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News From Samantha

Photos Sam sent me from her iPhone of Ben in the rubble after the storm

Hi everyone, this is Dawn (from Olabelhe) filling in for Samantha...

Sam managed to get a call through to me this morning which was a miracle in itself, as most of the cell towers are down and most people have no electricity. She wanted me to update all of you on what's happening so she asked me to fill in for her for a while until they get internet back which could be weeks. So as long as she can get through to me, I will be filling in for her to keep you all updated on what's happening. First of all they are all safe and okay. Sam is currently staying with her sister Rachel because Rachel has electricity so they are camping out there until further notice. Yesterday amidst all of the chaos Christina gave birth to a beautiful little girl and they named her Zoe, and mama and baby are doing just fine. Although now they have a new baby and no home to bring her back to, until they are able to find a new place they will be staying with Ben's family. Now for more news about the storm. One of the areas that was hit the hardest was a neighboring town called Pleasant Grove which is where Daniel and Christina lived. That town was hit really hard and so many people lost everything including loved ones. Currently they are setting up shelters and Convoy of Hope arrived this morning to start helping, as of yet there was no sign of any other help from any one else but she hoped that they might possibly see the National Guard or the Red Cross sometime today. She said that right now it's just crazy and they are still looking for people as over 100 are still missing, in fact that's what Ben and some of his brothers were doing today, still looking for people. Sam's Church has been transformed into a shelter and they are starting to feed families and get them the help that they need including shelter. When I asked Sam what we can do to help she said anything and everything would be greatly appreciated!! and she asked that I pass this info along...all donations can be sent to their church treasurer Linda who will see that everything sent will be given to Sam's dad who is their pastor and he will make sure it goes directly to those who need it most. If you would like things to specifically to Daniel, Christina and baby Zoe please label it that way otherwise it will go to another family. Sam highly suggested sending store gift cards to either Walmart or Target because those stores weren't hit and then people can go get what they need and they are very easy to send, but if you would like to send clothes, shoes, personal items, food, blankets, pillows, towels, etc.etc. anything and everything would be GREATLY appreciated!!!

Please send donations to:

New Life Fellowship
C/O Linda
3519 Gilbert Drive
Hueytown, Alabama

I will do everything within my power to keep you all updated as long as Sam can get through to me. If you have any other questions that I might be able to help you with you can always email me at

Please keep Sam, her family, friends and their community in your prayers as they need it now more than ever...


Thanks Dawn for stepping in, it is good to hear they are all ok and thanks for the fundraiser great idea!!! Samantha, we are praying for Gods peace and comfort in the midst of turmoil. May his unfailing love and faithfulness sustain you and give you strength!!! Keeping you in our prayers and rejoiceing for the safe arrival of the new little one and your protection. Loves
Kimberly said…
I wish to copy and paste this post on my blog. Our hearts and prayers go out for these folks.
Anonymous said…
thank you Dawn!! This is almost too much to comprehend!! I am so thankful Samantha and her family are Ok and will continue to keep the great Alabama folks in my prayers.
Mama Lusco said…
Thank you for the update! My heart and prayers are going out to them :)
Renata said…
Praying for all involved - such devastation is hard to imagine. May God use it all for His Glory.
Cassie Louise said…
was Sam's house okay? And their property?
Anonymous said…
Praying for this situation and will blog it too, to hopefully get more support.
Anonymous said…
Thank you for this info. We are moving across the country this weeek, but I want to help, so I will try to get one of those gift cards out. So thankful Samantha and fam are all ok.
Alyssa said…
My brother and I both have baby girls. We have a big box of clothing, newborn diapers, soap, etc. we would like to send and would like to know the best way to send it. Is UPS an option for you? We want to make sure everything gets to you!

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