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Sanuks gone wild!

This was so much fun!!! I got to do whatever I wanted to three awesome pairs of shoes without any pressure at all, I didn't buy them so the money issue didn't hold me back, Bron only said "lets see what else you can do" and left it at that (which was so cool, because I felt free creatively to make something that I would like for me and not feel like I needed to please the people who gave them to me), and I basically had everything I needed here.

In the beginning my sporty Mary Jane looked like this....

....then I cut a hole in the top. I hope they don't mind! I looked over at Ben as soon as I made the first cut and said "I totally just cut up a new pair of Sanuks!" LOL! From the first moment I knew I wanted this pair to either be a Mary Jane or look like a Mary Jane, so I put my pattern drafting skills to use in a whole new way, and drafted a curvy strap to cover up what I didn't want to see. I LOVED this pink surfer girl fabric and knew immediately that it would be perfect for these shoes. I added a wooden button to keep a sort of earthy casual feel. The rep for Buttons Etc. gave me those buttons at our last market and they were just perfect for this!

I wish I could get a good shot from the side wearing these because they are so cute, but you know how it is taking pictures of your own feet.

Next up was the black pair.

These are my gypsy shoes. Oh my! I have a hard time being inspired by black, but I came up with this paisley design that included a crochet know how I love a crochet flower...and how I Love to crochet flowers.

I have to admit, these were my least favorite because I just couldn't decide on what to do, but I still really like them especially with jeans.

My artistic shoes started out like this.....

These are my favorite!! I wanted a hand drawn look, kinda like doodle stitching! I marked it out in pencil first but I wouldn't let myself go back and make it "perfect", that would have ruined it! I used the Sanuk slogan "Smile...Pass it on!" because I liked the thought of having these little hearts grow and grow until there was one big heart at the end, all because of a smile.

These will be so cute this summer!

They look cute with jeans too! I LOVE THESE!! Well, what do you think? Do you think I improved them or should I have left them all alone? LOL! Be gentle....


Christina Joy said…
I love them! I think if I was so daring to try a stunt like that, I'd just end up with a pair of cut-up shoes! Nice work!
Renata said…
Love them! What a great job you have done! Do you know I would walk past these kind of shoes in a shop, but not with your designs. My favourite design are the black, with the mary jane being a close second!
It's wonderful that you have had this opportunity!
Have a fun day
Renata :)
jenn said…
Love them all!! You did a GREAT job! I think my favorite is the black ones, adorable! I think the Sanuk people will LOVE them :)
maribeth said…
oh my goodness, those mary janes are adorable! you are too creative! love the doodle ones, too! they need to hire you!
Beach Mama said…
I love them all! Your original pair though are my favorite. I hope they incorporate your designs..if not, maybe you can do custom orders???? I'll get a pair in the mail to you!
LadySnow said…
I love them! Great job. :-)
Leslie said…
I think they all look fantastic! While there's nothing wrong with the plain Sanuks, I like your versions better. :)
Jannette said…
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Mary Janes!! So cute! You did a great job on all of them.
Amy said…
They are ADORABLE.... I really really like the Mary Janes... you will have to let us know what Sanuk things!!!
Rose and Ivy said…
Wonderful!!--- I just can't pick a favourite!
Stephanie said…
Those look great. I keep looking at their site thinking about buying a pair just to fancy up.
~cjoy said…
I think I am IN LOVE with your shoes...can I marry them???? I would positively drool over these, longing to buy them...wait, I AM drooling.

Gorgeousness shoe-ified.
Unknown said…
I would buy all of these in 2 seconds flat. No joke.
Andrea said…
Way too cool!! Cant wait to hear the sanuk peoples comments :)
Cute! I cannot wait to see what the Sanuks folks say. We are all gonna say, oh yeah, that new Sanuk designer, we read her blog before she hit 'the big BIG time!'. Mark my words girl!!!
Sandra said…
They are sooo cute. My favorites are the Mary Janes. I wouldn't be surprised to see that be the new style offered by Sanuk.
Beth said…
LOVE them! The Mary Janes are my favorite.
Unknown said…
I absolutely adore the Mary Janes! What a perfect spring shoe to wear with cuffed jeans!!!
Mama Lusco said…
You did an amazing job with all 3!
Carolyn said…
Definitely improved. What a fun project!
Anonymous said…
I love them! The first is still my fav, but the Mary Janes are darling too!
Cindy said…
I love them all! But I think my favorite is the "smile" ones and second goes to the "black crochet flower paisley" ones. Great work on your part!
Purple Cow said…
It's amazing what you've done! I think they're adorable, especially the black ones and the passed on smile.
Goosegirl said…
I love love love them!! I think either the mary janes or the smile shoes are my faves but they are all wonderful!
Kisha said…
Are these really comfy? Do they dig at the back of the heel? We're going to the Ukraine in a few weeks to adopt two cuties with Down syndrome, and there will be a lot of walking. I'm so hesitant to shell out the money on these in the "hopes" that they will be comfortable. Right now $40-50 is a lot of money for anything especially shoes that may be great. But I'm desperate for good shoes to wear with my skirts around the country since I'll be there for six weeks. BTW I love what you've done with these, I'd definitely have to decorate mine before going.
Robbie Jones said…
Debbie said…
Awesome!!!!! Help me find some of this type of shoe in narrow...someone! I've hunted the world over, so it feels.
Oh...Sam, do you have a friend with narrow feet who could try them out...maybe they run narrow???
Going out on a limb, I know. lol
Julia said…
I think you have a new career!!!
JLI said…
How awesome are these?!? Love them all, but I really am a sucker for pink and black. Probably because of the crochet flowers (I love crochet, too!)

You really did a fabulous job on them!
affectioknit said…
Awesome - the Mary Janes are the cutest!
Abigail said…
THose are awesome!! Even my husband is loving them!
Rebecca said…
The Mary Janes are my favorite!
I LOVE the mary janes :) I could totally see myself wearing those. The other ones are super cute also.
mary said…
Love them all. How did you cover the mary janes and still have the elastic have some give to it. On a side note do they work well with wide feet?
Lucy said…
I like the Mary Janes (I would buy them if I saw them in a store - this company should employ you) followed by the black ones. The doodly ones are cute but not my cup of tea.
Cat said…
Those are awesome! Very creative. I think the company will LOVE them! Praying for favor!
Katherine said…
these all look great. the mary janes are the cutest BY FAR. you might have just added a completely new audience to the sanuk brand. i'm definitely in now!
I just started following your blog and am so inspired by you and your family. I just love this whole story about the shoes! I absolutly love all of them & WANT SOME!! I am looking forward to seeing where this all goes.
Anonymous said…
Love these! I am so glad that the paisley's made the cut!
Mel said…
Nice job! I think Jenny is right about the "new designer". =)
I want to know how you got your needle through the toes of the white ones. Patience? LOL.
Samantha said…
From one Samantha to another ;) GREAT JOB! I LOVE them! My favorites are your 1st pair and the Mary Jane Pink. I consider myself crafty but have never touched shoes, I think I need to start!
Emma Anne said…
I just found your blog, and I love it! Wanted to let you know that the black ones are my favorites. But then, the Mary Janes are also my favorites. And your originals- also my favorites! Ok, fine, I love them all!
Unknown said…
Oh goodness, LOVE it! And I love, LOVE sanuks. Great job!

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