This is the bread that I have carefully cared for the last 10 days, mushing the bag everyday, letting the air out, adding ingredients; but it was not good enough, I just don't have it. My friend Kim is like Betty Crocker, she can cook anything and make it taste good-I on the other hand, following the directions exactly, can't bake a simple loaf of bread. My sweet husband said he liked it, and I admit it did taste OK, but it could have been so much more. If only.....
Dear bread,
Why after I cared for you so did you not rise? I thought about you every day, held you, did everything as I was told; yet it was not enough. What could I have done different? I know I did not have a proper loaf pan, but I gave you the best I had! How could you do this to me after all I have done!
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