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They Love Me

She is still wearing the hat....I think that she loves it almost as much as her guitar, which also rarely leaves her side these days. This morning, as we were all waking up, I called from the bed "Molly, will you make a pot of coffee?" and she called back "Yes, because you made me a hat!" My sweet girl. 

After some testing yesterday I started on Madeline's leg warmers. Since they are basically just a long tube, all I had to figure out was how many stitches to cast on to make the ribbing fit over her foot and onto her calf. The number also had to be divisible by 4 so that the 2x2 ribbing would work out. Her magic number was 32. I made a little tester cuff first by casting on 28 stitches and working about 5 rows of ribbing and then binding off. The tester was a little snug so I decided to size up and it worked out great. Oh, and now Maddie is wearing the test cuff as a bracelet and she thinks I'm awesome for thinking of such a cool thing. Who Knew?! I'm on a winning streak here! Can it just stay like this forever? Please? God, are you sure they have to grow up? This is just so much fun, I'm going to enjoy every moment! xo, Sam 


Julia said…
If only it was always that simple.
andreak said…
That is an adorable picture of Molly! Can't wait to see the bracelet and leg warmers in pics as well. Glad your pregnancy is going well! Enjoy those babies-mine turned 13, 16 and 19 this year. The time just goes so fast even though I see them everyday due to homeschooling!
What a cute hat! I want to make one. :)
She is cute with her hat and I love it too. Very nice!
Attilio said…
sam, what is it with you? your spirit is so infectious (did i spell that right ;-)) 2 nights ago i picked up the knitting needles my late nanna left me and am now almost halfway through a hat for my 2yr old daughter. am using bobble yarn so its coming out real warm. didnt find a pattern for this yarn so i hope the sizing is right. fingers crossed, will try to send you a pic when its done.
thanks for the spur you on nudge....may the Lord always give your fingers and hands lovely things to do!
bpbajona at maltanet dot net
Jenlyn said…
Uh oh, you've been bit! I used to be a crochet only girl but Ravelry just sucked me right in. The hats look great, nice job!
Vintage Rose said…
Very cute hat. I love it!
Do you still have the homeschool planner downloads? I couldn't find them on your website.

God bless you and your lovely family.

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