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Yay! A sewing post!

This is the other project that I started last weekend - well really the two other projects, I made two of the same bag. They were some other baby gifts that I have been needing to finish for a couple of months now. Don't ya hate when you get behind on sewing like that?! It makes me twitch. I was so happy to have these finished that I sent them off before I could get good pictures of them. These pictures were taken at about 10:00 at night so they are not that great. We do what we can, right!
The fabric is from Hobby Lobby, I could not resist the sweet little cowboys! They are so cute! The bags have two huge pockets on one side (one for diapers one for wipes), one bigger pocket on the other side with a snap at the top, and a little cell phone pocket on top of that one for mama. I hope the mamas like the bags!

I just have to share this conversation from two nights ago, it involved me, Molly, and Tim.

Molly: Mom, watcha cookin?

Me: Chicken Pot Pie...

Molly walks around the corner and says: Tim! We are having Chicken 'Pop' Pie! Do you know what the chicken pops are? It's a disease that you get all over your body and it itches so much you just want to die! I love chicken pop pie! YAY!

Now keep in mind when they had the chicken "pops" they all had pretty light cases. None of them had been vaccinated so they had natural cases and the spent about three days swimming in my big jacuzzi tub with oatmeal bath. Molly was the one that begged to have them again! LOL! I cooked all their favorite foods, they all got a special toy, and they all had them two weeks apart so the sick one got all of the attention. Isn't it funny how kids think? I thought it was so funny that she described it that way. LOL! Silly kids.

On to yet another subject, I'm leaving town! Whoo hoo! We are leaving for the beach tomorrow! This time we will be spending the week with Ben's parents and all of his brothers and sisters, which means my sis will be there too (my little sis married his little brother). Remember Ben is the oldest of 12 children, and three of those children are married, so this means a house FULL of fun! The kids are so excited, they have been packing their "most important" toys for the trip for the last two days. The word on the street is we will have high speed Internet there -OK not really on the street, but you know what I mean- so I may not be around blog land much while I'm there, but if the rumor is true I want to try to post a picture everyday. Guess we will see when we get there! I think that getting away for a few days will help me so much, I'm ready to have some fun and cut loose. There is always lots of "cutting loose" when you are with this group of kids (each of my children have an aunt or uncle the same age as them- yes, this means I was pregnant with my Mother in law three times). I can already see many many volley ball tournaments in my near future, hopefully some late night poker (no money involved though), lots of good old fashioned junk food, and DIET SUNKIST....*singing* ahhhhhhhhhhh!......It will be perfect!


Joy said…
That is too cute!

So happy that you're getting a chance to cut loose! Hope you have a great time.

But I think I am going to have to disown you by virtue of the diet Sunkist. :D :D :D :D
Myra said…
Enjoy yourselves. Love the diaper bags.
Molly said…
Oh, I LOVE that bag...fabric, design, ALL OF IT!!!! Cute, cute! Have a great time at the beach. Sounds like a blast.
Anonymous said…
Have a great need it
Rose and Ivy said…
The bags are great! I'm sure the mothers will love them. I think it's amazing you were pregnant the same time as your mother in law-- wow, what a great family environment your children have to grow up in- so many family members the same age!
tara said…
The bag is cute. I have big ambitions for a bag or two. Maybe yours will be the motivation I need. Have fun!
Anonymous said…
Have lots of fun, sweet Samantha! You need lots of laughs and good times. Enjoy! Soop
Anonymous said…
You certainly could use a fun getaway! I hope and know your family will have so much fun! The bag is adorable! The mama's will surely love it!
I didn't know Hobby Lobby has fabric. There's one by my mom's house, so I'll have to go in and take a look. Your bags are really cute. I love the fabric!
~LisaLou~ said…
Hi Samantha,
Thanks for commenting on my blog. I love the things kids say! I read your "chicken pops" story to my hubby last night and we got a good laugh out of it. That's what brought up our turkey story I blogged about. I had almost forgotten about it. Thanks!
I love your cowboy bag. I'm always a sucker for vintage cowboy fabric!
I know we don't know each other, but I enjoy your blog and I just want to comment on your "Bob Ross" painting story.
I know life gets tough sometimes. Especially when we go through those times when our Master is using those dark colors on the paintbrush for our lives. But don't you look back (in time) and remember the highlights He adds. Don't those dark brushes add beautiful depth and understanding to our experience here. If we were painted without those hughes, we would be flat and lifeless. Instead we become a beautiful and unique masterpiece...that is, if we will allow Him to use those colors and aren't afraid to reflect them!
We just have to have faith in Him and I have been touched by yours. I know He love you...and me too by the colors He uses on us!
Have a fun vacation with your family! It sounds like it will be an adventure!
Your new friend, Lisa
Anonymous said…
Great bags...interestingly colorful.
keep the good photos coming.
~cjoy said…
How adorable! I love those cowboys, too...what a fun print for a diaper bag.

Have a great time at the beach, Samantha.
Rebecca said…
LOVE that bag! oh my. okay, so i'm going to hobby lobby ASAP to find that fabric. it's really lovely. i'm sure the recipient will love it and get great use from it. happy vacation.
Don't kids say the cutest things?! I adore those conversations with my kids too.

Hope you have a lovely time at the beach.
Angela said…
great fabric choices!! so cute, but not frilly - my husband would even tote it around!

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