I have started this post a hundred times in my head but I chicken out when I start to write it.....Some of you may have noticed the comment moderation that I have had in place lately. There is a reason for that.
I'm a little emotional writing about this because so much of me goes into this blog, that I feel very sad about the things that have happened.....
Let me start by telling you why I blog. I love the way it helps me focus on the important things in life, I see my children differently when am able to reflect on our days and remember all of the special moments that we shared. I love the bond I feel with other mamas all over the world who comment when I write about something they can relate to. I love the inspiration, encouragement, and love that you all have shown me through the tough times I have had over the last few months. Really, there were times that I couldn't bring myself to talk to anyone face to face but you all were here anytime I needed you. I also love the occasional email from young mothers saying that they were inspired or encouraged by something I said. It really is so rewarding.
There are times that I feel guilty when I can't play all of the fun blog games or answer every comment. I know that most of you mamas understand that raising three children, homeschooling, and running a little pattern business sometimes won't allow me to do all of the things I would like to do. I feel like the important thing is to just keep writing and sharing.
Over the last couple of weeks I have had some questionable comments (3-4 comments). My first instinct was to just delete them and move on, and that's just what I did. Then I added comment moderation so that I could weed out the bad ones. The comments have now ranged from implying that I am a bad mother; to implying that I live a fake, "too good to be true" life; to now almost making fun of our simple, Christian, homeschooling lifestyle.
I really feel like I have shared my struggles as a mother openly here. I truly hope that no one thinks my life could be too good to be true by what they read here. I am blessed to be sure! And most of my posts are about our great adventures as a family because those are the things I most want to remember, those are the things that inspire me when I look back on them. God has blessed our family so much that I sometimes can't find the words to express my feelings in words. But please understand that the few words that I write here two to three times a week are just specks of our everyday life. You are looking at my life through a very small window. We are not perfect. We do experience pain. In fact I have experienced some of the hardest struggles of my life over the last few months.
So please, be kind….If you can't find something nice or encouraging to say, please just move on.
To those of you who always have something sweet and supportive to say, thank you. Seriously, I have been so touched by your kindness over and over. I have made so many wonderful friends over these last two years. I couldn't do this without you. Thank you.
xoxo, Samantha
Do your children cry when they can't watch their favorite movie because of irritating scratches? Are you sick of paying good money for movies that are scratched minutes after you take them from the case? Do you often wish that we could just go back to VHS because you could leave them out in the rain, bring them in and use them for a coaster, and then let the baby throw it for fun and it would STILL WORK!? ME TOO ! . We have struggled for years with scratched movies that were no longer watchable, but not anymore! We have finally found the secret formula to rid you of this nasty little problem forever! . Crest Kids Toothpaste! YES, that's what I said! Kids toothpaste! . A few months back I heard some place that toothpaste would take of scratches and I tried it and it didn't work, then the other day out of pure desperation I tried it my way. IT WORKED! So I decided this kind of news could not be kept secret, I have to tell the world! So I ...
I enjoy reading your blog but don't always reply. I think you and your family are wonderful. Keep your chin up and know that what their issue is is theirs, not yours.
Is there a way to report these people, or block their id's?
Just keep doing what you're doing and delete the nasty stuff. No one expects you to live the life we see in your posts every minute of every day. My blog, and yours, are only small snippets of a much bigger picture and a way for us to reflect on our worlds. We all know that.
I am glad you have this place and thrilled that you make these fabulous dresses. Just yesterday Tater was wearing the first dress I made her from your Miss Madeline pattern back in the fall. Its her very favorite and she wears it with a little blue cardigan I knit for her. So you are a part of some of our favorite things... here in our little world.
Moderate the comments to make you feel better and just hit delete. Other than that... don't change a thing!
Hugs... Marie Grace
We, too, live the Christian, homeschoolers, trying to keep up with it all, but have fun life. It's hard work, but worth it over and over. When people attack these things, the very core of our daily lives, it hurts. My blog is all screen names and vague locations as I actually had a person sending nasty, mean, and borderline threatening emails to me when the twins had been home only a couple months. I still wonder how people have such mo free time and such a mean spirit.
