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My Top Secret Summer Project REVEALED!

I have started this post about a hundred times in my head over the last few months, but I never could quite decide just how it should go. I knew that before I posted pictures and tales from market I would have to explain one really important detail in my was my BIG summer project. It took a whole lot of time, energy, prayer, and patience, which is why blog posting may have seemed a little scarce at times. So here it is......

......the smallest Caffee safe and sound in the second trimester! The last week has been so filled with joy as we finally shared the news with our children and family! We are SO happy! Another big surprise came when we talked to our social worker and found out that this little angel will NOT affect our adoption AT ALL! Praise God! I think I worried over our Bulgarian babies as much as I did this little one over the last few months. Oh friends, God is so good! This Mama has one full, happy, busting-at-the-seams heart today! I'll tell you all about market later (Monday is the last day), but right now I just want to sit back and enjoy this moment......


Mama Lusco said…
Woo hoo! Praise God for your littlest blessing. You're in my prayers :)
mgirl said…
Congratulations! Babies are such a blessing! ♥
jellaan said…
Congratulations!! I'm so excited for you!! God is good!!
Rebecca said…
YAY - Congratulations!! SO happy for you!!
Leslie said…
Oh Sam, congratulations!!! I'm so happy and excited for you. I pray that God would keep this new little baby safe and healthy, and that He would fill your heart peace.
Anonymous said…
Oh, what wonderful news! You'll be in my prayers that the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly and that your adoption process progresses as well! Congrats to you all! Stephs
Anonymous said…
Huge congratulations! I am so happy for you and your family! xx
Mrs. S said…
I had no idea it was possible to have goosebumps from head to toe like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so very, very excited for you, so very thankful that God has chosen to give this little one LIFE!!!!!! Wow! And you are one BEAUTIFUL pregnant mommy!
Ashley said…
So happy for you! Rejoicing with you :)
Jean said…
Oh hooray! That's wonderful news! Congratulations and good wishes!
Anonymous said…
Oh, Samantha! What wonderful news! I am just praising God with you!
Goosegirl said…
SAM!!!!!! I am screaming!!! I am so excited for you!! Your little one is healthy and growing and you look wonderful and glowing and happy!!!
It is so great that your adoption will not be affected by the pregnancy as well. You are going to have a happy bursting houseful! Praise God!!
How wonderful!! Congratulations!
Angel said…
Bless you and your family. That is definitely exciting news. I'm so glad it won't effect the adoption. Your dresses look lovely.
Joy said…
SAM!!!! Congratulations! Oh, now this like getting a freebie on an answer to prayer- been praying all summer for the other stuff, so this is the coolest, sweetest answer to prayer in it's very own way! Woohoo! Happily adding baby Caffee to the list!

(And total aside, loving the booth!)
Unknown said…
Congratulations! This couldn't have happened to a better family! I am so happy for you!
Ellie Inspired said…
Congratulations Sam!!! You look so beautiful and happy! You were so good at keeping the secret too when I was asking you about your adoption and more children, etc. I would have spilled the beans for sure! Prayers for a healthy pregnancy and congratulations to your whole family!
Katherine said…
what a beautiful photo! congratulations, i'm so happy for you!
andreak said…
Thank you for sharing your sweet surprise with us. How exciting to see God open your hearts and home to so many sweet baby blessings!
Anonymous said…
Congratulations! God is so good! I'm so happy for you (jealous too)!
Very Verdant said…
Oh, yes! Congratulations, what a great summer project! and I agree, God is definitely so good.
Cathy said…
Congratulations! You are absolutley glowing!
LadySnow said…
That's absolutely wonderful!
Lauren said…
Congratulations, to all of the Caffee family members! Reading your post this morning has made me all warm and happy, I can only imagine how full of excitement you all are :-)
Jan M said…
What joyful news! Congratulations! Cannot wait to meet the newest member of your family in a few months.
Hope market was successful and fun!
Christine said…
This is such a wonderful wonderful news! I am so happy for you and your little ones! YAY!
Karen said…
What wonderful news!!! Congratulations!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Ok, so I looked really closely at all the fantastic things you made trying to figure out what the BIG secret was. The I saw your bump and my jaw dropped!!! Congratulations! I know your family is overjoyed. God is so good :)
Jody said…
Congratulations! This is the best news EVER! So happy for you. God is good all the time.
Anonymous said…
God is good! Praises to Him! Congrats!
Candace said…
I am crying tears of joy for you all right now Samantha...I got an inkling for some reason a couple weeks ago that something big was happening with you all because posting had been fewer. I know the first trimester of my fourth was a very sleepy one.

