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A Thankful Giveaway

Hey friends! Ben fussed at me Saturday night for not posting in so long. I really meant to do better through the holiday, but my goodness we were just having so much fun that I never stopped!

We had our very sweet friends from New York, Brandon and Katie, and their four sweet babies, staying in our home through Thanksgiving. We had such a good time! Their kids, who usually don't get to play outside because they live in the city, LOVED staying on a farm for a week! It was so much fun to see them playing with the animals and in the good ole southern mud for the first time. They would literally roll out of bed every morning, put boots on over their footie PJ's, and head out the door to see the "sheep" (Our goats!). My kids loved teaching them how to get dirty, and showing off their animals. It's so cute how proud of their animals they are. I got to sit in my chair, catch up with close friends, and collect kisses from the seven kids that kept this house full of giggles for an entire really doesn't get much better than that, does it?

Now I guess I should  get to the title of the post! A Thankful Giveaway! Guys, I am so grateful that you all come here and bless my family with your kind comments, prayers, and support. I'm not always good at answering every question or participating in every blog game, but you all love me anyway and keep coming back! I am so thankful for all of you, my blog friends! To show my appreciation I want to do a little giveaway! You will have the chance to win the pattern of your choice, and for every ten comments I'm going to pick one winner (pretty good odds!). All you have to do is leave a comment telling me what you did over the Thanksgiving holiday, or your favorite part of Thanksgiving, and be sure and leave me your email address so that I can get back to you. I will leave the comments open until Wednesday evening (probably around 5 PM).

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday! I can't wait to read all of the comments! xo, Sam


Rebekah said…
I spent time with my five siblings and their families. Thanks for the giveaway!

rebekahricker at yahoo dot com
Stephanie said…
Its a bit of a story so hopefully you won't mind but here goes.

Thanksgiving is my husbands favorite holiday. He loves the food and spending the day with family. Well back in 2007 I had just had a baby in Oct and being in no mood to spend the day cooking discovered that you could order an entire dinner from our local Whole Foods. I grew up in small towns so this was a shock to me and I went for it. The food was great and I wanted to make it a tradition. I like cooking but not spending all day cooking.

Well my husband did not want to make that a tradition as he liked the day of cooking that he really didn't help much with. So now my husband cooks us a fancy meal every thanksgiving. I did make the brussel sprouts this year and picked up all the ingredients but then went for a long run and played with the kids.

Stephanie slhorman @ gmail . com
Rebecca said…
We had lots of family time ~ my favorite part is sharing the meal together :)
Lise said…
Thanks for the generous giveaway!

I hosted Thanksgiving dinner for my immediate family, my sister and her family, my mother, and 2 dear friends. I love pulling out my grandmother's china and silver and setting a pretty table, and filling it with heaping plates of good local veggies, so it was fun for me.
Jennifer said…
I had a really great day with my parents and sisters (and their families). It was a wonderful day =)

Anonymous said…
We spent Thanksgiving with our family and had a great time. Our daughter wore a dress I made her form the Miss Lily pattern :)
Sarah Takens said…
I did ALOT of random crafting over the holiday. Being a working mom, it was awesome to be able to spend a FULL 4 days at home with my kids and husband. I love the holidays for that reason alone! Those are the crafts I made with the kiddos!
Anonymous said…
Good to see you back!
Our Thanksgiving holiday was amazing because we had a good 3 weeks together. Why so long? We had our 7th baby on the 9th! My parents were here for a little while too, making it extra special.
Glad to hear you had a nice relaxing time with friends. :)
Stephanie (
momto2lilgrls said…
We spent the afternoon of Thanksgiving with my best friend and her family. Then we took the kids to my brother's house and celebrated with him and his family. We finished out the day by going black friday shopping.
Chas said…
We ate, played, ate, watched some football, ate and had a WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL weekend! :)


chasburrell @ tvn dot net
jellaan said…
I spent a wonderful Thanksgiving with my inlaws. I cooked, with the help of my mother-in-law, and the guys cleaned up!! What a treat!! I was beat, probably because I was coming down with a cold! I spent some time Friday and Saturday shopping the sales while the kids stayed home with the family!! Nothing like shopping without the kids!!
Debbie said…
We celebrated our dd's 7th birthday. What a blessing she is, a true gift from the Lord. Thankfully her birth mother chose life and then chose us.
Her birth changed the way I look at Thanksgiving forever.
kris said…
we drove from TN to ocala, FL to hang with the inlaws in the forest. a lovely break from civilization :)
Tricia said…
Fed 32 of my closest relatives on Thursday. Worked a 12 hour shift Friday. T'giving #2 with the inlaws on Saturday. Worship on Sunday... Now I really need a vacation!