On a side note, did you get the pics I sent. The dresses are adorable and I love the pattern!
Don't let these people change anything you do. Your blog is so "real" and I love to read it. Your writings are comforting and inspiring. I feel at home here. Take care.
Don't be discouraged; I am always so blessed by your blog...by the chance to take a break and just enjoy something happy...there's nothing wrong with choosing to focus on the blessings in your life.
These comments are only being left by people who wish they had what you have. If the person took the time to really read your blog they would see you are a "real" mom of three kids.
Keep on doing what your doing and don't let them get to you. Id really miss your blog if you stopped posting and I wouldn't enjoy it as much if you changed it.
Mean People Suck!
Still making these Miss Mollys! LOVE that pattern!
I enjoy reading your blog and getting that small peek into your life. I wish I had more time to comment as well; you are a warm hearted lady who shares so openly. Thank you for YOU.
Please don't stop blogging!
A few weeks ago I was the one who posted the comment about you being a bad mother. But now the Lord has convicted me, and now I am persuaded to say I'm sorry. I want you to understand that about a year ago, I did the same trick on my little girl, and to make a long story short, she didn't make it. When I saw the video of your son, it just flooded my mind with memories. Though I know that it was no excuse to say what I said, I hope you will find it in your heart to forgive me.
I have been looking through your blog, and I realize how much you love your children, and that you would never see harm come to them. So once again I'm so sorry.
"delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." psalm 37:4
I will never understand why people feel the need to just be down right mean to other people for absolutely no reason. I come across many blogs, some I read and never go back to and some I add to my bookmark and anxiously await the next post! Yours is one I check every day. I love reading about your family. I think its so wonderful to read about someone who loves their husband, kids and their life. You do have much to be grateful for, as do a lot of us, you just choose to express it!
Don't let the bad guys change you. We love you and look forward to seeing what you guys come up with next!
And by the way, I finished my first (of many) Miss Madeline dress. My daughter woke up and saw it on the chair. She had it on in 2 seconds and hasn't taken it off yet! She said, Oh Mama it is so beaut- i- full! Thank you so much for creating such a great and easy to use pattern that turned out exactly like it should!!
Oh Deborah,
I wish I could just hug you! I forgive you! Oh mama I am so sorry!
I understand now exactly what you mean! I know that I speak out of emotion and before I think more than I want to even own to. After going through two miscarriages in these last two years, sometimes when people complain of being pregnant "again" I often want to give them a piece of my mind. I know this doesn't even compare to what you must have felt, but I understand now why you would have wrote that.
Please don't give it another moments thought! I could never hold any hard feelings against you, you dear sweet mama. Oh, I am so sorry for what you have been through. My heart was just so heavy after reading your comment...I just can't even find words to tell you how sorry I am. Please keep coming here. You are welcome here anytime. I would be honored to be your friend. You showed great courage in coming back to apologize, I know you are a wonderful person. Thank you so much for writing back. My heart is just so full of compassion for you, I know we will be great friends.
Thank you again for coming back...it really meant a lot to me.
Thank you so much. I have been waiting since I posted my comment to see if you would respond. I now know that both God, and you have forgiven me. I am sorry for your loss, for I have never had to go through the pain of miscarriage. I promise to come, and visit your blog often, and I also promise that I will think before I comment.
God Bless!
I am so glad that this has been made right! I feel so much better. God is so good! He can replace a situation like this with such a sense of overwhelming love! Isn't it beautiful!
I just wanted to say that your blog as made me at times roar with laughter and at others cry because of what you have been through. You capture the spirit of life in the lines you wirte for us. I check in each day to see what or if there is anything new. Your blog allows us to see that life is not all a bed of roses and that the likes of me don't feel so bad at our imperfections. There was only one perfect being on this earth and none of us can come close to him even if some people might like to think they are. Please keep writing the way you always do. Remember that those who only have time for unpleasantness and rudeness are to be pitied as they must have a strange outlook on life.
The very best and kindest wishes,
I surely appreciate all of your hard work and always look forward to seeing what is new.
Debbie (Debrond)