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waduya think? **We have some winners!**

****Miss Molly picked some numbers for me and we have four winners of the Miss Iris pattern!***
The winners are: Patty, Mindy, Jenny, and Rhonda! Happy sewing ladies! ********************
I'm trying out some new banners and graphics (since I'm having to redo my website in a more Mac friendly program). I really want to do something different, more of a hand drawn approach. What do you think? The header is a little sketch of our house, the tree house. the canoe, and even the little chicken pen down the hill. Then there are all of the dress ideas coming from my little loft in the attic. The shop will be "under construction" for at least another day, but when it's back up and running Miss Iris will be up for pre-order (and on sale of course). In fact, lets make this fun.....hmm...oh! I got it! Leave me a comment on this post telling me what you think of the header and when I'm all done with the shop (I'm thinking Monday) I will draw names for a free Miss Iris pattern! If there are lots of comments I will draw 1 name for every 20 comments, that way you will have a good chance to win. Don't forget to give me your email address in the comment too so that I can get back to you if you win.


jellaan said…
Love the new header, very cute!!
Michelle S. said…
VERY cute header! I especially like the ideas coming out of the upstairs. That is GREAT.
Sapo Verde said…
Just adorable! The handdrawn design goes perfectly with your name 'the handmade dress'!! The only thought I have is to add something to the border of the header - maybe cooresponding dashes drawn around the oustide of the rectangle as well?
Meghann said…
I love the new header, definitely goes along with the whole feel of the site. :)
Anonymous said…
Feels just adorable!! Very creative and sweet mama!!!
I like it! It's very down homey which is what attracted me to your patterns (and blog) to begin with!
Brooke said…
I think the header is really cute, and goes with the "theme" of your store name. I love it, and always enjoy your patterns!
(my email is mabelbee at if I win, which I *never* do LOL)
Denise said…
Love your new header. I have a Miss Erin who would look lovely in a Miss Iris.
Anonymous said…
cute header! love the drawing!
kelly o! said…
Cute header! I love the little drawings of all your Miss patterns!

I'd love to win and add Miss Iris to my Handmade Dress collection!
Mothermore. said…
I love the new look!

And would love to win the Iris pattern ;)

juniper583 at gmail dot com
jenn said…
Love love love your new header! It reminds me of Little House on the Prairie- with a cute twist! Those are my most favorite books ever! Can't wait for Miss Iris! said…
I love all your designs at the top. Adorable. I get the most compliments on our Miss Madeline dresses. It is a favorite!
Unknown said…
I think your header is very creative. Perfect header for your shop blog. (
Andrea said…
Oh, I just love it!! Its too cute, but my fav is the little birdies! Nice touch!

My dd loves your patterns, Iris would probably be her fav!
Stephanie said…
I think the drawing itself is adorable! My only thought is to maybe soften the outside edges a bit...give it that same hand drawn feeling! All in all, it's a great theme!

(skfuller01 at
Anonymous said…
I love the new banner-absolutely adorable and creative.

jjrenn at sbcglobal dot net
Ashley said…
So sweet! I love the drawing...I don't know if there's something you could do to make the name of the blog stand out a bit more...but I LOVE the pictures :)
Patty said…
The header is beautiful. Love your blog.
Coralee said…
I love the new header - I can't draw at all, so I am always impressed by those of you who can!
Kate said…
I love the new look. It just seems to fit your style and the adorableness (is that a word) of your patterns and such.
I think the header fits with the whole 'handmade' theme. Very sweet!
Babies and Bags said…
I love your header! So cute!
Debbie said…
Love the little design! Love the new look!
Anonymous said…
It makes me think Little House on the Prarie. In a good way :)

It is cute!

Tanya said…
I like your banner, like the hand drawn look absolutely. I think it might be more eyecatching a little wider and more vibrant coloration. Just my opinion though!
kiss1080 said…
The header look fab! It really suits the site. Can't wait for the new pattern!

Anonymous said…
I really like the new header! The only thing I would do differently is make the name stand out a little more. It's a bit hard to read with the dark pink background.
Anonymous said…
Love the new look......The name needs to stand out a little more though. It gets lost in the artwork. Glenda W
Nicole said…
I think it is adorable, and if it makes it so that I can order your patterns again (i am a mac user, and have downloaded patterns in the past, but haven't been able to recently) even better! My girls can't have too many dresses!!
Anonymous said…
I think the new header is precious. I am very excited for a new pattern and am praying you guys can add to you family soon!
Kathleen ( said…
Love the new hand drawn pictures. I think it adds to the blog.

And the new pattern looks fabulous! said…
Cute, cute, cute! Thanks for the chance to win the new pattern!
Molly said…
Love it! The thought bubble with the dress ideas is my favorite part, but I love the cozy feel of it overall.
maribeth said…
i think it is precious! and, it just seems to be very "you", or at least from what i gather on your blog;)
Mindy said…
Looking good! I especially like the little girl with the apron dress. Sweet!
Jacki said…
I love the darling look of your handmade logo. It goes very well with your site and your designs. Miss Hailey would love to wear a Miss Iris soon.

