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Easter sewing and a new pattern line!

Today I got to get a couple of hours of Easter sewing done! Molly and Adam (her uncle that's the same age as her) watched Claire while I got Maddie's dress ready for the handwork. I'm doing my crocheted insertion dress again, but this time for three girls! They each have their own color; Molly is blue, Maddie picked purple, and my little Claire will be pink. :) This is the purple in silk thread, but I'm thinking that I may use a cotton thread with a darker purple. This just looks so pale and I want the crochet to stand out more. It almost looks like a grayish white when it's on the dress. Not very Eastery, huh? I'll work on that tonight.I can't wait to see them finished, three little girls dressed in Easter dresses! OH!

This was the first crocheted insertion dress, it was Molly's Easter dress one year. I have had so many questions about this dress over the years so....I have finally decided to make up a pattern for it! This was a pretty hard decision to make, believe it or not, mostly because it's not for beginners. All of my "Miss" patterns are geared towards beginners with no plackets, buttonholes, or zippers. I was afraid that if I got away from that it may cause confusion, so what I have finally decided to do is have another pattern line with more advanced/heirloom patterns. My only problem is I don't know what I will call them! I thought about having the "Miss" patterns and then the "Samantha's Heirloom" patterns. What do you think?

I'm always looking for suggestions from the people who buy my patterns! If you have any please, please, please speak up! I need your help! :) xo, Sam

Edited to add: I'm going to open a new discussion in the forum about this too. Come on over and chat if you would like. :)


LadySnow said…
So pretty. Can't wait to see them finished :-0
Julia said…
Whatever you decide to call the pattern line, I will want this pattern. Am I right when I think that you have added entredeaux to the edge of the fabric and somehow crocheted the two fabrics together? This is awesome, however you did it.
Jean said…
Yep, I want it too. I've always loved that one! Yes, I think a different name for the heirloom patterns would be good, but I haven't got any suggestions!
Anonymous said…
Oh You must make the Samantha heirloom line! I would love to learn how to make the crochet insertion on a dress! So beautiful and congratulations on the little one!
Mindy said…
Oh, so amazingly beautiful! I'm drooling over here. I won't be trying to make these, but I can still just wistfully gaze and wish. It was your blog that really got me interested in sewing again, just in time for my grandchildren. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I'm having a blast, but I'm still not capable enough to try something like this.
Mama Lusco said…
Beautiful! I think an 'Heirloom' line is a great idea :)
Goosegirl said…
I agree. I love the idea of "Samantha's Heirlooms". You could call this one the "Entredeux Easter Dress". I don't know how to crochet but I want to learn! I can't wait to see the dresses done. They will be so lovely.
Ellie Inspired said…
I love Sivje's suggestions of both the pattern line name and this particular dress's name. It's so beautiful! How exciting to start a brand new line of heirloom patterns!
JenR said…
Oh, I Love this dress and would love the pattern. I like "Samantha's Heirlooms". Whatever you end up calling them, I'm getting it. :) So beautiful!
Stephanie said…
I'd be very likely to buy heirloom patterns from you. I like the look of your Miss line a lot and have one but really most are things I can figure out without a pattern. The heirloom things on the other hand I would love a pattern for.
Myra said…
Absolutely, do a pattern and the designation of Heirloom with a blurb on the description of how that means more skills and keep the others "Miss", like young in sewing. I modeled CeeCee's dress last year after your aqua one shown, the bow embroidery, that is, on the bodice. I loved the look and copied/traced the outline on the computer screen so I could get the bow's flow right and the vines.
Lauren said…
I love heirloom sewing patterns! I especially love that one simple dress pattern will have so many options and ideas that you get to use it over and over with totally different results everytime.
Stephanie said…
Hey, just wanted to stop back by and tell you I put my first ever real heirloom dress up on my blog if you want to stop by.
Christina said…
I like "Samantha's Heirloom". Or you could just call the heirloom patterns by double names (like "Clara Beth" for example) and continue to call the easy ones "Miss so-and-so."
Samantha said…
I think it is a good idea to make it a separate pattern line from the "Miss" patterns. It will help the beginners know that this isn't a pattern to jump into like all of your others, but it will also let the more advanced sewists know that this is a pattern with a little more challenge. As a fellow Samantha, I think the name is great! LOL I am always looking for good heirloom patterns, so I look forward to seeing what you create for this line.
Anonymous said…
YES!!! And pleasepleaseplease can the next Samantha's Heirloom pattern be the one with the crocheted lace yoke??? I have LOVED that pattern ever since I first saw it on one of your very first blogs!! I can crochet but am not skilled enough to make up a pattern like that!
from Sparkle
Sandra Bryan said…
Looks like you have a new pattern line there. Crocheting instead of lace is something I didn't even think about. I have not seen this on any dress I've come across. I am really interested in how you have done the crocheting on the dress. I think the 'Samantha's Heirloom Patterns' sounds great.
D-lyn said…
So pretty I would love to buy heirloom patterns from you!
herlittlefeet said…
Beautiful dress!! But I do love your easy dress (Miss Lily). Most adorable dress ever!! Jayne
jackiep1975 said…
Samantha I think the new line is going to be wonderful and the name is great. I to hope you will include the croceted yoke dress from your old blog pictures it was so gourgeous I can crochet and sew and would love to make some of these dresses for my granddaughters. By the way congrats on the most beautiful Claire. I would be interested to know if you guys are still planning on adopting and if so how it is going? You are truly blessed.
Laurie said…
How about Claire-de-Loom for your baby Clair and de Loom for Heirloom.
Laurie said…
Whoops typo Claire-de-Loom for baby Claire
Renata said…
Hi Sam
These dresses are going to be just so pretty! I look forward to seeing pictures of your girls in them.
Hope you have a wonderful day
Renata said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
jenn said…
Yes please! You must do this! I believe Samanatha's Heirloom Line would be a great name. There is a need for this type of line.. with just a bit more explanation then the Children's Corner, Bonnie Blue, etc. you know what I mean?? I think this is a great idea!!
playmobil farm said…
Different patter lines are made every season. For sure, whatever pattern line may be made, it will always be a good fit for kids.
Plumbing said…
Good day!
Very nice dress for kids. And I can see the effort of being busy with the lining. It is very adorable. Have a great day!
Thank you!
Erika Mulvenna said…
Oh these are so pretty! I agree with others that "Samantha's Heirlooms" is perfect. And since you are sharing, have you also checked out all the sewing links shared over at
Double Glazing said…
It’s an amazing idea. It’s hard to find an article like this. I’m looking forward for more article. Thank you!
meme said…
I have your 'Miss Lily' pattern. I'm making it for my granddaughters, who are to wear it in a wedding. The bride, who doesn't sew, picked out 100% cotton material. Do I need to add 'something' inside the lining to make it 'poof' out?? I was thinking netting or organza...???
thanks, martha
Jessica said…
I know this is a year later, but wondering if you ever made this pattern? it's beautiful!

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