PRAISE GOD and His goodness and mercy! So good to hear that your babies in Bulgaria will have no hiccups in their journey home.
Vicky said…
Congratulations Sam. I hope you, your family and gorgeous little bump are all feeling well. xxx
Elizabeth said…
God is Great! I am so thrilled for you and Ben! Wasn't expecting that to be your project - what exciting news!! :) I'm sure your kids are beyond excitement. Thanks for sharing.
Brenda L said…
Congratulations! What wonderful news! I'm crying happy tears for you, your family, and your little baby!
Kathryn said…
Praise God for such an amazing blessing! We have not had as difficult a road as you, but we are expecting #3 after a loss at Christmas last year. At 15 weeks now that the baby is moving I'm finally thinking it might be for real!
Beach Mama said…
WAHOO!!!!!!!!!! What wonderful news! I am so happy for all of you!
MamaHoldYou said…
That is SOOO wonderful and this post brought tears to my eyes!!! Hope you have soooo much fun at Market and say hi to Farmhouse Fabrics for me!!!

Anonymous said…
This is such good news. I am so very happy for you and your family. I will be praying for a happy, safe, and healthy pregnancy for you!

Anonymous said…
Oh, you made me almost cry I am so happy for your sweet family!! May every blessing continue to come!!
Anonymous said…
Hooray!! Congratulations!!
Barbara said…
There could be no project more important. Congratulations, you look so happy.
Heather said…
Super Congratulations!!! My heart is so full of happiness for you and your sweet family, I am just overjoyed for you!!!
Rose and Ivy said…
What wonderful news! (tearing up here)-- I am so thrilled for you xoxo
Attilio said…
wowwee...when i saw your pic at the market i really didnt see the arrow, i just zooooomed to your beautiful belly, and asked myself (is sam pregs, dont remember reading about it)...doesnt God do amazing things for us....lots of blessing to you and your bunch...hugs becky bpbajona(at)maltanet(dot)net
Vintage Rose said…
What wondeful news Sam! May God continue to bless you and your beautiful family.
Take care.
Anonymous said…
So exciting!!! I am so happy for you and will be praying for a safe and smooth pregnancy.
maribeth said…
Marissa said…
Oh Sam! This post brings tears to my eyes! I'm so unbelievably happy for you. I remember how thrilled and relieved I felt when I made it to my 2nd trimester after my two miscarriages back to back. Such a wonderful feeling. So happy for you, Yay!

xoxo, Marissa
Anonymous said…
I got teary eyed reading your wonderful news Sam!!! I am soooo incredibly happy for you and your family. God is good!!!!
Sarahnthegirls said…
Congratulations, Sam!!! What a wonderful surprise. I am so happy to hear that the new babe will not cause any delays for the adoption. I have been praying for your family and those little sweeties! I'm just thrilled for your family and all the wonderful changes going on :)

jen said…
Blessings!!! Wonderful blessing! Congratulations, the road has been long but there was always a plan!
DDinDFW said…
Whoohoo! Congrats and prayers for a safe and uneventful remainder of the pregnancy!
Chandra said…
Congratulations, Sam! So happy for you and your family!
Angela said…
So so happy for you and your family! I've read with sadness of your losses and can relatetedrub having had 3 myself. Helps us appreciate the ones we get even more! Just thrilled for you!
Beth said…
Yay!! Best wishes to you!!! (your booth looks great too.)
Candace said…
Samantha, this is a bit off topic, but have you seen this contest? I immediately thought of you.
kathleen said…
oh so wonderful! The Lord bless you and your dear family! I am so happy for y'all. I know we don't really know each other in person, but I think you have to be one of the sweetest mama's out there. Congratulations again and take care!
Megan said…
I may be more excited than you are! Congrats!
Sarah said…
Oh!! Congratulations!! You look great!
Cat said…
Congratulations! What a miracle :)
Marie Grace said…
Congratulations... such awesome news! I am truly so happy for you! And gestating right along with you:-)
affectioknit said…
Awwww! Sweet! Congratulations and Blessings!
Renata said…
Praise God!!! What wonderful news. So how are you keeping? You look beautiful! Congrats to you & your family!
Anna said…
congrats! I haven't stopped my your blog for a while, but I'm glad I did. :)
Unknown said…
Congratulations, what a lucky family.
Jan said…
Congratulations! What a sweet surprise. I know you are all just over the moon with sweet anticipation.

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