The other night while I was hard at work on my website, I told Molly to go put some footie pajamas on Maddie. She came back and said that she couldn't find any. I was so in my own little world, that I just told her to go back and look again. She didn't come back for about fifteen minutes, but I didn't notice because I was so 'locked in' to the computer (bad mama!). When she finally came back she said, "Mom, I couldn't find those footie pajamas that you were talkin about; so I just made her some." Well THIS got mamas attention! I turned and looked at this.......
Molly had found a sweat suit, put the top on Maddie, got the pants, and sewn a sock onto the leg. Footie pajamas. Just like I said. She couldn't find what I was talking about, but she had to obey, so she just worked it out. I laughed so hard! I told Molly that she was absolutely the coolest kid on earth. Can you believe how inventive? I was just so proud! She did a pretty good job too, not bad at all for a six year old. I'm so glad I got this girl a sewing machine early!
Amazing child you have there.