tkingrn @ gmail . com
Sarah AJ said…
We spent Thanksgiving Day with my husband's family and Saturday with mine. That's my favorite part of the holidays -- time with family!
ShirleyC said…
We had our family Thanksgiving on Wednesday evening. My DH did most of the cooking, and it was wonderful.
Then on Fri., my daughter and I took my grands, Cayden - 5, and Shelby - 3, to ride the Polar Express. We did that last year, and it is so much fun. I will be posting pics on my blog soon. Thanks for a great giveaway.
emegren said…
This was our first Thanksgiving with just the 4 of us. We made a wonderful meal together and then watched a family movie together.
Rhadonda said…
Feasted with 23 family members. Then the next day we got out the Christmas decorations while my girls are home from college to help and had a great time decorating and listening to Christmas music. I am so thankful for family!
Rhadonda said…
I forgot to leave my contact info though just in case. Thanks so much.
Rhadonda said…
PS I love your patterns and love following your blog.
Mama Lusco said…
We had 8" of snow over the weekend, so we spent lots of time playing outside, sledding, and cut a Christmas tree! mamalusco at ortelco dot net
Lynne said…
The best part of this Thanksgiving holiday was the Christmas parade on Saturday night. We had friends over because the parade passes in front of our house. It was wonderful spending time with friends and family.
Anonymous said…
This year we had dinner with family and friends at my aunts house and then we went to an ampitheater to see the Christmas lights. :) We do that every year and it is always so much fun!

sarasaki3 AT gmail DOT com
Lisa said…
We spent a lot of time with family over the weekend. Way too much food and lots of fun!!!
Meghann said…
For our Thanksgiving, it was just us, for the fifth year in a row. I really missed my family and had a hard time getting the motivation to cook. In the end I did though, making everything from scratch, and it was all wonderful.

(I believe there is a link to my email in my profile.)
Trina said…
We braved a blizzard and headed to Grandma's house. Totally worth it.
Angela said…
We spent Thanksgiving day with Family on the family farm. We had dinner outside and the weather was perfect. My email address is (Angela)
We shared Thanksgiving with two close family friends, ate WAY too much of everything and giggled with all of our seven kiddos all through Toy Story 2 once the pumpkin pie was gone...
Glad to see you back....was really starting to get concerned...

Glad you had a good time with the friends and the kiddos. That is what holidays are for!

Tanks for the giveaway!
Anonymous said…
Loving going around the table and hearing what everyone was thankful for :)

candy at fiber dot net :)
Elisabeth Rose said…
Hi Sam,
For Thanksgiving this year, our family played some "Minute to Win It" games. We had a great time with it and also enjoyed decorating gingerbread houses. Thanks for the great give away- I love your Miss Mary pattern.
Renata said…
I wish we celebrated Thanksgiving over here - it's one holiday that I think is wonderful & it's a shame we don't celebrate.
Sounds like you had a wonderful time with your friends!
Hope you are going well
God bless
Leslie said…
We spent the holiday with my family: Grandma, Aunt, Mom, Dad, 2 sisters, niece and 2 nephews, plus the 6 of us. I loved every minute of it. I'm so thankful that God has allowed us to move back to our home state and be near our family.

leslietrontvet @
Anonymous said…
I had two Thanksgivings - one with my husbands family, then a second with my own - which meant that not only did I get to over eat twice - my my little girl got spoiled by that grandparents twice as much! which was fun to watch!
Laurie said…
My husband and I prepared dinner for my mom and my brothers family.

Then I did some sewing on a baby quilt I needed to get completed.

Anonymous said…
Thanks for hosting the giveaway. We spent the Thanksgiving Day with friends and neighbors as our families live 2 states away and we are unable to get together for all holidays. We spent Saturday with cousins and aunts/uncles at another noon gathering. Wonderful memories of food, fellowship and of course, football, for the young men!
I enjoy your blog and wish you a blessed pregnacy!

