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Ben, baby and I went on a little trip...

....they had room service and good ice....

....pull out beds....

....things that go "ding" and "bing" in the night (and day come to think of it)...

...and a few other extras. Funny thing is, with all of the laying around that you do in this place, I only seemed to get a few minutes sleep in the whole night and day that I was there! I think that sleep may be forbidden at this particular place (and other places like it).

By now you've probably guessed that it wasn't exactly a vacation. :) We made our first preterm-labor-trip to the hospital on Monday night. The procardia just wasn't helping with the contractions that were coming steadily at 3-4 minutes apart, so we bit the bullet and drove in. We officially have about 8 1/2 weeks left before this baby is due, so it's not quite time yet. Thank God for good doctors that don't mind working with high risk trouble-makers like me! After a few shots, sticks, IV fluids, lots of pills, and steroid shots (to help develop baby's lungs quickly), my body calmed down and labor stopped. They have change my medicines up again and as of now it seems to be holding. They let me come home tonight, but now that I'm "dilated and thinned out" the "strict bed rest" begins! The very shaky Brethine kind. This may sound like bad news, but it's actually very good news for us! First off we have never before made it completely through the second trimester without being dilated, and this time I made it to the third! Second, we have always had to make our first hospital run at least a couple of weeks before now! So who knows? I may be able to hold out for 36 1/2 weeks this time or MAYBE even 37 weeks. A girl can dream right?

I had a crafting post lined up for yesterday, but I wasn't feeling so hot with the back-labor and all, so I will try to get that posted in the next few days. There may not be many more crafty posts for a while, as it's almost impossible to work with these shaky fingers, but you'll still come and visit wont you? Right? I'll see you soon friends! I'll keep ya posted on little Silas or Claire. Oh, and if you have an extra minute today could you send up a little prayer? Thanks :) xo, Sam


Anonymous said…
Oh, yes, I'm a fellow preterm labourer myself, I'm praying. You are doing great, hang in there, your babe needs just a bit more time to grow, before the meet and greet! Iknow how tough it is to have active children and be on bed rest, but you've got to stay there! Let them serve you, they'll love it!
SHEILA said…
Samatha-I'll be praying that the little one stays put for a few weeks more. And I know your sweet family is going to take great care of you while you are on bedrest.
Meghann said…
I had my youngest at exactly the gestation you're at now. Stay put little Silas/Claire! 37 weeks or later is when you want to come out. Trust me on this, little one.
Leslie said…
Sam, I'm definitely praying that your labor holds off until this new little one is fully ready to go home. I'm going to even be praying that you make it to 38 weeks! :)
Kristin said…
Glad your little one didn't come just yet! Sounds like we are due almost at the same time (March 26th)... although I'm sure mine will hold out up until the day lol. Best of luck!
Anonymous said…
I will be praying for you and your little one and family. May God Bless you and keep you all safe. :)
Sure will.....
You keep yourself rested and bake that little munchkin a few weeks longer indeed.....xx
Bless by Tone said…
of course I have an extra minute to pray for you, your husband, your children and little Silas or Claire - God already loves this baby so, so much. Tone
andreak said…
So glad that we serve a great & mighty God. It is nice to know that regardless of Silas or Claire's birthday, God has every hair numbered! He never removes His lovingkindness from us-Isaiah
Praying for Him to give this sweet new life a few more weeks.
Jeannie B. said…
I will say prayers for you.
Laurie said…
Praying that little one stays in it's warm place for awhile longer! You are soooo creative - love how you did this blog post! :)
Hang in there!
Jan M said…
Keeping you and that sweet babe in my thoughts and prayers.
Vicky said…
Fingers crossed that baby stays put a little longer.
Enjoy bed rest. xxx.
Anonymous said…
Prayers it is, my dear! And yes, we will come to visit lots :)!!! Take care and enjoy your time resting with your dear family!
Rebecca said…
Praying that your babe stays put for a little while longer!
Attilio said…
praying for you are on their way Up right now. i too delivered my first son preterm at 36weeks, with no warning at all, so keeping you in thoughts. try to enjoy your bedrest and dont even begin to think that we wont be visiting ;-)
God bless
Megan said…
I'm glad everything's going so well (comparatively)for you this time!

My Hospital room this last time had one of those pull out couch/beds and my husband thought it was so cool. He was on the look out for one for is office.

(Word Verification was Wysuck, and i just found that one funny. ha!)
jenn said…
You have my prayer, for a safe and healthy baby! Take care of yourself and the rest will take care of itself!
Elizabeth said…
I've been praying and will continue! Glad to hear an update on the baby. I will keep checking back - for baby updates. You are certainly privileged to take a break from crafty posts for awhile! Stay comfy and calm!
Anonymous said…
saying a prayer for all of you. Hope baby stays tucked in until time!!
Dawn said…
You need to call me this week! I had a feeling something was up when I didn't hear from you. Cross you legs and keep that little one inside for just a little longer.
Renata said…
I'm praying for you my friend!
At first I thought you ment a motel of some kind & then you lost me with the pull out beds! I didn't realise til you showed the monitor!
Aren't those steroid shot the worst - I had them twice with the twins & they hurt!
Hope you can enjoy this time of enforced resting & that baby decides to stay in for a bit longer!
Have a wonderful/restful day

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