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Granny Square Baby Blanket Tutorial

These are the bamboo crochet hooks I bought at Smoky Mountain Spinnery, I think I'm in love! I am seriously addicted! I don't think I can ever go back. EDITED TO ADD: After several inquiries about this hook set, I gave the owner of the shop a call. She said that she is more than happy to ship, she does carry these Japanese baboo hook sets on a regular basis, and they cost $55 (they are well worth it, I promise). The number you need to call is 865-436-9080. I have been working on this blanket for an upcoming baby shower. I like it because the pattern stays the same so you don't have to carry instructions around, it's a good on-the-go project. This pattern is also great for beginners because it's good practice without the complicated pattern to follow. The pattern itself is as old as the hills, but so beautiful and classic. I worked this blanket in my three favorite girl colors, pink, white, and natural. I achieved this look by changing colors at the start of each row. I used sport weight, cotton, yarn and a size G crochet hook for this blanket.

Chain 6.

Slip stitch to beginning chain to form a loop.

Chain 3, this counts as your first double crochet. Work 2 double crochet through loop. Chain 3. Work the pattern - chain 3 and 3 double crochet - until you have four sets in the loop. Slip stitch to the top of chain 3 (in row 1). You now have your base square.

Chain three, turn, work 2 double crochet. Note: To finish the corner pictured here, I worked 1 more double crochet, chain 3 and three double crochet. In each corner of the square there will be 3 double crochet, chain 3, then three double crochet. Join with a slip stitch at beginning chain. Chain three and turn. To make this a blanket you will just keep going in rounds using this pattern:

3 double crochet , chain 3.

In each corner 3 double crochet, chain 3, 3 double crochet.

Slip stitch at the end of each round, chain 3 and turn.

When the blanket is the size you want it, chain 1, single crochet in every stitch around. If you used the cotton yarn and feel it looks a little wonky, all you have to do is "block" it. I found good blocking instructions HERE . You can now add your favorite edging or run ribbon through the holes from the row, or just do both! I hope you have fun with this old pattern. I will add a picture of my finished blanket in a few days.

Edited to add finished pictures:


I've had trouble lately with my thread getting dirty and "running" away from me. This was my solution: I took an old, small, coffee can, put a hole in the top big enough for my thread to come through, and put the thread inside. Now my thread stays clean and it stays right at my feet while I work.


Amy said…
oh oh! I can't wait to try this!

great photos and instruction
Megan said…
This is LOVELY! I was working on a wavy aphgan, but i think this is going to be started instead. :)
Nanette Merrill said…
Tutorials are so important to beginners. I think sharing talents is so important. Great tutorial!
SherryBee said…
Hi, Stumbled onto your site...
I enjoyed my visit!

I love looking at everyones pictures. Your kids are too cute!

Love the granny sqare afghan...never thought of using the cotton for it...have to catch it on sale sometime and make one...any idea how many balls it takes???

I also love your idea of the coffee container for the runaway yarn. I bought some 16oz Red Heart at Big Lots for $4 each. Two of them, you can't get the yarn out of the center, I HATE THAT!!!...I wish I had a big enough container for those big skeins to do something like that with....

I will bookmark you! Have a great day!
SherryBee said…
P.S. I forgot to mention how much I LOVE your hook! Is it wood? Is there a story how you got it?

I someday hope to own a vintage wooden hook..Maybe someday out there I'll find one.
Excellent idea! I'll be borrowing this please and thank you.
Andrea Kay said…
This is so nice. I just started this a few days ago and am curious to find out if it will look anything like yours after I block it. Currently, it's looking a bit wonky.
Andrea Kay said…
finished the blanket and it's beautiful.
Margo said…
I love your website! I saw your add in Sew Beautiful. Do you know how I can get a tutorial or pattern for the baby booties which one crochets with #10 thread? I am a novice, btw. PLEASE email me your answer! Thank you! Margo
Anonymous said…
Can you give me some advice/instructios on how to change colors. This has been something I have never been able to eliquently accomplish.

