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Thinking about Becky today...

I can't really tell the whole story because of safety issues, but I can say that Becky and her fellow soldiers are, and have been in danger. Shell, Becky's mom, was over Thursday and told me what had just happened there and it made it so real to me. You know it's really easy to be patriotic and say we support our troops and to passively think of them once in a while; but to hear a mothers tale of her daughter being in danger can make the things our troops go through for our freedom really hit home. I sat here at my desk last night thinking of Becky, trying to write this post..... Becky, a real life, a human soul, a daughter, a sister, a dear friend.....I have a face to put with this war we are's not passive, it's not safe, it's not fun, but they do it for us. They do what they do so that we can be free. I decided last night that from now on I will pray for Becky everyday like she is my daughter....Will you do the same? Can we commit to praying everyday for those who fight for us like they are our sons and daughters? Shell mentioned yesterday a story about Becky and my brother Simon....hearing that one story flooded my mind with memories of these two devoted little friends! When I wrote the post about Becky on her birthday I was remembering how she and Crys would spend the night with us and we would stay up and sing into my tape recorder! LOL! Crys and I would sing this one song (oh Crys! Remember that song?) and Rae and Becky would sing or cheer (they were in their cheer leading phase) and we would stay up giggling long after we should have been to sleep. But how could I forget Simon and Becky?? We would have them a pretend wedding like once a week! LOL! And how could I forget the day they decided to run away together! They got in Becky's dad's five speed car and tried to drive it away and ran into the carport! When our parents asked what their plans were, they said that they were going to get some money, buy Fruit Roll Ups, and eat them all day. If I'm not mistaken Shells carport still bears the scar of that little accident. I think they were around 6 or 7 years old when this happened! Can you imagine?
Becky, when times are tough I hope you will smile thinking of these little memories and I hope you will feel all of the love and prayers we are sending your way! We love you, and appreciate you far beyond what we can express in words! xoxo, Sam


Goosegirl said…
Sam, a patriotic and miracle believing mama is praying in California for your sweet and beautiful friend Becky. I will pray for her mama too. I am very grateful for women and men like her, as well as their parents for raising such amazing kids.
Anonymous said…
Sam, I saw your post on Sewingmamas. I want Becky to know how thankful I am for what she is doing. Without her, I may not be able to sit here with my 2yr old on my lap at 5:22 am because she refuses to sleep and my 6yr old and 7r old safely sleeping. Thank you for letting me have this time with my kids. It is rough at times but so worth it especially knowing that you are helping us stay safe. I am keeping you in my prayers.

My thoughts are on Becky this a.m.
Anonymous said…
My other daughter, What a beautiful post.You know I've always felt this way about your family. I am so very blessed to have this extended family. Thank-you for being there. I love you. Also, thank-you to everyone for keeping us in your prayers. Shell
Anonymous said…
We know several fellows who serve in the military and have been called to duty in the war areas. We pray for the folks in the military daily, even though the media has decided to stop reporting on the war it's still happnening and the folks that are serving need to know that us ordinary folks really do appreciate the job they've chosen to do. Thank you for sharing Becky's story, and I will add her name in with my prayers now.
Becky you and your fellow soldiers are in our prayers here in Texas. Having had many members in the military, I can pass on the words of wisdom shared with me, "Keep your head down and watch your six". My brother used to tell me that about high school. LOL Hang in there sister, you will be back here state side before you know it. Stay safe.
Rhonda said…
I will add Becky to my prayer list and pray for her daily. Please keep us updated on her.
Becky, US NAVY said…
Thank you for your post Sam. I hate that my mom had to see and hear what she did during our Skype conversation. The good thing is that no one was injured that time. Keep praying for us. I love you!
Very Verdant said…
Still praying for Becky and all our troops. I have several friends in this war and lost a cousin early in the war. I am so thankful for their sacrifice and service.
Mimi said…
Prayers for your friend Becky and all the soliders along with their families.
Misc. Muse said…
Sam- I too pray for the soldiers every day, I am a Marine Mom and an Air Force Vet. Linda in IN

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