. I know this is a stupid pic..... Shu-up. Ok, I stretched this dress over the chair to show you that 1. this dress is just like a mini pillowcase (a tube sewn up one side) and 2. that there is a little groove cut out on each side for an armhole.

Let's start with measurements, Madeline is 21 mo and she wears this like a short dress with bloomers (think Shirley Temple). Her measurements are 14' long x 36" wide.

You would just measure how long you want it, and add a little for hem allowance on bottom. Measure the child around for the width and double that. Sew up the side. So you start with your tube of fabric. You can add a band of coordinating fabric at the bottom like I did. With the seam on the left side iron flat.

Using this armhole guide cut out the groove for arms. This is just an example, I always just wing it. It's about 2" across and 2" down, this will work for most sizes.

Fold twice (1/4"-1/2") and hem bottom of dress, I just top stitched.

With coordinating fabric sew a casing for the elastic between the armholes at top.

Madeline's elastic was 6" long.

You will need to measure the child from underarm to underarm to get this measurement.

Run elastic in casing and when you get it about half way sew the elastic down at opening, then run it all the way and sew down the other side. Do this on front and back.

Finish the armholes with about 36" of bias binding on each side.

If you have any questions about this PLEASE just ask.


So cute! Thanks for the tutorial!! I love the fabrics. So fresh and springy.
Anonymous said…
It's really cute! Thanks for the tutorial. :)
Louise said…
Just dropping by to say hi and thanks for your comment. I LOVE your work, it is all so delicate and pretty. Thanks for the tutorial - my 19mnth old will look adorable in that for this coming Summer and I'm thinking those shirred dresses are perfect for the older girls. Good on you for starting up your Etsy shop - mine hopefully isn't too far away. And I think your children are just gorgeous! Nice to meet you!
luxy said…
I just came across your blog and love love this dress. I've been debating on attempting a pillow case style dress with some flare for my little lady. This might just make me do it.

I also have a little esty shop, & a website (

Always cool to meet other moms that rock the sewing machine.
Unknown said…
just wanted to say, this is so cute.

I'm going to try it for my 21 month old too.
Tab said…
Quite beautiful. I have 4 nieces and another on the way, and I want to make them matchy stuff. Any tips on making the bloomers?
Kimmie said…
So sweet of you to I long to be that kind of sewer...just whip it up out of your mind AND have it come out! I'd love to make one of these for the babies we are adopting from Ethiopia...I love your bloomers are they complicated??

mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted
we love new friends!
V and Co. said…
i think i'll try this today! thanks!
Anonymous said…
Pretty nice site you've got here. Thanx for it. I like such topics and everything that is connected to them. BTW, why don't you change design :).
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the tutorial! Just finished it! Can't wait for summer! God bless your family!

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