Thanks. Great work!

Samantha Caffee said…

Well there are so many ways to do this, and I have tried just about all of them! The one that works best for me has been an old fasioned square knot (you know right over left, left over right). I just leave my hook in the last stitch and tie the knot as close to the hook as possible and keep on crocheting like there is no knot. Then when I am done with the project I go back and weave all of the ends in. Hope this helps!


Anonymous said…
I love looking at everyones pictures. Your kids are too cute!
Rockin' Rah said…
Your stitches are so even and beautiful! I'm in love with your Bamboo set as well. Keep up the lovely work!
well, this post inspired me to pick up that crochet hook that has been collecting dust in my art closet for years... and i spent the whole evening practicing! now, i already have a potholder size piece of my blanket, and am so proud. before, i had only done straight crocheting. thanks for the inspiration!
Anonymous said…
I LOVE those hooks, is there a website you can post, so that people who are drooling can buy some *hint**hint*me!*hint**hint*
And what yarn is that? I think I'm in love! Especially the pink, I LOVE that color!
Samantha Caffee said…

I got those at a little yarn shop in Gatlinburg, TN. You could probably give the owner a call and see if she has any more.
And the yarn is called Paton's Grace from Michaels (you can also find it online :)


Anonymous said…
To bother you again: Can you remember the color name?
I have seen lots of pale pinks, but I don't know if they're true to the picture.....
I'll go away after this, promise.
Anonymous said…
never mind, I found it :D
Samantha Caffee said…
I'm so glad you found it! I looked and looked but I guess I have thrown out all of my wrappers for that color! I was going to check at Micheals the next time I was out to get the correct color for ya :) I'm glad you didn't have to wait oon me!

Happy hooking:)

Anonymous said…
I'm pretty sure it's blush, does that ring a bell?
Those are the same directions I found on a yarn label about 4 years ago and that's exactly how I've been making grannies ever since. Nice colors and nice hooks@~~
What is the brand name of the hook set in your picture? I have modge podge brand and it would be so nice to have a matched set of wooden hooks.
Nancy said…
Thank you for putting this pattern online. It is just what I have been looking for. I have a ton of yarn so I can make these and give them away.
Nancy said…
Thank you for posting this pattern it is just what I have been looking for. I have a ton Of yarn so I can make these and give them away.
Anonymous said…
I'm very attracted to your bamboo crochet hook set.I'm an athome mom & I do a lot of crocheting. Where can I get one just like yours. & how much is it - not too expensive I hope. Please let me know.
Here's my email add if you don't mind sending me an email regarding this bamboo crochet hook. Thanks a lot.
Samantha Caffee said…

Hello friends,
After several inquiries about this hook set, I gave the owner of the shop a call. She said that she is more than happy to ship, she does carry these Japanese baboo hook sets on a regular basis, and they cost $55 (they are well worth it, I promise). The number you need to call is 865-436-9080.

