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in wishing a very dear childhood friend and soldier in the US Navy, Becky, a very Happy Birthday all the way in Iraq! Growing up Becky was like a little sister to me. You see we lived in this really close knit community where everybody knew everybody and our moms were best friends. Her big sis Crystal (AKA Crys) was my best friend in the whole world (Molly is named after her, Molly Crystal) and Becky and Rae (my little sis) were best friends. We lived in that kind of neighborhood where the kids could play long after dark in the street, where if you did something wrong the closest mom would give everyone a good swat on the behind and send you on your merry way! LOL! We were all so close, and it was just the perfect way to grow up! Becky reads here regularly and comments often about how my kids bring back memories of the way we grew up. Becky was always an incredible person, she always stood out. When she was a kid I always thought she would end up in the Olympics! That kid could flip down the street for two blocks without stopping! She could copy the gymnastics routines on TV step for step! Well, we all grew up and Becky surprised us all when she joined the Navy in 2006. Our little Becky, a US soldier, I always knew she would have to do something HUGE with her life! We are all so proud of her! This year Becky will be celebrating her birthday in Iraq, lets let her know that we appreciate her by wishing her a big "Happy Birthday"! I asked Shell, Becky's Mom, to give me the specifics about where she has been and what she has done over these last few years and she wrote this: "Becky joined the Navy in April of 2006. After boot camp she was assigned to the USNS San Jose, which is a supply ship for 1 year. While on ship she went to the philippines, a couple of different ports in Japan, and Australia. While in Australia she went to a koala sanctuary and actually got to hold a koala. After this tour of duty she was then assigned to Guam for 3 years. Guam is kind of like Japans Hawaii. Becky has an apartment 2 blocks from the beach and many good friends in Guam. . In 2008, Becky was was deployed to Kuwait where she spent 6 months. Becky is IT so she was a liaison between the Army and the Navy. She was deployed with the Naval Air Ambulance Division (NAAD) so she worked with them. In August 2008 Becky was chosen to play softball for the Navy in the Armed Forces Softball Tournament. It was played in Pensacola, FL so her family was able to go and watch some of the games. In April of this year Becky was again deployed to Iraq. The British troops had pulled out and left behind a base the U.S. decided to take over this base. When Becky got there, there were no computers. Once the computers came in Becky had to set up about 60 computers and other machines. She is supposed to stay at this base until October sometime. Becky would love to become an Air Force Personnel and Manpower Officer. She is currently trying to switch from the Navy to the Air Force and go into the Air Force as an officer there are 37 positions available for the job she wants and they are supposed to choose the candidates for the job around August 17th so pray that this will come through for her. Becky is currently a Petty Officer second class. She has also earned her Enlisted Service Warfare Specialist and her Enlisted Aviation Specialist qualifications. Becky hopes to be able to come home soon for a visit when she leaves Iraq." We love you Becky! and we hope you will be able to come home soon! Happy Birthday!!
(Sand storms must be the pits!)


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Michelle S. said…
Happy Birthday!!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I Hope it's a day filled with laughter and smiles. Thank you for everything.

-Stay safe,

Sabrina, an AD Navy Spouse
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday! My husband is also in Iraq.
Luci from Sewing Mamas said…
Happy Birthday Becky! We really appreciate you! Hope you have a great day.
Susan said…
Becky, My family and I wish you a happy birthday and a safe return. We pray daily for all of our soldiers and their family. We will be calling you by name now. Thank you for your service and our protection. May God Bless you.
gr8tfulmom said…
You are one rocking woman! Hope your day finds you safe and smiling. Thank you
Mickey said…
Happy Birthday!!!!!
lilacsandlavender from sewing mamas said…
A very happy birthday to you, Becky, from Canada! Hope your day is special!
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday, Becky! Thank you so much for your loyal service. I hope you enjoy your special day!
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday Becky!
Becky said…
Thank you Sam and thank all of you for your kind comments. Keep praying for us out here! I love you Sam! :)
Kelli said…
Happy Birthday! My husband has done two tours in Iraq. I know it's not fun to be away from family on your birthday. Our family is SO thankful for what you are doing. May God bless you!
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday Becky. I have 2 nephews in the desert & my son is headed there soon.I hope you have a wonderful day. We appreciate all the soldiers are doing for us. God bless you.
Heather said…
Happy Birthday!
Kate said…
Happy Birthday! Thanks for all you do for us. Have a great day!
Unknown said…
Happy Birthday tooooo youuuuuuuu!!!

