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When I get to heaven... arms won't be able to hold all of the angels waiting for me there! Oh what a happy day it will be when I get to meet all of those babies that I mourn for now. God has taken another baby to be with Him. I will go in for surgery in the morning. Please pray for us tomorrow....


Hollums02 said…
Praying for you and your sweet family.
Pomona said…
Will be thinking of you, Samantha - with love and best wishes
Pomona x
Unknown said…
You guys are in my thoughts.
Anonymous said…
Oh Samantha, I am so sorry the news wasn't better.
Katherine said…
I am so sorry. What a beautiful way you expressed your news. In my prayers,
Anonymous said…
I'll continue to pray for you.
Martha said…
I am so sorry. Prayers for all.
Dawn said…
I'm so sorry-I've been thinking about you.
Joy said…
oh, Samantha heart is aching for you, dear one. In my prayers, and with you in hope...may He keep you safe in the shadow of His are loved.
Amy said…
Thinking of you.

Anonymous said…
I'm so sorry Samantha. You are in my prayers.
Goosegirl said…
Oh Sam, I am so sorry. I will continue praying for you all.
I feel the same way about all my babies waiting for me. Hugs to you sweet mama.
Rose and Ivy said…
Samantha, I am so, so sorry. I will be thinking about you all day tomorrow. Lots of hugs and prayers,

Marlya xx
Anonymous said…
Oh honey, I am so sorry for your loss. May you know only happiness. Thinking of you and praying for you...
Anonymous said…
I am so sorry, Samantha! I've been praying for you throughout and will continue to lift you up in prayer.
Kelli said…
Keeping you and your family in my prayers.
6blessings said…
Know that I'm praying~
Jody said…
I'm so sorry. Praying for you...
Anonymous said…
I've been following your blog from across the ocean and I am so sorry for your lost. Your wise words are full of strength and motherly love. I'll be praying for you and your lovelly family.
Lisa said…
May God comfort you and your family!
Dawn said… have been in my thoughts all day today. I prayed for you and kept positive thoughts in my heart for good news. You know I am always here if you need to talk, scream, cry or whatever you need. Hugs to all of you and know that you are in my thoughts and my heart.
Carrie said…
Oh, dear sister who I don't expect I'll ever meet in this life... you are much in our thoughts and especially our prayers. It is truly a hard providence, in a week that seems to be full of them.
Mindy said…
"As a mother comforts her child so will I comfort you." Those are God's words not my own. I pray that you will feel His comfort in a very real way today.
Kathya said…
i will be praying for internal healing as well as physical.
I am so very sorry about your loss.
Brittany said…
I clicked the link over here from Grosgrain. I'm sorry about your loss, as well as the other losses you've endured. Of course I'll keep you in my prayers, even though we've never met. Thank you for posting that scripture on your other's true that our Father in Heaven knew our path before we were even brought to the earth and that he knows the path of our children. Knowing that he trusts me to raise them is such a blessing. Good luck with your adoption, what a wonderful road to travel!

I've always wanted a big family but my husband changed his mind after we got married that he only wants a medium sized family. I think the two we have now are a bit overwhelming to him. But we are expecting #3 and I'm so excited.

I love the dresses you've created so much! I intend to teach myself a little crocheting from your tutorials. Thank you!!
Anonymous said…
Such an eloquent blog, I am so sorry to hear of the news. Throwing you hugs as far and wide as I can.
God Bless,

Anonymous said…
I am so so sorry. Please know I'll be thinking of you, Kathleen
Madaline Jane said…
Samantha - I'm so sorry. I know that doesn't help you but please know I am thinking of you. I hope you heal quickly.
Anonymous said…
This helped me when I lost

"For one day you will say, no Lord you didnt' take them away, I gave them to you."

With prayers,
I'm so sorry. I'll be praying for you.
Meghan said…
I'm so sorry Samantha. Wishing you peace.
Sweet Pea said…
My heart aches for you!! I cant imagine what you are going through emotionally and physically. I have been reading all of your previous posts and I am in tears. Praise God you have 3 beautiful healthy children and find peace through them. Its 1:24 am here in AL and I am sure wherever you are right now, if its the middle of the night too that you are weary, nervous, sick, sad, mad, and every other emotion possible, but just know theres someone in AL that is thinking about you and praying for you. May God bless you, HE will see you through this!!!
Becky said…
I am so sorry. you are in my prayers...
jenn said…
I am sorry and I am praying for you and your family.
Blessings and peace-jenn
ezeldabeth said…
i can't even imagine, my heart breaks for you. continuing to keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Debbie said…
My dear Sam, I am praying for you and here for a talk anytime.
Love, Debbie in Ohio
rapunzel said…
Oh Samantha, I am so sorry. You're right, heaven holds all your precious babies.

You're in my prayers.
Renata said…
Praying that God will hold you very close during this time.
mary said…
You are in my thoughts and prayers. I am so sorry for your lose
Mrs. S said…
Samantha, I am so very sorry...
Praying for miraculous peace and unshakeable comfort from the One and Only who can give it.
Heather said…
I am so very, very sorry. You and your family are in my prayers and thoughts.
Anonymous said…
Thinking of you.
Fiona X
needlekrafter said…

My heart ached for you and your family when I read this post. Praying for you and the Lord's close presence and comfort during this difficult time.
April said…
OH, Samantha... I'm so sorry. I had no idea until reading this just now. Jesus, Bless this sweet Mama.

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