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Meet the newest employee of The Handmade Dress....

Maddie is her name (Miss Madeline named her)...and she is the most well behaved little thing! She is polite, doesn't make messes, and she never complains about trying on clothes whenever I want her to...She is also very photogenic. I've only had her for a day and a half and I already love her! I've been wanting one just like her for awhile now but was too intimidated to make my own, I finally tackled it last night with Ben's help (well and Miss Madeline of course) and it was so stinkin easy. And cheap! There are lots of tutorials out there for making dress forms for women (that's what I used) but I couldn't find any on child's forms. So I'm thinking if there are enough people who want to do this I will do it again and take pictures. Interested?

Oh yeah...the skirt. Madeline picked out a surf style knit version of this skirt at Walmart the other day, but I wasn't really diggin it, it seemed too grown up and teenagery (Yes, I know that's not a word but you get it.) so I came home and made this more "little girl" version of my own. I also found a pattern that is similar HERE at Marie Madeline Studio if you want to make your own. It looks like the only difference in theirs and mine is the width of the ruffles.

I did talk Madeline into a little picture taking....but she was so grumpy, nothing like her body double Maddie. But I guess we will keep her anyhow, she is kinda cute when she's grumpy....and I like that she has a head and legs too.

The beach trip was everything I hoped it would be and MORE! We had the best time! I didn't get to post everyday because the internet connection was so insane at the beach house, it took hours to post the first time and I couldn't be bothered with frustrating things like that at the beach! In a way I was sort of glad that we couldn't really access the internet...It was like having a real break from everything, and I needed that. I have other news to tell but it's all so random that I just can't fit it in, so I decided to close with a list of "random facts from The Caffee Farm".

Here we go:

:: Maddie cut her leg shaving last night. Yeah, she's the three year old, I have got my hands full I tell you.

:: I've been a little bummed out and discouraged about something the last couple of stinks. I get my feelings hurt too easily and I hate that about myself.

:: We have new chickens and we are hatching out more soon for meat. That scares me a little, but I'm hangin in there. It's part of life and I need to just get over it.

:: On the way home from the beach Ben "let" me drive while he took a nap. 45 minutes later I realized I had been driving the wrong way on the interstate when I started seeing beach signs again. Who does that? Seriously! I drove almost 70 miles before I realized it and added about an hour and a half to our trip. Ben laughed at me and I cried....It's funny now. I've been known to add as much as 3 hours to a trip by driving the wrong way, so this time wasn't *that* bad I guess.

:: We have our first meeting with our social worker in the morning!!! This will be our first official part of our homestudy. I get all tingly with fear and excitement every time I think about it! YAY!

I missed you guys!




Mindy said…
Adorable dress form, and the grumpy girl is adorable too! I got a little giggle out of your wrong way episode, I'm sorry, it's just that I'm incredibly directionally challenged and it's sorta nice to know I'm not the only one. I'm sorry your feeling got hurt, I've spent a lot of time there too. It is the down side of being a sensitive person, but the up side is that we are compassionate, and bear other's burdens which makes us able to intercede more often than those who aren't as sensitive. I hope your meeting goes well.
pfarmwife said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
6blessings said…
Love your new "Maddie"! A tutorial on how-to would be great! I know I would really appreciate that.

So happy to hear you had a nice vacation-sounds like you wanted it to last a little longer! LOL!

Know that I'm praying for God's will in the adoption process.
pfarmwife said…
ok...Madeline also has arms...and hugs are indispensible. ;-) YES, please post a tutorial on dress form making. And don't feel bad about the whole chicken thing. Just do what I do....stay in the house! That is Daddy's domain...mine is the kitchen. I'll cook 'em up any way you please, but please don't make me "process" them...I'd go vegetarian I think.


ps...all I needed to do was correct a typo...didn't mean to delete the whole message!
Anonymous said…
I would love to see how you made the dress form.

On my honeymoon, we rented a video and got about 50 miles towards home before we realized we forgot to return it. We went back. I should have just mailed it, it would have been cheaper.

I get my feelings hurt too easily also. I am still working on that issue myself.

Have a great day!
Unknown said…
I've been wanting a dress form...I would love a tut...glad to see you back and refreshed!

Stella said…
In response to who does that? You can add my name to the list. ;) I once drove from Raleigh all the way to Wilmington when my actual destination was Atlanta and didn't notice till I saw the beach signs too. Sadly I'd made the trip many times beforehand.
And I would love a tutorial since my toddler never stands still long enough to get good modeling pics.
Pomona said…
You are so clever! And that grumpy little face is just as good as a smile. We have had our ups and downs recently, and I had so many lovely comments when I mentioned it in my blog it made me feel better. So I'll say to you to, what I say to myself - when it's really bad the only way is up and every cloud has a silver lining. And I hope things do look up for you, too.

Best wishes, Pomona x
Meridith said…
I love your dress form and would really love a tute! I read your post and thought you meant wrong way like you were driving on the wrong side of the road. I was happy to figure out what you really meant!
jenn said…
Oh gosh, I can so relate to the wrong way on the interstate story! I am so bad at directions, I have done that, more than once! So sorry, it is a terrible feeling esp. when all you want to do is get home. I am keeping your family in my thoughts and prayers that your homestudy process is a wonderful one. Of course the skirt is adorable, grumpy little girl more so! I too, would love to see more details on the form. It is just perfect!
tara said…
I have driven in the wrong direction before and was very mad at the time wasted. Really, did I not realize I recognized nothing?
I love the dress form and would love a tutorial.
Stacy said…
This is a great dress form! Yes, a tutorial please!
Jody said…
Would love the tutorial on making dress forms!!!! Great post.
i'd LOVE a tut for this.

i'm a sensitive Gal too :( sorry you got your feelings hurt.

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