We are both Leos! (LOL!)

Thanks for all you do everyday!
Anonymous said…
Thank you so much for your service to our country. I hope your birthday is a special one even though you are far from home and hope you get to come home soon. God's blessings and hand of protection be upon you. I LOL at the picture of you and the sand storm.
Debbie (Just Peachy)
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday, Becky! Thanks so much for your service. Hope you have a great birthday!
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday! Thank you for serving our country. I know your hardships, my hubby has been deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. You are truly special!
Brenda said…
Happy Birthday! Thank you for all you and your fellow soldiers sacrifice for the rest of us! Praying you all stay safe!
Allie said…
Happy Birthday!!!

Thank you so very much for all you do.

Mothermore. said…
Happy Birthday Becky!!!! Thank you for serving our country!!!!

Thank you so much for all that you do to serve our great county!
Tanya said…
Happy Birthday Becky! Thank you for all your hard work!!
lissilulu said…
Happy Birthday! I hope you feel all of the support from all of us here that are so very proud to know you are there protecting us!
jenn said…
Happy Birthday Becky! While I don't know you I truly appreicate all you are doing for us here at home. It looks as if your life is being lived to the fullest! I wish you the best with your possible transfer to the Air Force, may God be with you!

Jenn in Memphis!
Kelly said…
Happy Birthday Becky!
Becky you don't know me, but my family and I wanted to wish you a happy birthday. Thank you for your service to our country. We will be adding you and your family to our ever growing list of service people we pray for daily. Many hugs and I hope you find yourself home surrounded by family and friends soon. You are already surrounded in love.
laceyjane said…
Happy Birthday Becky!!!! It was great to read about you. I admire and appreciate all of the military men and women and the service they provide for this great country.

I hope there is a special treat (beverage, candy, cake, etc) for you for your birthday.

God Bless you.
Anonymous said…
Thank you Becky!! You are amazing and deserve a great day. I know you can't be with your family today, but know that so many families appreciate what you have given up!!!!!

Happy Birthday ;)
Helenanne said…
Becky, I hope your birthday is a happy one. I loved reading about you on the blog and appreciate your service to our country. The picture of you holding your Joshua 1:9 bookmark is my favorite. Since we've never met and I just heard of your birthday today my gift to you will be to pray that verse for you. "Be strong and courageous, Do not be afraid or discouraged. The Lord God is with you." Know that this is true wherever you are or however you feel at any given moment in time. Blessed Birthday,
cnydalynn said…
HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You are my families hero for serving our country!
Anonymous said…
HAPPY Birthday ! No words can properly express the gratitude I feel for what you and your fellow soldiers do for us. Thank you for everything. God bless you.

Kim and Gracie
Becky said…
Sam, I can see how your blog helps you through everything. Your blog readers are truly amazing. It made my day to read all their supportive comments. Thank you again! :) Hopefully I will see you when I come home in October. Love you.
Crys said…
Thank you for doing this for "our" little sis... It means the world... There is no better gift than the gift of prayers at this time in her life... Thank you all for the nice comments!! I LOVE YOU!!!
Samantha Caffee said…

I hope you had a good birthday sweetie! Molly made you a card but I forgot to scan it in. I will email it to you later!

Very Verdant said…
I have been catching up on my blog reading and am sorry that I missed the actual day...

Becky, I hope you had a special birthday and thank you for your service.

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