Lea said…
This is a beautiful blanket. I'm a beginning crocheter, for the second time in my life, and COULD NOT read and understand most patterns, until now!! You have made it so easy to understand. Yhe pictures help out alot. I'm waiting on grandbaby #8 (Troy), to be born any minute and I'm going to make this one for him, in blue, of course!! Thanks again!!
dan said…
i have tried this but it keeps getting wrinkled and i dont know why. do you?
Anonymous said…
I love your colour choice.... I made a similar one with Pink, White, Tan and Brown - works lovely. I am now going to start my own for a change, and stop giving them all away.. Thankyou.
Crystal Walker said…
Hey! I just started to crochet and couldn't find a square pattern that I could do (for some reason) but I tried this one and it clicked. It's very easy and beautiful! Thanks so much for posting it! :) --crystal
Dana said…
I finished the blanket and it looks great but I am having some trouble with the edging. I love the scalloped one in your photo but not sure how to do it. Do you have a pattern?
Unknown said…
When you say chain 3, do you mean 3 new chain, so not counting the loop the one that is on your hook? Or does the one one your hook count as the 1st chain? This is where I get confused. Therest of your constructions I can follow, it is just doing it so that mine looks the same...
Thank you, Claudia
Nichole said…
I'm so excited that I found this! I know it's like the oldest and one of the easiest blanket paterns, and I remember making one with my great-aunt years ago, but I couldn't for the life of me, remember how to get it started (lame, right?) I'm very visual, and either need someone showing me hands on or great pictures, and you've got GREAT pictures! Thank You!
Colleen said…
Carmine J. said…
Very nice pattern.... But a word to the wise, Never put a ribbon in a baby blanket. It is easy for the ribbon to 'bunch up' and for a loop or two to come loose and then you have something that a baby can easily choke on. Just wanted to warn everyone because my Mom has had it nearly hurt a baby.... Thanks and God Bless. I <3 Granny Squares! =]
Unknown said…
This blanket is beautiful. Can I please link this on my blog. I would use a photo with a link back to your blog.
rahma said…
That is so easy!!! I've been looking for easy crochet pattern for my new baby blanket project. Some sites give me difficulty to understand the tutorial. Thank God i found yours. Thanks for sharing, i will definitely use this pattern :)
Marybeth said…
Love the pattern and the tips - just what I was looking for!

Could you give me a rough idea of how much yarn is needed and what weight you used?

J said…
I've started working on this simple and lovely already! One question: whenever you start a new row, do you chain 3 (as the first double crochet) and then do 2 double crochets, or do you chain 3 and then chain 3 double crochets? Thanks for your help!
Hi Samantha,
I'm one of the Editors at and I just wanted to let you know I have linked to your project on our site. You can see the project and thumbnail at: I think it's a great project that our readers will just love to make. Your project is great and we know our readers will enjoy it. With that said, can we have permission to link to any project on your site as well as use the image? We will credit you, of course. Feel free to contact me at jlitz (at) primcp (dot) com.
Anonymous said…
Just to let you know, instead of chaining 3 in between each set of three double crochets, I am chaining 2. Simply because there was so much extra room there was left over chain and it made it look very sloppy. This improvement made it much more tight, neat, and professional.
jen said…
I just finished my 1st granny square blanket. It was so easy. I made the middle pink, then a wide band of white, then 2 rows of brown. It is so pretty! I did ch2 between the 3dc even in the corners and it's perfect! I'm going to make a rainbow one next, I'm hooked.
Bénne said…
soo cool, with the thread holder idea! amma do same :)
Anonymous said…
Hello again I am the person who talked about chaining 2 instead of 3, and I would just like u to know this pattern is awesome and super simple for a very young beginning crocheter like myself. It takes some time, so u must be patient I started in March and I'm still working on it. It is turning out beautiful, I used very hot pink and neon lime green and it is great! I'm gonna use ur finishing technique too! Thank u so much for the pattern! I've tried other afghans but this is the first one I think I'm actually gonna finish!
GramaBug said…
I use the coffee can tenique and put a rubber gromet (hardware store) into the center hole so the plastic won't "cut" the yarn. Works great! Friends give me their cans, since I don't drink coffee.
Anonymous said…
Hi! It is the person who talked about chaining two instead of 3 again. I just wanted to tell you that whenever I think of crocheting an aphgan this pattern comes to mind. Great pattern, super simple. Thank you so much for posting it! Great work and keep on crocheting!
Anonymous said…
I loved how easy your directions are to follow! I'm making donations to a hospital nicu and this may just be a pattern I use. I have also had the same problem with run away yarn. I am on the road a lot and finally got a yarn carrier from Hobby lobby that is made to take care of that problem as well as transport the project. I use it as home as well as on the road :)
Unknown said…
hi! Thanks for the pattern. My grandmother, who is no longer with us, made me baby blanket. It was a large granny square, and it was only about 10-15 rounds! yet it was the normal size of a baby blanket. I'm not sure how she did it!! Can you possible help me? thanks/
Anonymous said…
Can you explain how to do the edging? Thanks!

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