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It's almost 5am and I can't sleep.....because all I can think about is those tiny little arms and legs. God is so amazing, look what he created. I would rather have gone through all this than to have never known this little one at all. This sweet baby brought so much love and joy. Life is so amazing! My sweet children are the reason I'm here and the inspiration for everything Ben and I do, even the ones we never held. I was put on this earth to be Ben's help meet and the mother of these five children. They are all blessings from God! I'm making a conscious effort to praise God for all the little blessings around me. We have so many reasons to praise him! I want to trade my sorrows for the joy of the Lord. I know that sorrows will come, but I want to train my heart to praise even in times of great sorrow. Thank you God for this precious life!


Joy said…

"Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that confess his name." Heb. 13:15 NIV

Love, hugs, and prayers...
Anonymous said…
Weeping May Endure For A Night...

But Joy Cometh In The Morning.
Psalm 30:5

Praying for u!
Anonymous said…
You are an AMAZING woman, mother, and wife.
Rose and Ivy said…
You are so brave-- thankyou for sharing the picture with us-- look at those precious little hands!
Olivia Craig said…
God is amazing! Your attitude is something we should all try to achieve.
Melissa said…
Amen to that! You're a strong woman. (((HUGS)))
Anonymous said…
Unknown said…
I know I don't really comment as I should, but I am blessed by your blog and wanted to say I am so thankful you are rejoicing over your baby even through the circumstances!

"I will lead the blind by ways they have not known,along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them." Isaiah 42:16
SHEILA said…
I'm praying everyday for you and your family, and your for your little babies who are in God's loving arms.
The Dress Tree said…
I'm not usually great at leaving comments, but I couldn't not after reading about what's happened.

I am so, SO sorry to that you and your family are going this. I had a miscarriage earlier this year and was so happy to read that you were pregnant again.

My thoughts are with you and your wonderful family during this time.

Anonymous said…
This is a beautiful post! Thank you so much for sharing through your loss. My prayers are going up for you. Just let Jesus carry you for awhile.
Anonymous said…
I'm an athiest, but wanted you to know that I respect your faith, and also your willingness to look on the positive side. I know you have the strength to get through this hard time, and I read your blog and constantly admire your commitment to the "right" things in life: faith, love, and family. May you continue to realize how lucky we all are in this life.
Hello there,

It must have been Providence that I stumbled upon your site-I just lost a baby last Monday, after a long and difficult pregnancy. We were given the option of "terminating the pregnancy" five months ago, when severe abnormalities were detected, but chose to give life to the sweet little one who was struggling to live. She only lived for two hours, but we know that we will see her again, just as surely as you will see your little one again someday.

May the peace of Christ envelop you and your family while you heal.


Hi again!

I forgot to say that I know exactly what you mean about needing to keep busy with projects. I've had many people offer to take my children off my hands so I can rest, and to help out with housework, but I NEED to have my children around me, and NEED to keep busy, or I'll go crazy! An idle mind is the devil's playground.

Good luck and blessings again,

Bren Haas said…
This is wonderful.... you are truly an inspiration to many women. God Bless you and may you continue to be such a blessed women. You brought tears to my eyes.
Sarah-Jo said…
awww hun I havent checked your blog for a lil while so I just read your news.....Im so very sorry :(

May god bring you and your family peace

all my love iRiS
Anonymous said…
What a truly strong and loving woman you are! You are an inspiration to many. You will never know how many you may have helped or will help in the future with your honesty and integrity and your faith. My vision of you is of a beautiful woman surrounded by a brilliant white light, God's light. Continue to try to see the blessings all around you. Helen Keller said, "Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shaddows." I try to do this. It doesn't mean the shaddows aren't there, it just means that you choose to turn a different way. For such a young woman, you are very wise. Your Ben is a lucky man and your children are indeed blessed: all five of them.
Hugs, Soop

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