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Knit Knit Knit!

So after the one bootie...I kinda dropped knitting for a few weeks because I never seemed to have the right supplies around to try out any of the free patterns on Ravelry! And I was really itching to make my boys a hat, using the pattern out of the new Craftsanity magazine, since they are usually neglected in most of my crafting. Earlier this week on the way home from my doctors appointment Ben took me to Michaels and I bought the Boye "Needlemaster" set using the 50% off coupon (I'll give you my take on the product when I've had a little more experience with it), a size 8, 16" circular, and a set of size 8 double pointed needles. I figured that if I wasn't able to get out and buy needles again for another project that I should be able to get by with those. That very night I got started on Tim's hat in a pretty turquoise wool. I wonder...Can I say pretty if I'm talking about wool for a boy's hat? I don't know, well anyhow, I finally started a knitting project ON MY OWN!

It was so much fun figuring out how to make it all work out, sorta like a game. I learned so much on that first hat, in fact I made a mental list as I stitched. I called it: "The things you learn about knitting that I think you can only learn by DOING IT list". You want to hear what they are? Well of course you do! 1) I hate to knit ribbing. I just like to knit knit knit or purl purl purl, the switching up slows me down big time. 2) Stitch markers, circular needles, a measuring tape, a size G crochet hook, tiny scissors, and a little bag to hold it all are very good knitting supplies to have on hand. 3) My almost-seven-year-old has an adult sized head so next time I make him a hat it needs to be a couple of inches deeper. 4) Double pointed needles are tricky, but not impossible, and I think I'm going to like using two sets of circulars much better (I'm going to try that tonight, and by the way, this video is awesome and totally cracks me up!).  

And guess what? I did it! I knit a hat! Tim loves it, and I was such a proud mama giving it to him the next morning. He liked it so much that he was even willing to let me take his picture in it- now that is a real sign of love coming from this little guy. Another thing I really like is the fact that it covers up his neglected little hair! I have GOT to give that child a haircut before church on Sunday.

I just about couldn't wait to weave the ends in on Tim's hat so that I could get started on my big boy's hat. Ben wanted a stripe and I was pretty pumped about that little challenge. So I got to add changing thread colors to the list! Now I'm about to start decreasing and I'm going to try the "two sets of circulars trick". If anyone else has any suggestions to avoid working with (or having to purchase!) double pointed needles please share. I've heard of the magic loop method, but I haven't found a good video on it yet. Any favorites?

I've been thinking about what my next project will be and I'm very tempted to try this cabled baby hat on Ravelry. I'll let you know how it goes! Maybe I'll try a little practice section first and see how it goes.

I hope you guys have a very happy New Years! I'll be here knitting in my nest if you need me... :) xo, Sam


Marissa said…
Hi Sam,
I love knitting, if you ever have any questions (you are doing GREAT on your own!) Please don't hesitate to ask. :o)

Thank you, thank you for sharing the info on the pdf version of craftsanity, I bought it last night and *love it!*

I made the cabled hat you referred to, it's super easy. Give it a go! Here's the link to mine. :o)

Happy New Years to you and yours,
Hugs, Marissa
Aurora said…
That's so funny-I started knitting when my hubby was in Iraq 2 years ago, and then went to crochet. Well, I love crochet because I get a little bored with knitting, but I've been wanting to try to make my son a knitted hat lately. Thanks for the inspiration!!
Bless by Tone said…
if you put elastic bands at the end of the double pointed needles, the stitches won't come off the wrong way-
russian woman said…
May each day of the coming year be vibrant and New bringing along many reasons for celebrations. Wishing you a fabulous 2011!
Kristin said…
Great job on the hats! I want to learn to knit in a year or so... but right now I'm focusing on crochet. :)
Anonymous said…
Sam - I have to tell you that my mom's friend and her husband 'invented' the Boye Needlemasters! It was back in the '60s and knitting was a trendy thing to do. My Great-Grama taught me and my mom and all the girls were knitting away. Well, my mom's friend Loraine Lindstead - can't remember Mr. Lindstead's name - were making these needle sets in their breezeway in Rockford, IL and selling them at yarn shops. I have one of those original sets and still use it. I think that's a cute story and always love to share it! Happy Stitches!! Sparkle aka Barbara O
dickies 874 said…
Very nice! You are very talented. Wish I could also do all those stuff.

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