juneil1992 at
Anonymous said…
I spent Thanksgiving with all my family for the first time in 7 years. It was lovely! :)

karlene at
Cathy said…
Unfortunately, my Mom is very sick, so my Thanksgiving plans were put on hold. Luckily, I hadn't bought the turkey yet.
andreak said…
I baked and cooked and decorated the table and then spent the afternoon enjoying a wonderful meal with my mom and dad and my family. We ate, we laughed and then we sighed from eating too much! So we played games and went for a walk on our farm. We also celebrated my now "13" year old daughter's birhtday with family and friends. I guess you could say she's a real turkey-haha!
Lauren said…
I told my husband to ask around at work to find out if anyone was going to be alone for Thanksgiving. So he did and we had about 15 soldiers and a few of their family members over for dinner and football. Lots of food and lots of fun!
Crystal said…
I spent Thanksgiving with my family at our family farm. We had a wonderful time!
Anonymous said…
We stayed at home and I cooked though I hadn't planned to at first. The weather turned really cold and we had some ice so I'm glad we stayed home!
Kathryn said…
Thanks for the giveaway! We spent three days with the in-laws, so our two boys got a lot of grandparent time.
I did a little sewing on some Jesse tree ornaments (no time like the present since Advent started yesterday!).
kjlschneider (at) comcast (dot) net
D-lyn said…
I love holidays that I can spend time with my sisters! Especially now that we all live in different states!

i was blessed to have my sister visiting from Cali with her hubby and kids! WE stayed up late and talked and ate tons of food. Mostly I was glad we were together!
daryllyn (at) gmail dot com

My 4 children and mysisters children had so much fun doing anything they wanted, while us bigger kids/adults talked so much! LOL
Jody said…
oh, how I love your patterns! Looks like you had a very blessed Thanksgiving.
Molly said…
Sounds like you had a very special holiday! I had to laugh at the "city kids" learning how to get dirty. :) We spent Thanksgiving with my hubby's family (2 hours from here) and all of the other missionary families in that area. We had a wonderful day together...playing games, singing hymns, thanking God, eating turkey (and American foods!) and just chatting was WONDERFULLY RELAXING!!!
Anonymous said…
Snow and decorated! We had a white Tday! Supper was just us, there was a little sewing thrown in for fun! My email is on the blog.
Melody said…
What a neat idea! Thanks for the giveaway!

We drove to MI from SC to spend time with my family. There were twelve of us under the same roof almost the whole week, and it was LOVELY. We only get to head that way once or twice a year, and it was a real treat.

list2 at yorkteachingstudio dot com
Anonymous said…
Had a wonderful time with my family...oh, and ate and ate some more.

ruthannaseger at yahoo dot com
Unknown said…
I stayed home with my hubby and watched football (lots of that!), ate a big turkey dinner with my family, put up the Christmas tree, and sewed. It was wonderful.
Brenda L said…
What a wonderful and generous giveaway!

Thanksgiving day was spent with my in-laws (18 of them + 4 in my family). Then we drove five hours to spend the weekend in a cabin on lake Superior.
dianne said…
Our Thanksgiving had a houseful f people, some the usual crew, others out of town guests, food, a little wine and lots of laughter!
jmclean at mts dot net
Jean said…
I got to relax a lot AND got a good start on my annual chocolate-making! Jean at roadq dot com
Unknown said…
I loved having all my family together! I played Wii with my (adult) siblings into the wee hours of the night! Fun!
Team Manager said…
Telling my girls how thankful I am for each of them:)
Anonymous said…
I got to spend some wonderful time with lots of extended family. I love being with them, and am so thankful that we were together this year.
Belinda said…
It was a "by yourself" gathering: 2 sisters and their spouses; a brother and his spouse; and their 92 year old mother. Lovely day! Each couple had children who were away from home. Thus by yourself Thanksgiving....
Candace said…
WE had mine and my husband's family over- good times.
Bless by Tone said…
I don't celebrate Thanksgiving, I live in Norway, but in the States, I love pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving.

tone at
Very Verdant said…
We had family Thanksgiving dinner at our new house. My cousin came. It has been 5 years since I've seen her. We are so blessed.

My sister and her family are here now and will stay until the end of the week. She will be helping take care of Mom for a little bit as she is recovering from surgery. God is good and having our family together is his gift to us.
Angel said…
We had two thanksgivings. One with my husbands family which was a bit stressful, and one with my family over the weekend. That one was relaxed and fun. The best part was getting time with family and having fabulous feasting. I make a mean pumpkin pie!
charlsie said…
I spent the holiday with my Mom and family. But the best part was we found out we are having another GIRL in April. We are all so very excited. I love reading your blog. Thank you!
Amanda Haller said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amanda Haller said…
Went to the other side of Michigan to be with my father. It was a nice time! Thank you for the giveaway!!

haller27044 at hotmail dot com
Jenlyn said…
We visited both families and even saw my Grandpa! He lives a few states away so we don't get to see him very often, but he was traveling down to Florida and decided to drop in to see us for the Holiday. :)

jc184304 (at) ohio (dot) edu
Rachel said…
We celebrated my son's 3rd birthday on Thanksgiving!

