Tuesdays around here are always exciting during the Summer months. On Tuesdays we head out to the theme park for some water slides and rides with the whole Caffee Crew. First we hit the water park to get cooled off and when they get tired of that we go ride some rides. By the way, in case you are wondering....yes, Tim is rocking a mini mohawk. Sometimes we do crazy hairstyles before when we buzz his head in the summer....and sometimes he wants to keep them for a week or two before we finsh the job :) Abe's rocking a nice little fohawk too!
The bumper cars are a big favorite. I think that they feel grown up driving those little cars around.
See, Molly takes driving pretty seriously. :)
Tim even makes car noises with his mouth. Too cute.
Here is the Crew (we are missing a few) waiting on the log ride. Is that a cute bunch of kids or what?
Today was our last trip of the season, next week they won't be open, so today we did it all! I know they rode those logs at least eight times! They rode the bumper cars a lot too. I was a little surprised that we didn't get hung up on the roller coasters today, usually we have to ride those at the very least three times each. I can't say that I'm disappointed though. This ole body doesn't take the roller coasters as well as it used to! It was a fun day for the Caffee Children (the Caffee Mamas are a little tired) and a good end to the season.
I hope you all had a fun day today too! I'll be back tomorrow with our Wednesday pictures. Oh, and I wanted to give you a heads-up, we will be having a pattern giveaway here this weekend! xo, Sam