Knitting, coffee, Dove chocolate (thank you hunny)...
...a nice view, a warm fire, a pudgy baby playing music with kindling....
...a big girl curled up under a quilt reading "Life in Ancient Mesopotamia" (they are loving the Tapestry of Grace)...
...and the playful noises filtering in from the porch.
Now I could change my perspective and tell you that at this very moment that lovely wood bowl full of fossils and pine cones is all over the floor, that I bumped my coffee just after I took that picture and all three of those pretty doilies are now soaking in the sink, that by the time I got back to the coffee it was only luke warm but I drank it anyway, that I still haven't got a chance to eat that chocolate, that the playful noises quickly turned to screaming because Maddie busted her lip, that not one row has been knit or purled on that cardigan today, that my ears are aching again (I guess the antibiotic shot just didn't get all of the infection), that I'm worn out because I haven't slept in over a week because my sweet babe is teething, that my middle two children seem to be at war this week......Yes, I could sit and think on allllll that, but how would I feel if I focused on that? Frustrated? Angry? Done? Defeated? Yep. So on days (and weeks) like this, I make it a point to CHOOSE the kind of day I'm having. Today I choose to focus on a few moments when everything was going great, on the fact that Molly is cooking lunch so that I don't have to, on the breakthrough that happened this morning when Tim got up and did his school start to finish without even being told, on how much better today is for Claire (yay! We finally have a tooth!), on the upcoming date night with Ben (I love having things to look forward to), on Maddie loving to french braid my hair and me LOVING to have my hair played with, on how much the kids are getting out of the new homeschool curriculum (Tapestry of Grace) and how they are soaking it up like little sponges, on the fact that I just found out that my sis is having a BOY so I have a new nephew to knit for! You see? It's all in the way I CHOOSE to look at it. I've said over and over, that this mothering gig is tough stuff sometimes, but just like Molly said this morning as we cleaned up after breakfast "Babies are a lot of work, but they are worth it ain't they mama?" Yes love. It's a lot of work, but it's the most worthwhile thing I will do in my lifetime. I really hope that you have a great day today too! xo, Sam
Have a nice day :)
Thank you and God bless your lovely family!