Thank you for the giveaway!

jonahbrooke225 (at)
Thanksgiving is the best! We hosted this year my whole family and every last one of them showed up! 24 total including the newest members of the family, future spouses of my nephews and the sweetest little great niece ever. And best of all my two adult daughters were both home so we were complete again there younger siblings did not let them out of there site. After all the company left we all 7 snuggled on the couch and watched Christmas movies and just soaked in the being together again! My momma heart is so happy!
Thanks for the giveaway,!
Brenda said…
I have such great family on both my side and my husbands, that we get to do two Thanksgivings most years, including this one. I love having my family!
Joy said…
We started out by celebrating my sweet niece's 1st birthday and then spent the day with family. Topped off the night by a bonfire!
You are so sweet with your giveaways! Thanksgiving was the best this year, I hosted my whole family and everyone came! 24 in all, but the best was having both of my adult daughters home. After all the guests left we 7 snuggled under blankets watching Christmas videos and just soaking each other in. My momma heart is so full, I loved it. It looks like your doing a great job soaking in yours while you have them under foot, believe what they say it goes much to fast! Thanks for an inspiring blog and beautiful easy patterns!.
Tanya said…
We decided to start a new tradition this year and took the kids bowling. It was a lot of fun! I was nervous about leaving the turkey cooking (all by itself!), but it turned out perfect. My favorite day is the day AFTER Thanksgiving when we go pick out our Christmas tree.
Emily said…
Spent time with family....the best way to spend any holiday!!
Sorry for the double post, I just signed up today and did not think my first post went through ! oops I was checking the wrong end of the comments! I have been trying to get the nerve to that for along time. Thanks for motivating me, and with your patience. Gods blessings to you.
Anonymous said…
We drove from Wisconsin to Tennessee to be with our family and introduce them to the beautiful daughter God blessed us with in September!
Daune said…
HI! My Thanksgiving was spent here with my sister and her family, my parents, 75 &81, who live with us, and the best part was when each of us shared what we're grateful for this year. I, of course, cried when I looked at my nephew, three, that my sister and her husband adopted two years ago and how God hand-picked him to be in our family. Everyone had something amazing to be thankful to God for~

~Life is good~!

Then my Love stood and read about the beginnings of Thanksgiving and when it was nationalized and what brought about Abraham Lincoln's salvation. That choked my honey up and me, too! Then we enjoyed a beautiful dinner, and ended the day playing Rummy with my 81 yr. old mom...
Thanks so much for your generous offer!
I hope I win so I can make my three granddaughters dresses~
jeflovesdaune at yahoo dot com
Erin said…
Last Monday we had a freak snow storm that knocked out power for anywhere from one to four days. Thankfully my parents got their power back late Wed night, in time for Thanksgiving dinner to not be cancelled!!
Debbie B said…
My favorite part is spending time with family and we did lots of that over the long weekend! We also ate a lot and shopped some too!
ashley said…
We had Thanksgiving dinner at my Grandma's, who lives next door to my mom. That's what we've done every Thanksgiving my whole life...I found myself wondering what it will be like when that changes someday.

Katrina said…
We spent a wonderful Thanksgiving with my parents, sister and brother in law, my aunt and uncle. It was very relaxing and probably the best food we ever had! Then my mom spent the night at my house so that the hubby and I could do some Black Friday Shopping!
Sarah said…
I was happy to meet my new niece for the first time over Thanksgiving. Thanks for the giveaway.

alexsanna at yahoo dot com
Samantha said…
I'm loving the odds here! I never win these things. :-)

For Thanksgiving, we had a quiet day with just our immediate family. My husband is a priest and we have a service on Thanksgiving, so we couldn't travel and none of our family could make it down here, but I still fixed the whole huge meal and we loved it!
Attilio said…
unfortunately we dont celebrate Thanksgiving, but we always start our Sundays with mass, then we took the children to the swings park, out for a bite to eat, a different park, walk along the seaside, down to see nanna, and then a long sleep in the car before we got home to a bath, supper and finally bed - exhausted but so happy.
bpbajona at maltanet dot net
Attilio said…
oh by the way as forgot to add before...glad to see you are great as hadnt seen you for a while,
kinda missed ya and your bump!
bpbajona at maltanet dot net

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