Barbara said…
Very cute! I might just make the name a bit bigger and have just the adorable dresses (might need more) all the way across leaving out the background stuff. I guess I just prefer simple and plain (maybe I'm just boring!!). It looks great as-is though. We love your dress patterns.
Marcey said…
I love the header - it looks like a dreamy place to live!

marceycarroll at yahoo dot com
calicodaisy said…
Nice! Do you draw on a computer tablet? I'd like to try that so I can scan designs into my embroidery software and digitize them. If you do use a tablet, what kind?
Anonymous said…
I love it is so YOU! :)
Amy said…
Super cute, are you going to add stick figures of your family?
Artfulife said…
It is very creative. Congratulations on the upcoming adoption.
Pomona said…
Your header does look lovely and handmade. Looking forward to the new pattern - I am just about to blog about the Miss Madeline I made - the instructions were so easy to follow, it only took me an afternoon. Thank you (and thank you for making it all Mac-friendly)!

Pomona x
shm said…
You're drawing is soo cute. But I also miss your old banner.

Treasuresofjoy said…
I love the header so creative!!
I would love to win that pattern too. said…
I love the header. It is warm and feels truly organic and heartfelt.
Feather Webb said…
Super Cute! I can't wait for the new pattern.
Karen said…
I really like the new header - I like that it is a handmade approach, which is what you are all about.
Computer generated graphics wouldn't have that same feel.
Leah said…
It's perfect, your header, I have a hand drawn header too thanks to my talented 6 year old. thanks for the chance to win another lovely pattern!
Anonymous said…
handmade is what its all can see this as soon as the site opens up...gr8 idea bubble with the dresses. just simply sooo cute.
Jenny said…
Cute! Love the little treehouse and chicken coop.
JenW said…
I like! The page with patterns comes up in a more compact way now, too. Very nice.
Candace said…
Love the folk art vibe that the header has, reminds me of samplers. I would love to win. My oldest is at the same point of maturity as Molly, no longer wanting to wear "cutesy" dresses. Thank the Lord, He gave me another daughter seven years later so I could continue the cuteness.
Austin Houseman said…
I love it! It really fits your style!!!
Shelly said…
How cool is that! LOVE IT :)
crazyestonian said…
I think the new header is lovely! It is so nice that all the dresses show on the header :)
Heather said…
I love the new header, so sweet and fresh!
( )
Rose and Ivy said…
I love the new header as well! You have a fantastic blog
Shell Hodges said…
This header is so down your alley. It is just toooooo cute!!
Evalynns Mom said…
Love the new banner... gives the feeling of handmade, which I think is what you were going for!
Veronica Cummings said…
I love the new header, it's whimsical and sweet. And congrats on being an "official" waiting family. I pray that it is a short wait.
Erin said…
I love the little sketches of the patterns! Cant wait for Miss Iris!
Patty said…
I love the new header; it catches your eye right away as the page is up loading. It also brings out such personality. In my book handmade is the way to go!
Unknown said…
I love that you have a handmade header for your handmade blog! Perfect.
no time to read right now, but I had to say that I love your new header!
Belinda said…
Delightful! Follows the motif of Handmade. Especially like the "ideas" streaming out of the attic.
Tracy said…
I love it, especially the sketches of the dresses!
Anonymous said…
Ummm, I kind of can't remember what your old banner looked like. :( But I do like a good change up once in awhile! And that looks nice! :) And I really like all the dashes along the outside of the drawing. silly, huh!
Desiree' said…
Love the new look!!
Angela said…
I love the new layout, very sweet and simple! said…
I think its cute and very appropriate. Also want to congratulate you on the adoption. My sister adopted a daughter so I have a warm place in my heart for that, and also understand what a long, difficult process it can be at times.
Rhonda said…
I think the header is great-very unique and colorful.
I would love to be entered to win the Miss Iris pattern also.
Here is my e-mail address-just in case! :)
Mrs. S said…
I love the new look-very cute. I agree with others that it ties the whole site together. I have two little ones that I would love to try a Miss Iris for!
Brook said…
So sweet and right!!! Can't wait to hear about your babies!
Sarah Doyle said…
This header is fantastic! I love it! We've just done a facelift on my personal blog, -- header and all, and now we're doing the facelift on our sewing business blog, which will be ready for unveiling in a few days. You have done an awesome job on the header!!

Sarah J Doyle blog
Meridith said…
Precious header! That bubble is going to have to get bigger if you keep coming up with more cute patterns!
Rhonda said…
Thank you again for the wonderful pattern! I can hardly wait to sew that up-I can actually sew it for each one of my daughters! :)
Rose and Ivy said…
Wow, alot of people have responded to this post!

I like the new header-- it really represents who YOU are and I can tell that is what you are trying to do

Marlya xx

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