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Our First Run

We had our first hospital run this weekend. Baby Caffee tried to make an appearance Friday afternoon. By the time we made it to the hospital I was contracting every 4 minutes, after a Brethine shot and another type of pill, they were every 2 minutes. I was scared. At one point my heart rate was in the 140's, I was seeing stars, I had a pounding headache, I was contracting almost constantly, and they couldn't give me anymore labor medicines. They tried one last thing, Demerol & Phenergan to just knock me out. Thank God it worked! They started spacing out and by early morning they had me pretty calm. I need 3 1/2 more weeks to make it to my goal of 37 weeks, it's going to be hard! I'm dilated, thinned out, and I don't have the pump as back up this time. Another thing I run into around this time of pregnancy is that sometimes the risk of the medicines to baby outweigh the benefit in the case that they come early anyhow, so if I go in and I need help, and it doesn't work fast (like this time) the may back of and let me go. They went ahead and gave me the steroid shots that mature baby's lungs faster, so that is a comfort to me. 

It's fight time! It's that point that I come to in every pregnancy of mine where I have to just fight for every single day. I was once told that for every extra day a baby spends in the womb, that's 2-3 days they are not in the NICU. It's uncomfortable, it's exhausting, it's hard on my family, it's crazy-scary at times, but it will soon be worth every minute! I took my knitting bag with me Friday, because I knew that I may need some distraction to calm me down. At one point during that miserable night I laughed when during one contraction I started slow breathing out of my mouth and knitting furiously with my hands and Ben said "Just knit through it baby!" Ha! Another funny moment came when I heard a nurse describe me as "the knitting red head". :) Sometimes those moments are like gifts, sent to calm your mind and heart with a little laugh, aren't they? I will say, I got that soaker done faster than I thought I would! Maybe we should look into knitting while in labor a little more? There might just be something to that! I will be back soon to show you that soaker, it needs to have the ends woven in and a couple of cute buttons picked out. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers friends! I feel so blessed to have them! xo, Sam


Me said…
Praying for you. I think I'm just about as far along as you and I've had more than enough scares this pregnancy.
Unknown said…
Go Sam! Prayers going out that you make you goal. <3
Anonymous said…
Oh! how cute! and definitely praying you through! Praise Jesus!
Christine said…
Thoughts and prayers on the wing Sam! ~*~
Debbie said…
I'm praying, Sam!!!!!
Bless by Tone said…
Lord, I pray for Sam and the baby, I pray that the baby will be born healthy and at due time. I also want to pray that Sam this time will be able to keep the baby until the 37 weeks. You are our healer and You know how to do it. Thank you! In the name of Jesus, Amen
Melissa said…
The diaper cover is adorable. I love how you can write about such a tough situation with joy and thanksgiving. Your view of motherhood is encouraging and rare.
Leslie said…
Sam, praying and praying that you get to keep that little one in full term. Lord, protect both mama and baby during these precious and critical last few weeks of pregnancy. Prepare this newest blessing to be ready for the world and life outside the womb when their big day arrives. Surround Sam and her family with love and peace. Take away the worry of what may lay ahead and instead replace it with the surety that you will see them through.
Jan M said…
Prayers that little one stays put a little longer. The tiny soaker is just precious!
Every day you have that babe growing inside you is magic, keep growing little baby, you are where you need to be for just a little longer...relax and keep thinking of this baby in your arms in a couple more weeks.....youre nearly
Anonymous said…
Praying for you and baby!
Renata said…
Praying for you & Baby. You're doing so well & I love that you can knit through contractions!!!
Anonymous said…
Praying for you dearie.
Nell said…
Oh Sam! Hoping that precious baby stays right where it is just a bit longer. As someone who sailed through three pregnancies my heart always goes out to anyone who has difficulties.
Sending prayers!

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